Self-production of stable deodorant: effective and especially cooking recipes

Self-production of stable deodorant is gaining popularity. In their effectiveness it is not inferior to the store of the production, but it does not contain any chemicals in their composition. Deodorants are dry, liquid and cream-like, depending on the recipe. The only disadvantage is the short shelf life of the product. It is recommended to cook small portions and keep them no longer than 2 weeks.

Self-production of stable deodorant


  1. Advantages home remedies
  2. effective recipes
  3. Express option
  4. Stick deodorant
  5. cream composition

Advantages home remedies

Stores deodorants contain in their composition the aluminum salt, and zinc. So their use involves certain health risks. For example, the constant application of dry means increases the probability of developing tumors. Therefore, despite the effectiveness of such tools, the safety of their use is highly questionable.

Among the abundance of goods on the shelves you can find a completely natural composition. But the price tags on these products is very high. Therefore, home cosmetology rapidly gaining momentum as a safe and cheap alternative.

In addition, such cosmetics has several advantages:

How to make natural deodorant
  • Oil components to nourish the skin and increase its elasticity;
  • Suitable allergies;
  • The composition is easily adjusted on the basis of personal needs;
  • People who have a sensitive sense of smell, can prepare the material is odorless;
  • Any home deodorant provides lasting protection against odor, unlike cheap store means;
  • Making homemade cosmetics reduces to self-care expenses.
Recipe natural deodorant

To domestic cosmetics kept longer, it is recommended composition is always kept in the refrigerator. And divide it into several portions, one of which you can always carry with them. Otherwise, the tool can not keep more than a week, if it is in constant contact with the skin. Given that such a product no chemicals, it is a favorable environment for the development of pathogens.

effective recipes

It is important to understand that no means safe for the body does not eliminate completely the pot. But, unlike shopping products, home makeup does not clog pores, but only neutralizes odor. When personal hygiene will not notice the difference between bought and homemade deodorant.

Express option

This is the fastest way to prepare homemade deodorant. Therefore, the amount of ingredients is minimized. On the effectiveness of it is not inferior to other recipes.

Required components:

The ingredients for the manufacture of deodorant
  • Cornstarch - ¼ cup;
  • Baking soda - ¼ cup;
  • Tea tree oil - 10 drops.

The dry ingredients are mixed and then added to the composition in a few drops of oil. Alternatively, you can use tea tree rosemary or lemon. Corn starch potatoes can not be replaced, it is not able to completely eliminate the smell of sweat. Ready means interspersed in a container with a tight fitting lid.

Stick deodorant

This composition is more convenient to store. At home, the flask can replace or food film empty bottle purchased from dry deodorant.

List of ingredients:

  • Base oils: cacao - 3 tbsp. l shi -. 3 tbsp. l.
  • Essential oil - 5 drops (grapefruit, lemon, tea tree or orange);
  • Baking soda - 3 tbsp. l.

Selected essential oils can not be included in the list. It is important that it has the necessary properties, namely anti-inflammatory and deodorizing.

Cooking method:

As home to make deodorant
  1. Base oils are poured into a single container and heated in a water bath.
  2. The hot oil is poured soda in small portions, wherein the composition is necessary to stir constantly. It is impossible to bring the mixture to reflux.
  3. The mixture was then removed from the water bath, and it interferes with the essential oil. Depending on the flavor intensity desired number of drops varies from 2 to 5.
  4. Slightly the cooled but not yet thickened means must be poured into the selected vial, previously laid on the bottom of a cotton pad. This protection from sticking. In order to store the food means a film, it is necessary to wait for the thickening composition, and then form the sausage therefrom.
  5. Deodorant is ready for use after 5 hours.

cream composition

The composition is used to deodorize the armpits and legs. In contrast to the above recipe, except for odor neutralization, it normalizes the sebaceous glands, reducing sweating. In this case, the ducts are not clogged, and the drug is completely harmless.

Required components:

How to make a lasting deodorant at home
  • Potato starch - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • Beeswax - 50 g;
  • Tea tree oil - 10 drops;
  • Baking soda - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • Palmarosa oil - 15 drops;
  • Coconut oil (solid) - 20 g

If the composition of the essential oil is added to the unknown, it is important to conduct a pre-test and cause an allergic reaction in a few drops wrist. If within 8 hours on the skin did not appear spots, rashes, itching, and general condition is not observed changes (such as nausea, dizziness, headache), - the composition is safe for use. If after applying the oil observed deterioration of health, must be thoroughly ventilate the room and get out into the fresh air.

Cooking method:

  1. The wax is melted in a water bath and then added to the mass of coconut oil.
  2. Then you need to quickly stir in a mixture of baking soda, starch and essential oils.
  3. Ready means is poured into the flask from the dry deodorant and left for 8 hours to complete solidification.

Depending on the consistency of the resulting agent is applied as a cream or on clean skin, either as a regular dry deodorant. means shelf life in the refrigerator - 1 month. It is recommended to split it into smaller parts. If the finished product appear lumps, it must be replaced with fresh composition.