There are several types of devices for cleaning and humidifying the air in the room. Ionizers atmosphere saturated with negative ions of oxygen, destroying bacteria and microorganisms. Not to spend money on such a device can be made air ionizer with their hands.
Before creating the ionizer examined with its principle of operation and construction.
The operating principle is simple: by passing through an air mass, the ionizer negatively charge the oxygen molecules air ions. air quality in the building is improved by providing a beneficial effect on the body.
The particles are negatively charged by passing through an electric corona discharge. It arises as a result of feeding on special high-voltage electrodes, which must be between 15 kV and supplied to the electrodes with pulses up transformer.
The negative charge produced oxygen molecules, particles and microorganisms in the air. To indoor air is constantly passed through the corona discharge device is provided with a fan.
Many models have a filter in the form of a positively charged metal plate. The microparticles are in the atmosphere passing through the device, a negative charge and is obtained at the outlet of the device adhere to the positively charged plate. The filter is removable for easy cleaning of accumulated dirt.

Standard ionizer
To make the air ionizer for apartments with their own hands, you need to have experience in soldering of radioactive elements. In its absence is better to buy the finished product.
The assembly is made in strict accordance with the diagram.

The principle of operation according to the scheme:
- Multivibrator of low-power transistors VT1 and VT2 generates pulses. In this case transistors KT315.
- Pulse frequency is adjustable from 30 to 60 kHz resistor R7.
- The pulses are amplified by means of transistors VT3 and VT4, used transistors KT816.
- The amplified pulses are applied to first and second winding-up transformer T2.
- High voltage from the third winding is a multiplier of the capacitors C8-C13 and diodes VD5-VD10.
- Voltage 15 kV goes to the pointed electrodes.
The electrodes used stranded wire of copper. Each wire is bent perpendicular to the cable.
Between the electrodes must be an equal distance. The finished electrode design should take the form of an umbrella.
The air circulation through the radiator is ensured by the electric fan. The scheme used by the computer cooler. You can apply any other fan of suitable size.
the fan is powered by means of a power transformer and rectifier unit.
All parts are mounted on the circuit board of PCB and installed in a suitable enclosure. In accordance all circuit elements properly installed and after turning on the device will operate without additional configuration.
Deviation from the circuit or breach of safety rules can lead to electric shock.
The safest Ionizer
There are various schemes of air ionizers, which can make the device their own hands. Collecting device according to some of them, may cause burns or electrical shock. Below is a diagram of the secure improvised air ionizer.
Safety device is achieved through the implementation of the housing of the old computer power supply unit: excluded person touching the parts under voltage.

Power circuit from the home network 220 V.
The pulse generator is based on a chip comprising a variable resistor VT1 VT2. To limit the current to the primary winding of transformer T1, it is connected in series with the ballast in the form of a cup core 20 wound on it coils of copper conductor cross-section of 0.5 mm. Pulse frequency is changed with the resistor R 2.1. When the pulse frequency decreases the output voltage will rise.
High voltage pulses are removed from the secondary winding pass through multiplier based VD4-VD7 diodes and capacitors C9 and C11 gain voltage 12kV.
From the output of the multiplier is a voltage to the electrodes in the form of an umbrella. The distance between the conductors depends on their quantity. The size of the gap between the housing and the emitter must be 1.2 cm.
All the elements are mounted on the textolite board and installed in the housing. the fan is used to promote air flow. The scheme used native cooling fan power supply.
Created under the scheme device suitable for ionization of the air in the apartment. Thanks to the built-in fan, it quickly saturates the room climate with negative ions. Body makes it safe for human health.
Car ionizer
ionization of air in the car is necessary not less than the apartment. At atmospheric influences the quality of the exhaust gases, which enter the car.
Device for cars:
- compact;
- running from the onboard power supply of 12 V;
- safe for the driver and passengers.
Create an air ionizer for car can be as follows.

rectangular type IC NE555 pulses generated and applied to the power FET. With resistor voltage goes to a step-up transformer. The increased voltage is taken from the secondary winding and the rectifier across the charging capacitor is supplied to the electrodes. Electrode voltage of about 7 kV. The transformer can be taken from the Soviet TV.
For the safety of Mount the unit in an enclosure is not conductive. In operation, the transistor is strongly heated, therefore it is necessary to provide a cooling radiator.
Ionizers for an internal combustion engine
Ionizers are used not only for air handling in the rooms. There are models that are mounted on the internal combustion engine cars. Unable to separate the fuel molecules negative from positive. This helps to speed up the combustion process and has a positive effect on the dynamics of the car. Below is a scheme by which you can create an ionizer for the engine by hand.

- R4-2k, R3-1.5k, R2-75k, R1-2k;
- C3-500mkF * 25Volt, S2-47mkF * 25B S110nF;
- DD1-K561LN2;
- VT1-IRL3803, IRF3205;
- VD1.2-KD521A, KD103A;
- T1 TVS110P2;
- FU1-2A.
The multiplier is built on K73-13 capacitors and diodes KTS106G. Applied line-up transformer from black and white TV. To upgrade it, remove the primary winding and the same residential wind the coils 9.
Transistor heats so its mount on the cooling radiator.
Electrodes producing air ionization placed in a tube, which is attached to the vehicle inlet air filter.
Chandelier Chizhevskogo
Structure ionizer "Chandelier Chizhevskogo" consists of a voltage converter and electrodes separately collected as chandeliers.

It made it this way:
- Fabricate circumference of copper wire cross-section of 5 mm.
- Secure lengths of wire 0.6 mm in diameter in parallel over the entire area of the ring.
- Attach the same perpendicular to the previous segments to form a lattice. The wire is attached to the slack. The dimension between the segments should be 4 cm.
- The wire crossing points solder metal needles 3 cm long. They will ionize the air.
- Make mounting ring to the ceiling by means of the wire segments of equal length and the copper rings.
Chandelier secured to the ceiling by means of a non-conductive filament current. Voltage is applied to the transducer to the chandelier with the help of high-voltage wires. You can use the cable from the TV antenna, stripped of the top layer of insulation, and the winding of the screen.
Chandelier is under high voltage, it is therefore not allowed to run the device at a distance of 1.5 m to person. Do not touch the chandelier even after switching off: Charged capacitors for some time a voltage is applied to the emitter.
To make the air ionizer is possible even at home, while saving money. The device will clean the atmosphere of the room is not worse than sold on the art market. But do not try to do elektrobirory own hands without the necessary skills.