Rust is the enemy of metal. The affected products become unusable. In addition, it spoils their marketability. There are many ways that you can get rid of it. Typically rust is removed by chemical and mechanical means. If corrosion has not yet managed to penetrate the metal, it will be enough to wipe the product with a stiff brush. But often have to resort to more serious means.
- chemical agents
- means available
- Fish oil and baking soda
- Potatoes and vinegar
- Citric acid and oxalic
- Lime and salt
chemical agents
To remove a metal corrosion using various chemical methods. Hydrochloric or sulfuric acid, in combination with an inhibitor. Corrosion on any metal disappears when using an aqueous solution of one of the acids with the addition of hexamine, which is an inhibitor, which does not form rust. It can not be as aggressive acid used without inhibitors because they do not allow metal collapse during the removal of rust.
If subjected to corrosion Latches or small metal parts, They must be immersed in the solution, which consists of:
- 0.5 g of hexamine per liter;
- 5% solution of sulfuric or hydrochloric acid.
Major elements of metal treated in the same solution using a brush.
In some use as an inhibitor potato tops. To prepare the agents take:
- three-liter jar and fill it with half-potato leaves;
- It is poured into hydrochloric or sulfuric acid so that it is slightly covered potato stems;
- content needed for 20 minutes stirring constantly;
- decanted and is used for removing corrosion.
The following method - application means which converts the rust. As a result of its use in corrosion becomes redder durable coating. For this purpose, taking 15% or 30% aqueous solution of phosphoric acid and applied it to the surface damaged by corrosion, by spraying and the product is left to dry on the outside.
If the items severely affected by corrosion, they are recommended to treat the following chemicals for rust removal:
- Take 100 g liquid paraffin or petroleum jelly and 50 g of lactic acid. ANDof a mixture of these ingredients is prepared. Acid promotes rust conversion into a salt which dissolves in paraffin. The cleaned metal surface should be wiped dry with a cloth soaked in vaseline oil.
Take 0.5g cream of tartar5 g zinc chloride and mixed in a 100 ml water. Due to zinc chloride creates an environment with high acidity, resulting in rust easily dissolves under the action of acid.
If you need to unscrew the nut, which prirzhavela, it is enough to moisten with turpentine or kerosene and leave for some time. After that the nut can already be moved.
means available
Each method is specific in its own way. Currently there is a huge range of manufactured chemical compounds. Cope with rust and can be improvised means, which can be found in any home.
Fish oil and baking soda
Well helps to remove corrosion on metal fish oil. It is necessary to put on the problem areas and leave for several hours. Such means facilitates rapid removal and creates corrosion on the metal thin film, which will further protect it from re-rust.
Next tool - use baking soda. It needs to be added to the water in an amount such that the consistency it resembled a mask for hair. The resulting mixture was treated with the problem areas and leave for 30 minutes. After that, the surface is rubbed a metal scraper, and if rust could not be removed, then this procedure is repeated.
Potatoes and vinegar
With a slight lesion of iron corrosion using potatoes, which helps to quickly remove rust. To this raw potatoes are cut in half, fresh cut rock salt sprinkled or spread onto soap and then thoroughly scrubbed rusty place.
To clean the metal object, is mixed in equal parts of acetic acid and lemon juice and applied to rust. This means perfectly removes corrosion on metal and red stains on clothes. Exposure time for the metal amounts to several hours, and for fabric - about 20 minutes. After this time the rusty stain on the fabric is rubbed with a brush, and on metal - steel wool. After removing the rust thing you need to wash.
Citric acid and oxalic
Cleaning the metal from corrosion helps strong solution of citric acid, for this one liter of water taking means 3 sachet. The resulting liquid must be brought to a boil and turn off the gas. The hot solution was placed damaged items (bolts, nuts, pliers, screwdrivers, wrenches, etc.). Water thus immediately starts to bubble. Soak products must be not less than 8 hours. Softened rust was removed with a sponge or brush.
Procedure involving the use of oxalic acid should be carried out in a well-ventilated area. It should be especially careful: wear rubber gloves, gowns and goggles. If acid gets into your eyes or on your skin, it will cause severe burns.
To prepare a solution for the removal of corrosion, it is necessary to add a cup of warm water 4 tablespoons acid. Before soaking metallic object washed with dishwashing liquid and dried. The product should be in the solution for about 30 minutes. Thereafter, using an old toothbrush rust is removed from the subject.
Lime and salt
Acid salt with disastrous effect on rust. Citrus be cut in half and squeeze out as much space on the rusty juice as possible. Wet areas need to sprinkle with salt.
Lime peel and do not discard, because it will be used as a "sponge" when cleaning rust softened. After 2 hours, you can try to remove the oxidation of the metal. If you give in, it is bad, then you should wait for some time. Lime can be replaced with a lemon, but it will not be as effective.
Thus, in order to remove rust from metal objects in the home, you can use a variety of ways. Any means for this purpose, and is very toxic to man and to the metal. It is necessary to take precautions not to accidentally hurt yourself.