Calls make greeting cards with your own hands often cause interest unless at school-age children. Forgery it is their prerogative rightfully considered. And therein lies the greatest mistake! Card made with their own hands - a truly unique gift, because his peers can not be found even with a great desire.

How to make a greeting card for the birthday
Birthday - one of the main holidays in the life of every human being, and, consequently, a gift to this significant date should choose the appropriate one. You need to think through all the way down to the smallest detail! Including holiday postcard.
One of the most popular options - floral, with finely crafted hydrangea buds. Make a miracle simply, having at hand simple set of handy tools: colored paper green and purple colors, puncher, which creates a flower pattern and a glue stick. In the event that the required hole punch was not on hand, you can manually cut flowers using a stencil.
In addition to the basic materials can be bought and glitter that can become an ornament for an already finished product.

Getting to the manufacture of cards, the first thing you need to do by cutting flowers. This is quite laborious occupation, it can be considered a key element of the process, because the flowers - is the main decoration of the future cards. Selectable color - lilac and purple, it can be several shades ranging from light and ending with very dark. Carved "semi-finished" is now at a time can be postponed and do design most cards. The basis will require a green sheet of cardboard, folded in half. For these purposes, it would be preferable to take a dense green paper on the back side, made in white.
To card looked spectacular on the green background can be pasted paper antique, with uneven or slightly scorched edges. Thus, the card will become quite unusual, truly ancient appearance.
Now you can safely proceed to attaching colors. Of them can make an exquisite bouquet or scattered on the surface in a random order. At the same time, it is important to monitor and to ensure that each petal has been carefully attached - otherwise the card may fall apart before handing birthday. The finished product can be abundantly bespangle and necessarily decorate festive inscription - birthday.
For those who are not the owner of a calligraphic handwriting, offered the opportunity to sign with the help of pre-prepared application. And, of course, do not forget about wishes that the giver is sure to come up with your own! After all, sincere words, invented with a soul, will certainly be more expensive than any presents! Needless to say that they should also write your own!
Postcard for lovers with their hands
As a rule, the interest in postcards with their own hands at the lovers appear on the eve of theme parties. However, to please his mate Present uncomplicated as possible and in any other day, regardless of the reason! Moreover, that make such a pleasant trifle will not be difficult, and practically will not take time.
One of the most original options - heart octet, which is necessary for manufacturing prestage stencil. Of course, it can be easily found on the Internet, but in most cases do without a layout very easily. In fact, this volume will step the heart, which is the main product decoration.
Its simple and, at the same time, the intricate design will certainly satisfy even the present men - because octet heart - a gift, unique is not found even in the most expensive stores.

Subsequently, the main structure must be securely mounted on a stencil and decorate to your liking. It can be glitter, wishes and even good advice - it all depends on the triumph of reason. By eight-little heart you can easily attach and special stand, which will make it no longer a postcard, and this statuette.
The perfect gift for lovers become voluminous card composed from multiple hearts. To start from the thick white paper, you need to cut two closely adjacent to each other's hearts - they will become a kind of basis for future products. The second step will be the production of similar hearts of red paper, is already in the amount of three pieces, but smaller. This preform is mounted inside a large heart, and only two side edges! The rest part is in "free flight".
If desired, this card can also be a three-tiered, but its implementation will require extreme concentration and virtually jewelry work!
Of course, a present for the second half is not limited to just a postcard. It - it's a kind of addition, an eloquent testimony of how unique the giver for the one who receives a gift. After all, to his surprise, it had spent most expensive, than has the man - this time.