Every year, from the walls of numerous universities, scattered over the vast expanses of our country, beyond the mass of young civil engineers. But to call their experts can only be a stretch. Without the appropriate long-term practice, it is only "semi-finished". As a young professional gain the necessary experience? With this question HouseChief edition appealed to the chief engineer of the management company "SOVINTEH" Vladimir Anisimov.
- Hello, Vladimir!
- Hello.
- Tell us, how did you become a true professional? How and where to gain experience?
- I once more, which went: and construction in earthquake-prone areas in Kamchatka, and construction buildings in different regions of Russia, in the Baltic States, where the soils are saturated with water, and where there are tectonic change. Everything seems to know, but I still need to regularly refer to the building regulations, to another the literature. And often, even with such an experience, not always possible to find what you need at any given moment. I just imagine what the young engineers who have experience virtually none.
At the time, the Soviet system of higher education, including construction, was to paternalism, the there, you did not have time to leave the walls of the university, how you have attached an experienced mentor who continued to teach you. In principle, the quality, the class constructor after graduating obtained after 5-8 years.
- That there is such a paternalistic system of transfer of experience?
- Yes. Without this, it is simply impossible. And now it is not absolute.
- The fact that large companies do not teach the full knowledge of the construction industry and, most importantly, the knowledge and the right technology works general contractor. They usually do not take into account the specifics of the functioning of sub-contractors. And this is a huge miscalculation. Professionals who are able to pass an entire object into operation is now very difficult to find. A thousand of professionals working in the construction industry, is hardly more than 1-2 people, and able to understand what you need to do in order to complete the project. This is the main blunder of all. That no one teaches. This gives only a certain life experience. As a rule, it is negative when a young specialist asks what he can not possibly know. They do not teach this either at school or in college. For example, what is needed is not just to build a box, and you must pass the object of the installation subcontractors. If you do this, you will hand over the object in time. If you have not surrendered, and chasing only for ruble and box, the failure clearly imminent. And we see how seemingly ready to pass the object is not put into operation, since it is not resolved questions or supply or sewerage or sewage treatment plants. That is, the integrated approach to commissioning is still no. And the failure in this area is particularly noticeable in recent years.
- Do you think that this happens because of failures in education, in training?
- The fact that builders are usually taught in the same schools as those who inspect them, and those who go to the customer service. That is, this is a general decline in the level of professional readiness for practical work affects all industries. If the customer is illiterate, and besides, more and lazy that he can tell the contractor? That's a vicious circle, and it is all going.
- Before Russia now faces an extremely difficult task of staffing specialists at all the entire national economy. Here is the demographic hole, which was formed through a difficult nineties, makes stakeholders from the government and professionals, which is something the uptake, open borders for the influx is a highly skilled workforce. Professionals from the former Soviet Union, who worked in Germany, Denmark, Norway and Sweden have the invaluable experience it to reduce the cost of production and in the selection of technical and technological solutions that significantly reduce costs construction. And there is absolutely no need to be afraid of attracting foreign specialists, as its sorely lacking. Therefore, as in any field of human activity, progress is impossible without the involvement of people, even from the side. And, looking at them, and pluck our experience and catch up.
- Thank you very much, Vladimir, for the interview.