- Causes of clogging in the bathroom
- Clearance of clogging in the bathroom
- Mechanical ways to deal with clogs
- Chemical cleansing method
- Folk remedies against clogging
- Cleaning the siphon
- Preventive measures
None of us is immune from such an unpleasant situation as cloggingin the sewer pipes. A similar problem can arise at any point of water supply, be it a bathtub, a kitchen sink, a sink or a toilet bowl. To prevent such troubles, it is necessary to regularly carry out preventive measures, as well as to clearly represent, because of which clogging may occur. Today we will analyze the situation when the bath was clogged, what to do in this case, and by what means and methods to eliminate the problem.
to the table of contents ↑Causes of clogging in the bathroom
No matter how careful the plumbers are using the apartment owners, sooner or later each family faces the question: "What should I do if the bath gets clogged?".The blockage in the bathroom is unpleasant not only because the water stops to drain in the sink, but there is also an unpleasant smell. In addition, from the dirty water begins to deteriorate plumbing, and the desire to swim in such a bathroom disappears immediately.
The runoff can be clogged for various reasons, because it is extremely difficult to track down the drain hole. It can be both hair, and a wool of animals, sprues from clothes and other fine garbage. All this is collected in a pipe and forms a dense lump, which prevents the free passage of water.
Important! First, water begins to flow slowly through the drain, and then the flow can stop completely.
In addition to violation of the operating conditions of plumbing, the following problems can also be attributed to the causes of blockage:
- Errors in the installation of sewer pipes. Incorrect pipe incline can lead to a problem.
- Contact with foreign objects.
- Formation of contaminants on internal walls of sanitary ware.
- Problems with central sewerage. In multi-storey houses, there are often common clogs associated with the problems of central sewerage. To determine this type of clog, simultaneously turn on the water in the bathroom and in the kitchen. If the litter is common, the water will not leave either in the sink or in the bathroom.
Important! Solve the problem with the central sewer system should be the management company or organization responsible for your house.
If the problem with sewerage is only in your apartment, then proceed to eliminate blockage in the bathroom, using mechanical or chemical methods, which will be discussed further.
to the contents ↑Clearing a clog in the bathroom
There are many options for solving poor water flow in pipes. First you need to determine how serious the problem has arisen:
- if the water does not go away at all, then this is a serious clog;
- if the water just flows very slowly, then this is an easy problem that can be solved by spending a minimum of effort and money.
Important! Of course, there may be exceptions to the rules, when, it would seem, a serious problem is solved in the simplest way - with the help of several manipulations with the plunger.
All methods of eliminating blockages are divided into two types:
- Mechanical. This method involves the use of tools such as:
- Vantuz.
- Plumbing cable.
- Chemical. To solve the problem, household chemicals are used.
All these methods can eliminate blockage in the bathroom without involving specialists. Use these methods and tools can anyone - from a healthy middle-aged man to a fragile young girl. The most important thing is to choose the right method for your situation, to save time and money, but to get the best result.
to the table of contents ↑Mechanical ways to deal with blockages
If there is a small clog or when it first arose, use the simplest methods: use a plunger or solve the problem with the help of folk remedies, if possible - using household chemicals.
Consider how to use these tools when solving a problem.
Cleaning the batten
In every house, for sure, there is this irreplaceable thing. Most often, the plunger is used to remove blockages in the sink, but if the problem occurs near the bathroom drain, use this simple device to solve the problem.
The procedure is as follows:
- Before cleaning, fill the bath with a little water.
- Install the air vent on the drain hole in such a way that the rubber part of the device completely covers the drain.
- The second drain hole, located on the vertical part of the sanitary ware( under the faucet), close the cork. Thus, you will not allow water and debris to get into the second sink.
- Handle the plunger several times in succession, lift it upwards and lower it downwards. Air, getting into the drain hole, will push through the formed blockage.
- Remove the plunger from the sink.
- Turn on hot water to wash off any dirt.
- If the first attempt fails to remove the blockage, then repeat the procedure several times.
Important! Using a plunger to clean the blockage in the bathroom, it is important to know the following nuances:
- Cleaning the bathroom to "dry", without water, will not be effective enough. The flow of water will better push through the garbage than just the air.
- Use the plunger for preventive maintenance regularly - then you will not run into the problem of poor water flow.
- If, as a result of eliminating the problem with the air vent, trash starts to flow from the drain, then collect it and discard it, and do not try to return the garbage back to the drain.
- Instead of the plug to create a seal, you can use the second air vent, but in this case you need the help of another person.
Cleaning the plumbing cable
The plumbing cable is a rather thick twisted wire, folded into a small spiral. At the end of the cable, for convenience, a handle with a plastic or wooden nozzle is provided.
Important! The usual length of the cable is 2.5-3 m. The purpose of the device is to hook a lump of rubbish and pull it to the surface or push the lump further into the wide part of the sewer.
To work with the device better together.
Important! Use a plumbing cable is necessary in the event that the blockage is far in the pipe or the lump of garbage is strongly compressed and the air inlet does not solve this problem.
This device is well proven in solving problems with water stagnation, but use a plumbing cable is better only for metal pipes. Plastic pipes may be damaged by the sharp end of the cable.
Procedure for cleaning:
- Insert the end of the cable carefully into the drain hole, or better - immediately into the pipe outlet.
- One person turns the cable, performing rotational movements, and the second - pushes the device forward.
- Twisting the cable solves two problems at once: passes the pipe turns, and removes the accumulated debris with a sharp end. Therefore, make sure that the cable is constantly pulled, otherwise it can be damaged and will not be used in the future.
- As the cable moves become freer, take a few quick turns back and forth to finally make sure the problem is eliminated.
- Pull out the cable and rinse it thoroughly.
- Turn on hot water and rinse off any debris.
Important! If, when deciding the issue, the bath was clogged - what to do, you preferred a plumbing cable, take note of such helpful tips:
- A plumbing cable can be purchased at a hardware store or manufactured by yourself. For the manufacture of the device, any strong and flexible wire will fit: one end of the wire bend and give it a rounded shape, the second - wrap it with rubber or a hard cloth to get a handle.
- Do not use the cable when cleaning chrome plated or plastic pipes, as the device can damage the internal surface of the pipes.
Chemical cleaning method
Quickly and easily you can eliminate blockage in the bathroom with a variety of chemicals. This method has been used for a long time, only people used to clean the sanitary ware, but now they have more perfect household chemistry. Acquire household chemicals that can solve the problem of stagnant water in the sewerage in just a few minutes, you can at any hardware store or supermarket.
Important! Especially effectively, such agents cope with pollution of organic origin, which accumulate on the walls of pipes and gradually reduce their diameter.
Household chemicals are produced in the form of powders, liquids or gels. Among all the variety of compounds, choose those in whose instructions it is indicated that they dissolve the hair and animal hair. In addition, note for which pipes the preparation is intended.
Important! For the bathroom, choose a product that can dissolve hair, and for kitchen sink - a drug that can dissolve fat.
The most popular following chemical products:
- "Mole".This is one of the most effective means. Due to the aggressive environment, this product is not recommended for plastic pipes.
- "Mr. Muscle".This drug is perfect for all pipes. The composition is produced in the form of gel and foam. The drug effectively cleans the surface, destroys unpleasant odors, bacteria.
- "Pothan".The product quickly dissolves any dirt, breaks even the strongest clogs in the bathroom. The only negative - a sharp smell.
- "Tiret".The drug perfectly copes with complex problems of blockage, but unlike other agents, it does not have a sharp smell of ammonia.
Important! Using chemicals, do not forget that their frequent use leads to the destruction of the internal surface of the pipes and their gradual deterioration.
If the bath is clogged, use chemicals as follows:
- Read the instructions to understand how to use the product correctly and make sure that the product is suitable for your type of pipe.
- Pour the product into the drain hole. If it is a powder, then it must be filled with a glass of hot water.
- Wait a while - indicated in the instructions.
- Open the hot water, remove any debris and dirt.
Important! Using chemical means to clean the blockages, remember the safety precautions: protect yourself with rubber gloves, goggles and oilcloth apron.
to the table of contents ↑Folk remedies against
clogging Today, housewives do not often resort to folk remedies, but chemical preparations are not always at hand, and homemade products cope with problems no worse. We offer you the following folk recipes.
The tub is clogged - what should I do? Folk remedies
The most simple and affordable means is the usual boiling water. However, it is better for a kitchen sink, because it dissolves fat very well. And with serious problems will cope with soda and vinegar.
The cleaning procedure is as follows:
- Pour a glass of soda into the drain hole.
- Pour a glass of vinegar over the soda( not essences).
- Close the hole with a stopper to prevent chemical reaction.
- After 25-30 minutes, flush the sewage with hot water.
Important! Folk remedies are able to prevent blockage and remove it, even if you take them in other combinations:
- Soda and vinegar are used to prevent the formation of blockages.
- You can also use soda without vinegar - pour half of the pack into the sink, and after 5 minutes turn on the hot water.
- You can use lemon juice for cleaning - pour 2-3 lemons juice into the drain hole and leave for an hour. After cleaning, rinse with plenty of hot water.
Cleaning the siphon
Cleaning the siphon allows you to get rid of the accumulated debris in the pipes and an unpleasant smell, because on the walls of the siphon, a fetid sediment develops over time.
Important! Depending on the intensity of use of the bathroom, the siphon should be cleaned at least once every two months, but it is possible and more often.
Procedure for cleaning the siphon:
- Place a cloth under the siphon that is capable of absorbing moisture well.
- Put a basin on the cloth. These measures will prevent dirty water from entering the floor and shorten the cleaning time.
- Carefully unscrew the bolt nut and completely remove the flask.
- Drain the dirty water, remove the small debris.
- Thoroughly flush the siphon, remove all deposits from the walls.
- Install the siphon in place. Make sure that the drain connection does not rest on the flask, otherwise - the water seal will be broken.
- Check the tightness of all connections by opening the tap and filling the water seal.
Preventive measures
A problem is always easier to prevent than to solve. Therefore, in order not to decide how to eliminate blockage in the bathroom, adhere to the following recommendations:
- Always install a protective screen on the drain hole. This will help protect the sink from hair, hair and small debris.
- Periodically clean pipes with household or chemical means. The main thing - do not overdo it and damage the pipes.
- Make sure that household waste, garbage and rags do not enter the drain.
- To prevent fat accumulation on the pipe walls, rinse the sewer system periodically with hot water for 10 minutes.
- Perform a preventive cleaning of the siphon at least once a month.
- Use to prevent the plunger.
We hope that the information provided, helped you solve the problem of clogging in the bathroom. But it will be much better if the sewer can not be hammered ever - it will happen if you take precautions in advance to avoid such trouble. Regularly spend sparing preventive measures, then you will not need expensive chemicals, and the bath will always be filled with clean water and fresh smell.