Ozonator and ionizer: it is better to opt for a home

When people look after their health, they play sports, go on nature, try to drink clean water and eat healthy food. But Clean Air in the apartment, they thought rare. Its composition and hygiene affects the health. Therefore, the growing demand for ionizers and ozone generators, which are responsible for a healthy climate in the apartment.

To select or ionizer air ozonizer for the house, you need to learn more about their purpose and functionality. Both devices improve the condition of the air in the room, but do it in different ways.


Saturates the air masses in the room ions with a negative charge.

Scientists say about the benefits of negative ions for human beings. They argue that they bring about the same benefits as vitamins. We are surrounded by household appliances that emit positively charged ions. Because of their emissions as part of the air is not enough negative ions.

Because of this, there is fatigue, frequent allergic reactions, the long process of recovery from the common cold.

We have regular wet cleaning in the house, dusting, but from the air, we can not expel dust. A ionizers can. is he allocates negative ions that attract dust and harmful germs from the air. Impurities are deposited on the surface and are easily removed.


When the discharge electric current allocates space ozone. Ozone - a colorless, corrosive gas with a high oxygen content. In nature, you can see how after the storm easily and breathe fresh. After the lightning formed ozone gas, due to the large amount of oxygen.

Ozone is not a harmless gas, it It destroys all bacteria, viruses and spores. He is 50 times stronger than chlorine and kills bacteria rapidly. Home appliance is designed to: room disinfected, eliminate odors, destroy harmful viruses and fungi.

Operating principle

Ionizer is different from the ozonizer by exposure to the air masses. One generates negative air ions and the second adds oxygen.

The principle of operation of the ionizer

During operation, the device creates a field around itself, negative ions charge radius of 3-4 meters.

Ionization occurs as follows:

  1. Inside the device the electrodes to which current is supplied under high voltage.
  2. The fan sucks contaminated air.
  3. The air passes through a high voltage field, resulting in a discharge produced ions with a negative charge.
  4. At the exit clean ionized air is formed.

The principle of operation of the ozonator

The instrument uses the principle of the generation of ozone by lightning. Air enters the generator unit through the inlet. There, it is processed by an electric discharge. At the output generated ozone with a high content of oxygen.

Advantages and disadvantages

Devices similar only in name and a common goal - improvement of microclimate in the house. As for the rest, they are two different units. They have particular application.

If you do not know what is ozone or ionizer, let's look at their positive and negative sides.


Advantages of the device:

  • Lowers the negative radiation of appliances. Some models are supplemented with a humidifier function.
  • It has a simple and intuitive control.
  • It clears the atmosphere in the room, destroys bacteria, pulls dust particles as a result of dust deposited on surfaces.
  • At high productivity consumes little electricity.
  • The noise level does not exceed the volume values ​​of the other equipment. If there is a technology called "ionic wind" noise level is reduced significantly.
  • Normal sleep, reduced allergy symptoms.
  • In periods of epidemics and colds it destroys viruses and bacteria, it supports a healthy environment in the home.
  • After the cleaner, the air is close to the natural, forest.
  • It eliminates odors in the kitchen and cleans the atmosphere of the room.
  • Ionizer regulates the ratio of positive and negative ions, conducting air cleaning, improves health.


  • Filters of some models is difficult to clean. After working on them dense layer deposited dust.
  • On the surfaces in the room settles a lot of dust.
  • Around the device there is its electromagnetic field. its dangers no data. If you install the unit at a safe distance, no problems.


Ozonation room has a positive side. In a short time to clean the house from microorganisms and to get the flow of oxygen it sounds tempting. But not all so simple.


  • Ozone is a few minutes sterilizes all the objects in the room.
  • Disinfects at a deep level. It destroys all known science microorganisms: bacteria, mold, fungi and viruses.
  • The gas forms no adverse toxic materials.
  • ozone residues are converted to oxygen.
  • It eliminates odors and smoke.
  • Disinfects faster and better than other means.
  • Ozone is environmentally safe.

When all the pros use ozonizer has disadvantages.


  • The main drawback is that the level of ozone to control. The high concentration of toxic gas and can be lethal.
  • If a person will remain in the room where elevated levels of ozone, it will worsen the state of health, it will be a predisposition to cancer. Ionizer also produces ozone, but unlike the ozonator in a very low concentration.

proper use

Any electrical appliance can be harmful if you do not follow the rules of safe use. These devices are no exception.


Before use, read the instructions. Models may vary slightly from the region, where they will work with them, but the general principles are the same:

  • Use the device in a dry environment at ambient temperature.
  • Make sure that during operation it is not exposed to water.
  • Do not open the lid when plugged in.
  • You do not stay in the room during the treatment, if this is not possible, be sure to wet the bandage on his nose and mouth.

To destroy the mites, mosquitoes and flies only 10 minutes of application. Air purification after the repair will need half an hour. After processing to enter the room can not earlier than after 30 minutes.


Instructions are also required reading.

Operating rules:

  • Place the unit near an electrical appliance, at a distance of at least 1 meter away from the man.
  • Before operation, close all windows and do wet cleaning.
  • Not the first 15 minutes of the generator go in the room.
  • Ventilate the room, because the device does not generate oxygen.
  • If deterioration of health take a break in the operation of the generator.
  • Do the cleaning more often, because after the operation of the instrument, dust particles settle on surfaces. Make regular filter cleaning.

Universal device

Both devices differently maintain a healthy microclimate in the house, and often complement each other. Sales, versatile devices that combine the ionizer and ozonator.

He works for two. Air enters the inner chamber, cleaned, decomposed into components. Enriched with negative ions, it comes out. The room is filled with clean air which is enriched with oxygen and charged useful Aeron.


  • Clean air continuously.
  • It eliminates odors and cigarette smoke.
  • You do not need filters.
  • Digital tuning by room type.

Ionizer effectively cleans the air in the house. A positive effect on human health, protects against depression, slows the aging process. Ozonator removes corrosive viruses and infections. Cleanliness in the house after it perfect.

The difference at the instruments that ionization can be carried out in the presence of a person, and in the ozonation people to leave.

The difference in safety - the ozonator dangerous violation of safety, because ozone is toxic. So as not to choose between the two devices, you can buy a universal device. After his work, you get a clean, ionized and ozone-enriched air.