Cockroaches - these are the most unpleasant parasites that lodge in the human habitation. They are not only disgusting to look at, but are carriers of dangerous diseases: dysentery, hepatitis, tuberculosis, and helminths etc. To get rid of cockroaches is quite difficult, but if you act in different directions, then the war with cockroaches can win.
- Causes of cockroaches
- Addressing the causes of
- Destruction of modern drugs
- Insecticides in aerosols
- Powder, pencils, gels
- Insect traps
- Call specialists for disinfestation
- Traditional recipes
- space freezing
- Boric acid
- Vegetable oil
- orange peel
- Safety regulations
Causes of cockroaches
First we need to know that these insects appear only in those dwellings in which all conditions are created for them. Attractive to cockroaches cluttered and dirty premises with the presence of food in the public domain. Because you need to decide how to get rid of this, the most important problem. Do not fix it, it is simply impossible to achieve the disappearance of parasites.
To get rid of cockroaches is not so hard as to prevent their further occurrence. Therefore, it is necessary to begin with the prevention of recurrent relapses. Solving the problem of how to get the cockroaches out of the apartment, it is not necessary to consider the scale of the home, and the whole house. Effective way of elimination will only be simultaneous relief from all nurseries.
To bring all the cockroaches, it is necessary to negotiate with neighbors on joint disposal. Least - bypass all neighboring apartments. But the best effect will be only when we manage to agree with the owners of apartments in the house. It must be addressed together, in what way will be processed by the insects 'home' ground floor, if the house there is one.
With a significant infection apartments need to jointly define the means by which it is best to poison cockroaches.
Addressing the causes of
The most important task - is to bring in an apartment uninhabitable in terms of parasites. If it's got to do something to bring the insects to be quite simple.
Need to follow the simple rules:
Dry it thoroughly at night the sink and bath, depriving insects they need a drink;
- Constantly clean food in places that are inaccessible to pests, hermetically zapakovyvaya them;
- Regularly clean the trash, and install it in the kitchen so that cockroaches have not been able to eat its contents;
- Carefully clean up not only on visible places, but also under the refrigerator, tables and lockers.
Though it is quite simple methods of struggle, homeowners with "shared bedroom" they are used infrequently. Because of this, they need to constantly look for ways to what and how to bring cockroaches forever: folk remedies or purchased insecticides.
Destruction of modern drugs
To get rid of cockroaches can be in different ways, each of them takes time, and requires a different approach.
Insecticides in aerosols
The main advantage of this tool - total destruction of parasites, complete processing and faster results when properly selected drug. To display the cockroaches, it is possible to resort to these means.
The most effective and well-known aerosols:
- Dohlos;
- Dihlovos;
- Raid;
- Combat;
- Get;
- full face;
- malathion;
- Told;
- Raptor;
- Medilis Tsipter.
The disadvantages of these funds may be considered the high costThe need to leave the premises to all tenants (necessarily inferred from children's homes and home pets, as they can be very toxic poison drugs), as well as very time-consuming process.
Using aerosol insecticides, be treated the favorite location of cockroaches, spray the drug in the air for a few hours to close the room and leave the apartment. After returning home, the apartment should be well ventilated, clean, perform wet cleaning.
Powder, pencils, gels
This is the same insecticides, but made in a different form. They work a little longer, but there is no need to leave the house when they are used in the home.
The most effective means of They are as follows:
- pencil - Masha;
- dusts - Clean House, Feverfew;
- gels - Raptor, Brownie, Globol, Sturm.
These funds will not only help in the home to quickly bring the insects, but they are completely safe for humans and pets. Most importantly, these drugs are very inexpensive, you can buy just the amount needed for the disinfection of all premises.
Each of the formulations must be applied in different ways, they are also different. The effect of their use can be seen Only a few days.
If you want to process the inner surface of the microwave oven, refrigerator and other household appliances, it is necessary to pay attention to the pencils, and gels. Causing a strip of the drug, it can be seen that after a while the insects in the device will no longer appear.
Insect traps
Traps can be of three types:
Poisonous. Inside the trap is poison. Insects are attracted because of the smell.
- Electrical. It can be used repeatedly. Kill cockroaches electrical discharges.
- Sticky. This structure where the sticky substance applied. As a rule, have a pleasant smell for cockroaches.
Traps are only suitable in cases where the insect bit or their occurrence is seasonal in nature. Cockroaches are going to smell the bait, but inside the trap glued on a special substance and die. There is also a trap, where the bait in its composition contains poison. The manufacturers of these tools assure that poisoned cockroach will have time to get to their relatives and to poison the bulk of them. The method is quite simple, inexpensive, but effective only for a small settlement of insects.
Please note that some traps are used only for the disposal of ordinary cockroaches. So when in the house there are American or black types, it is necessary to resort to other methods of struggle.
Call specialists for disinfestation
To date, the major cities of special services poisoned insects in the apartment. This option is quite expensive, because an exterminator cause only in extreme cases, with significant insect infestation at home. Professional services are used more powerful and toxic insecticide. Consequently, the cockroaches disappear completely and very fast, but clean up the apartment after specialized treatment much more difficult. It is also necessary to respect the safety of the owners of the home, as the funds are used by an exterminator, are highly toxic.
One of the advantages of this method - no need to think about how to bring yourself out of the apartment of cockroaches in the home, as their service completely destroys, giving a guarantee for a certain time.
Disadvantages call professionals - high cost (from 1500 rubles per one-bedroom apartment), As well as the need for prolonged absence of not only the owners of the apartment, but also their pets: leave the home after the treatment you need at least a day.
Traditional recipes
This way of fighting is not as effective, however, when a small number of cockroaches, he is quite able to help. Professionals advise to use folk remedies in conjunction with industrial chemicals.
space freezing
The method is quite original, but it is very effective, especially in the northern regions of the country.
The mechanism of operation is quite simple: you have to turn off the heating system, heaters, open the windows and let the house of a good "promorozitsya". If the outside temperature is below -15, it will need 4-5 hours to completely get rid of not only directly from the cockroaches, but also all of eggs and larvae. For efficiency, it is desirable do not go home at about 7-12 hours.
The advantages of this method is the ability to destroy cockroaches free and fast, but also safe for humans and animals.
But there are drawbacks: if the apartment is heated, then the process can damage the radiators, pipes, electric heaters. For natural reasons, this popular method is available only in the winter.
Boric acid
Often against cockroaches are used boric acid, which is actually detrimental to these parasites. A few simple popular recipes can help deal even with a significant colony:
- Equal amount of boric acid, flour and sugar, mix, pour water, knead a dough. Make balls spread out around the house.
- Take the yolk of an egg, which is cooked hard-boiled, mixed with the warm mashed potatoes, add 45 grams. boric acid. Mix well, make balls, spread out around the house. This tool is completely safe for humans and pets.
- In some cases, it is recommended boric acid powder sprinkled areas in the apartment where the cockroaches are most often: baseboards, sinks, around ventilation bin.
- It can sometimes help acid dissolved in water and left to dry near a sink. Using this method, the most important thing - is to drain the remaining water sources, causing the insects to drink poison.
Some people recommend, instead of boric acid use borax or sodium salt. For humans and animals, this means absolutely harmless, but deadly to insects.
Vegetable oil
With the help of oil at home can make a trap. It is necessary to take just a bank or any other similar container to pour a little oil, put it on the neck and on the wall. Insects come to the fragrance oil. They will climb in, and will not be able to get.
orange peel
Many say that citrus peel help repel cockroaches from the food, the smell is unpleasant to them. Dried and spread out inside cabinets orange peel or lemon juice, you can make the insects do not touch the product.
Safety regulations
Pursuing the fight against parasites, it is necessary to remember about the safety of occupants and pets. Even non-toxic drugs can cause poisoning or allergies. To avoid these side effects, you need to follow certain rules:
Powders and gels are applied only in those places, which can not reach children and pets. When the animals are in the house, it is desirable to acquire the means to repel them;
- Apply sprays only in empty spaces, after using all good clean;
- By calling an exterminator, just follow all their recommendations;
- Folk remedies also need to hide from children and pets.
Typically, in the packaging of any means is instruction, Compliance with which will make it possible to eradicate cockroaches at home without harm residents and very quickly.
Withdraw cockroaches perhaps forever. In the fight against these insects will help the chemicals or traditional ways. Most importantly, all measures taken by the complex occurred. Only in this case, you can free your home from intruders.