Surely many stored stacks of newspapers and magazines that have not been re-read. But the hand is not raised, to get rid of this "wealth". Description 7 useful things that can be made from old newspapers, will not only help to solve this problem, but will effectively apply the trash.

Practical Tips cottagers
Old unwanted papers you can always find a lot of ways to apply them to the farm. For example, some of them will be valuable to many gardeners:

- Barrier to weeds in the garden. Paper waste can be used as mulch, which prevents germination of weeds and it eliminates the constant weeding. Soak the newspaper in water and wet in five layers decomposed into prepared beds. Sprinkle a little soil (newspapers can dry out and fly). Next, using a knife to make a hole for planting the seedlings of tomato, pepper and so on. Newspaper layer retains soil moisture, and also prevents the penetration of sunlight, thereby gradually sprouting weeds are killed.
- Cups for seedlings. In order not to spend money on peat pots, you can own hands to make a one-time capacity. Cut newspaper strips 10-15 cm wide, applied to a bottle diameter of 6-8 cm, 4 cm leaving hang freely. Wind the paper onto the bottle, and the free portion to form a bottom. The upper edge by means of a stapler to fasten at several locations. Plants planted directly in the newspaper cups, pre-tearing them.
- Winterizing trees. Upon arrival of winter need to wrap newspapers in 3-4 layers trunks of fruit trees to the junction of skeletal branches. Fix the paper with twine or strips of cotton cloth. Bottom barrel further wrap papers impregnated Nitrofen (means from rodents), and the top film to protect the paper from precipitation.
- Storage harvest. Newspapers can lay between the layers of vegetables. Tubers it does not lose its properties and is not amenable to the process of decay. To keep the apples until the spring, every need to wrap crumpled sheet of paper, folded in a drawer and leave in a cool place.
No need to worry about that in the newspaper page contains a different color paints - they are harmless. Does not contain chemical additives, tin and lead, from which the printing press has long since abandoned.
decoration method
The basis of the decor old newspapers are blanks in the form of strips and tubes, rolled scroll. Varying their size and color, create new interesting things:

- Basket. Of paper tubes can criss-cross various forms of containers, getting spectacular products: vases, wicker buckets to flower pots, pencil holders.
- Manicure with newspaper fragments. Perform a manicure, as usual. Then, alternately dipping your fingers into a container with alcohol, stick to the nails pieces of newspaper soaked in the same spirit. Writing to dry for about 20 seconds and then remove scraps of paper. To consolidate the effect, cover the nails with varnish.
- Plate, created on the basis of papier-mache technique. Mark conventional plate, applied to the inner surface layer of petrolatum. Then break into small pieces of thin napkins and lay their foundation. Also pasted newspaper scraps and cover with glue. The first layer is prepared. After put 5 more layers. Two days to leave the plate to dry, and then remove it from the mold.
To such an interesting chudotvorchestvu can attract other members of the family.
In this case, everyone will get great pleasure from fun and exciting time conducted.