Windows tile in the bathroom last a long time. But if the water after each procedure, the surface is not cleaned, then eventually the seams between the tiles will lose their original appearance and become dirty. They settle lime deposits, dust, moisture, and sometimes mold and fungus.
- Causes contamination of seams
- Traditional methods of cleaning
- A solution of ammonia
- Baking soda
- Vinegar, baking soda and lemon juice
- Soda with white
- chemical agents
- mechanical methods
Causes contamination of seams
Increased humidity in the bathroom and the use of household chemicals for swimming are the main causes of pollution seams. Completely prevent this process is impossible, but you can to cope with its consequences.
The seams between the tiles on the floor and walls can become dirty due to improper use and installation technology during repair:
- Caring for the surface made out of time.
- no heating in the bathroom.
- In a damp room is no ventilation.
- Sutures were not cleared of glue.
- Grout without a protective coating.
- During repairs to the foundation was not applied primer with protection against mold and mildew.
Dirty joints can ruin the appearance of even the most expensive tiles. If the pollution is not to fight time, the gaps can be got mold or fungus. To cope with them is much more difficult.
Traditional methods of cleaning
Thrifty housewives can use manipulatives and safe health facilities. Their choice depends on the degree of contamination of tile gap and the absence or presence of the fungus.
A solution of ammonia
Return appearance tile and clean it from limescale can use ammonia. For this should prepare a solution:
tablespoon spoon alcohol diluted in two liters of water;
- pour the solution into a plastic bottle and a spray to wet them dirty surfaces;
- 10-15 minutes with a damp sponge to wash dirt;
- wipe clean the walls and floor with a dry cloth.
a field processing tiles shine like new. Moreover, ammonia has antimicrobial properties and is able to protect some time the material of the mold.
Baking soda
The easiest method - is use of sodaWhich is almost always there in every home. Nothing complicated do not have to do with it. Simply diluted to a paste with water, applied to the seams and dirty to clean them with a toothbrush.
Tile gaps in the bathroom floor just sprinkle baking soda, which is moistened with an atomizer. After that also used an old toothbrush. Soda purging with joints washed 15 minutes after treatment. This antiseptic can be used to prevent mold in the bathroom.
Vinegar, baking soda and lemon juice
Not only dirt but also on the fungus can clean the gaps between the tiles a mixture of soda, vinegar and lemon juice. Means preparing three tablespoons of baking soda, which is added to a solution consisting of the following components:
- water - ½ cup;
- lemon juice - ½ st. l;
- 9% table vinegar, ¼ cup.
The soda solution should pour slowly, because it will be a strong reaction. On the effectiveness of the resulting mixture can be compared with the best industrial cleaning agents.
On seams composition applied by brush. After 10 minutes, the mixture is dry, it is necessary to apply a new layer of the composition. After 15 minutes, the walls and floors thoroughly rinsed with water. Wash dirty gaps can be one of vinegar, which is spray applied to the problem areas. After 10 minutes, washed off with a sponge tool.
Soda with white
Adding baking soda or white liquid chlorine bleachCan be obtained mixture, which cleanse from dirt, mildew bleach and tile gaps in the bathroom and in the kitchen. If the seams are on the walls and the floor color, this tool is not suitable.
White or bleach in the soda you want to add this amount to obtain a paste-like mixture. In ceramics it is applied with a spatula and held until dry. From the surface facility side china washed rigid sponge or brush.
chemical agents
When choosing a cleaner for tile gaps in the bathroom, you should pay attention to the composition. For color seams are not suitable drugs with bleach. Their use can change the color, making it uneven and faded.
The most popular and effective tools are:
HG - intended for cleaning seams does not contain any bleaching agents, so it can be used for color gaps. The drug is mixed with warm water in a ratio of 1: 4 and a brush or sponge is applied to problem areas. After 10 minutes, the gaps need a little rub with a brush, then rinse with warm water.
- "Mellerud" - cleaner for tile on the walls and floor in the bathroom and in the kitchen. Fresh contaminants are removed with a solution of 125 ml per 10 liters of water. If the dirt on tile inveterate, it is washed with a drug in a pure form. You just need to apply the liquid with a sponge on the surface, and after 10-15 minutes, rinse with water. "Mellerud" copes with invisible dirt, dried-up water, soap residue and freshens seams.
- BOZO - highly concentrated cleaning agent for removal of a tile and the tile joints in the bathroom dirt, lime, rust. The drug eliminates odors and disinfects gaps. Before use, is diluted with water 1: 4. For cleaning ingrained dirt and inveterate remove fungus used undiluted concentrate.
- "Atlas of the Dolphin" - emulsion for the treatment and protection of tile joints. Grout penetrating into the pores, it forms an impermeable moisture, dirt and bacteria film. Therefore, it is recommended to apply an emulsion immediately after the installation of ceramic tiles and sealing grouting. In this case, the dirt, bacteria and especially in the gaps will not accumulate. Before use, the drug is not diluted, and fine brush applied to the joints.
- "Domestos" and "White" - chlorine-based products. Any of these means is applied for five minutes to problem areas, and then thoroughly rinsed with water and wiped dry with a cloth. When they are used, be sure to wear rubber gloves and a respirator, because the evaporation of these funds poisonous. Washed white or Domestos bathroom will need to be well ventilated. Allergy-prone people they better not use it.
Melamine Sponge is not a tool for cleaning. This cleaning agent with which contamination simply erased. At the same time, along with pollution and cleared a sponge. But it is worth it quite inexpensive and operates effectively and quickly. You just need to moisten the sponge with water and wipe the seams.
- Special whitening pencil or marker - a means to restore the whiteness clearance and destruction of bacteria and fungi. Use a pencil is very simple, and its effect lasts long. Seasoned handle special solution with fungicides. Means bleaches, it acts as a lacquer, covering the seams with a protective film. It is odorless and non-toxic. That the gaps become clean, pencil you need to spend on them and allow the solution to dry.
mechanical methods
To cope with pollution without gaps can be solutions, using for this only mechanical methods:
- If there is a steam cleaner, it is possible to use superheated steam, which is under high pressure will soften and remove any dirt. Thus there is a material handling high temperatures, which will help get rid of mold and mildew. After using the steam cleaner will only need a cloth to wash away plaque. This eco-friendly method of cleaning, during which do not have to breathe harmful substances. It is only necessary to be careful with hot steam.
- Used to remove dirt between the tiles can chisel, used by wood carvers. It should have a very small diameter of curvature and a semicircular surface. If it is impossible to find a chisel, then it can be made of metal pipe. You just need to cut it along and hone the edges.
- Newly formed plaque can scrub sponge with an abrasive surface. Lather is not recommended, since soap Wednesday has no disinfectant properties, but is capable of aggravate the situation. Fresh dirt under the influence of abrasive ototretsya easily.
- If the plaque on the seams between the slabs of the surface, then it is possible to walk bent sandpaper. Use it should be neat, because of its impact can be scratched ceramics. Sanded grout nazhdachkoy washed with warm water. After removing the upper layer of dirty seams become smooth and accurate.
With the help of the considered methods, recipes and money can be returned to the tile and seams clean and attractive surfaceWhich was immediately repaired. But in order not to waste time cleaning the dirt and the long-standing fight against mold and mildew, should support the walls and floor clean.