In every house there is a reliable assistant - a vacuum cleaner. With it is possible to more quickly clean the house. It is very important for each family, which, besides doing household chores should go for another favorite work.
If the old unit does something to hold or simply broke, it should look at the new, more advanced models of vacuum cleaners. They differ not only in size, but also different types of dust collectors - can be a long time to choose. Consider these options in more detail.
- Vacuum cleaner with a dust container
- Devices with removable bags
- Container cleaning machine
- Models with aquafiltering
- Compare all options
Vacuum cleaner with a dust container
Appearance of a vacuum cleaner is almost not changed, it is very similar to its counterpart of the last century. It changes the internal vacuum cleaner filtration system and garbage collection.
The first vacuum cleaner dust and debris collected in bags, which had to shake out. With time there were modelsIn which dust and debris collected in packets of paper or fabric. These packages as filling thrown with all its contents, which was convenient, but costly, because it was necessary to buy new ones regularly.
Manufacturers have considered all the requests of customers and released a new model of vacuum cleaner, which has a container for garbage collection. Wherein Vacuum cleaner with bag with the production did not take off, as the demand for them has fallen.
Devices with removable bags
Every man there comes a time when the cleaning of the apartment you need to buy a new vacuum cleaner. As is known, high-quality product is expensive, but also sold such a thing every year.
The classic version - unit with a bag. Despite the new lineup, many prefer it to such an option. It's simple: dirt, dust, pet hair is collected in a special bag, which is located inside the vacuum cleaner.
This technique can be both vertical and horizontal. The horizontal model also called the floor. The model has different nozzles, brushes, and a flexible hose through which dust is collected. Move the device with the help of wheels running on the network.
Vertical model with the vacuum cleaner bag is mainly used for cleaning small areas. The exterior looks like a mop, can be powered by battery or by electricity.
The bags, which is going to waste, there are disposable and reusable. Easy to use, but are considered disposable bags are uneconomical, because thanks to them there is no direct contact with the waste. It is only necessary to monitor their content and to change the time. Due bag overcrowded litter, reduced suction power. It often happens that the bags are broken, so their content to be watched.
To save a little bit, you can use reusable bags. One such comes with a vacuum cleaner.
Garbage drives can be made from the following materials:
- textiles;
- synthetics;
- multi-ply paper.
Drives excellent hold dust made of paper and synthetic. Textiles are not characterized by good filtration. But sometimes it is not necessary to choose and buy what is on sale.
Vacuum cleaner with bag Advantages:
- small size;
- simple operation;
- bag and pulled out just shaken out content quickly;
- large storage volume;
- low noise levels;
- powerful device, and the work efficiency;
- the unit can have different sizes and different colors;
- affordable price.
But there are drawbacks. Among them:
It is intended only for dry cleaning;
- cleaner power is reduced due to the filling of the bag;
- We need additional funds for the purchase of removable storage;
- Drive made of paper, may rupture;
- disposable drives for a particular model can be taken out of production, and versatile bags can not fit - that's the whole selection.
Vacuum dust collection durable and inexpensive. Replace the bag could even a child - it's very simple. In the market of household appliances such unit is popular, and it is growing every day.
Container cleaning machine
This wonderful cleaning device has become known to consumers only recently. According to many interviewees people, the model is more advanced and practical, but she, like many others, also have their drawbacks.
The main advantage of this machine is that it is not necessary to spend money to purchase additional replaceable sacks. The dust and debris that collected as a result of harvesting, simply shake of the cup in the trash and wash bowl.
It operates the electric device on the basis of the cyclone: the whirling air is sucked in and the dust and dirt deposited on the walls of the container. Most of the bags are at least two branches. The first is designed for large debris, and the second - for small and dust.
Work container vacuum cleaner is easy to upset, if there are faults in the supply of air. This can happen because of accidentally bending a hose that has fallen under the brush curtains. Dust, which was supposed to get into the waste bin, resulting in disruption settles on the filters. They naturally become clogged.
Vacuum cleaner with a dust collecting container has many advantages, among which:
You do not need to spend money to buy garbage storage;
- easy cleaning - removal of garbage time;
- due to the fact that the container is sorted and large debris can find lost items, including buttons, small parts children's designer, small toys, and even jewelry. This is useful if a family has young children.
- vacuum cleaner can operate even with a full container;
- after vacuuming is not necessary to disassemble, it is assembled, which speeds up the cleaning process.
- cyclone principle of operation allows to protect the motor from overheating, prolonging engine life.
It is noted and device flaws. They are as follows:
- units with the container are slightly more expensive than the same with a bag;
- the centrifugal force is bad for small particles of dust and debris, causing them, settling on the filter, quickly lead them into disrepair;
- This device is able to accumulate static electricity;
- on many models do not have the power regulator, because vortices are poorly responsive to changes in the speed of the air intake;
very quickly in such models clogged filters that need to be changed, and this is an additional expense;
- cleaning vacuum cleaner - it is not a pleasant one;
- transparent plastic container due to ingress of large debris particles eventually becomes scratched from the inside;
- than cleaning container which collects debris must be cleaned regularly all removable filters - from this suction power device depends.
- noise level is higher than the vacuum cleaners with a bag;
- the device power is reduced.
Models with aquafiltering
Removable bowl has a significant advantage: no need to buy more bags. If a person shake dust out of the container unpleasant, the container aquafiltering can save him from such an event. The dirty water is simply discharged into the sewer.
The model is considered more hygienic, suitable for allergy sufferers. The contaminated air passes through the water, leaving it in the dust and without allowing it to get out again.
- You do not need to spend money on the purchase of bags;
- dust dissolves in water;
- indoor air, which is cleaned, refreshed and humidified;
- easily removed debris.
But like a vacuum cleaner with aquafiltering not all users. Its disadvantages are:
Regular drying unit disassembled. After each application of water with dust and dirt is poured, the container is rinsed and allowed to dry. This must be done to avoid the appearance of mold in the apartment.
- The unit is rather big and takes a lot of storage space, which is very important for a small apartment.
- Dust inside the air bubble, is not filtered, and after it burst, just come out.
- Vacuums radically responds to sharp turns and slopes are: bottled water, which makes cleaning enduring.
- The amount of water you need to constantly monitor the level could fall even during cleaning. It is not always convenient.
For general cleaning works best model aquafiltering as it does a better job with the dirt and dust. But daily cleaning in a small apartment, where there are children, does not provide for the use of such a unit. Here more acceptable model with a removable bagAs well as the machine is small, and the noise from it will be less, and care for them a lot easier.
If you stay in the big house can be two of the vacuum cleaner: one for regular cleanings, and the second - for the general (referring to the cyclone container). Storage space for them to eat, and get out of the whole family, with two of the vacuum cleaner, always faster and more reliable.
Compare all options
Each model has its advantages and disadvantages, and all of this greatly complicates the choice perfectly suited. But if we compare the three previously discussed options, it is better to do it point by point.
- Costs. The additional costs come from the owners of the unit with a sack of garbage. Vacuum cleaner container and aquafiltering is irrelevant.
- Tracking waste bin filling. This is important for a model with a bag and with aquafiltering. If the bag full, the suction power decreases. In models with the air is filtered aquafiltering worse.
Cleaning. In the first case, the package can be simply thrown out or shake. If the vacuum cleaner bezmeshkovoy container - garbage just poured out, and the model with aquafiltering water is discharged.
- Caution when cleaning. This paragraph applies only to units with aquafiltering that can not be sharply turning, tilting.
- Storage space. Vacuum cleaners with a bag and a container placed in the corner, but the analog with aquafiltering need to disassemble, wash and leave this state. Without this procedure can not do.
- humidification. This occurs during cleaning cyclone apparatus with aquafiltering.
Once considered in detail all models of vacuum cleaners, it will be easier to choose the model. Considering the advantages and disadvantages of each of them may have gotten in a pleasing option for something to close her eyes. Which is better: a vacuum cleaner with a bag or container - to solve those who planned to purchase this miracle technology.