Miniature cloth pouch filled with fragrant herbs, dried flower petals, spicy fruit, fragrant spices and essential oils for a long time carries out the function of air freshener and the flavor room. Pretty little thing, you can easily make your own hands. The original idea for the production of sachet pillows will help to create a unique accessory for home or a pleasant surprise for a loved one.

Materials for tender option sachet
Aromasashe - pin cushion or bagDecorated with hand embroidery, decoupage or design. Make it easy, and easy to find materials. Fillers for sachets may be a variety of components, exuding fragrance. Selected components are ground and mixed to fix the smell of the roots of violets, add your favorite essential oils and leave the polyethylene for a time. After impregnation, the mixture was added to sea salt, sawdust or rice.
Once content is ready, you can proceed to the manufacture of refined versions sachet. Improvised cushion turns incredibly beautiful. To work needed:

- beautiful lacy white ribbon;
- favorite filler;
- cloth embroidery;
- black ordinary thread;
- needle;
- thread floss desired color;
- narrow black satin ribbon;
- carved white button;
- black marker to tissue.
all materials can be found in any store for creativity.
manufacturing technology
Lace tape cut into pieces 14 cm in length. strips are then sewn shaped edge down but upper portion (edge ​​up). The resulting rectangle is folded in half face inward. The bottom and side edges are sewn, to get the sack. The inside-bag is filled with aromatic content. Basis is ready. It remains to decorate lacy miracle:

- Fabric for embroidery oval cut like a cameo.
- Sewn on the workpiece favorite flower.
- Along the perimeter of the oval ornaments drawn any pattern in black marker on the fabric.
- Ready decorative element is sewn to the pad-sac.
- Sasha tied with a satin ribbon and secured beautiful white buttons.
A delightful accessory for the home is ready. Such a wonderful gift made with their own hands, will appreciate.