For the manufacture of a great candlestick required jar and salt: a description, a variety of models

Each mistress wants to make to the holiday something special, filled the atmosphere in the house of a certain mystery and comfort. An excellent embodiment is a candle, with which to create a desired dimness contributing a pleasant and soft conversations. That is why the immense popularity gained home-made products for night lighting. For the manufacture of a candlestick will require only salt and jar as well as several hours of free time.

How to make a candle with his own hands


  1. Candlesticks from glass jars
  2. Reincarnation cans
  3. Using empty tin containers
  4. Original decorative stones
  5. Lamp with a window

Candlesticks from glass jars

Today, there are many ways in which you can independently turn an ordinary glass jar in the original candle.

Experienced masters note that the most impressive and stylish look the following models:

Festive candle from banks
  • stained glass candle holder. To produce such a masterpiece is necessary to prepare a clean glass container, special paints, as well as an interesting circuit (glitter can be activated). The algorithm is quite simple creating candlestick - An expert is necessary to put a drawing to later paint it and allow to dry well. Inside the finished product should be placed a conventional candle. So candlestick can vary any interior, as well as use in the evening in the gazebo.
  • Original transparent lines. This is a very original and interesting option that does not require much time and material costs. To work you need to prepare a white acrylic paint, water-based, thick thread, bank. The empty container is necessary to wind in a random order to subsequently cover the entire nail. Only when the product is completely dry, you can cut the thread and put inside a thick candle.
  • Patterned model. This option looks very attractive and modern. Of the salt and the banks can make a great candle. To work need PVA glue, sea salt, bank, hair spray and paint of any color. That the product has turned out neat, better to start from the bottom. It abundantly smeared with glue and rolled in salt. On the walls of the containers paint any picture and sprinkle it with salt. After drying, the patterns should be paint in any color and with lacquer. As a result, the skilled worker will receive a beautiful candle holder, which can be decorated, even the bathroom.

Reincarnation cans

Even these metallic products can be used for the manufacture of needlewomen beautiful New Year's candlestick. Very soft and romantic looks option where canning jar decorated with paper lace, which can be made independently by means of the hole punch dense wallpaper.

The manufacturing process consists of several points:

How to make a candle out of a tin can
  • The first stage pre-coated with purified acrylic paint jar.
  • For paper lace can be attached to a thin strip of tissue. Stylish ribbon is glued to the painted surface of the dried primary vessel.
  • Only when the lace dry out, you can start decorating. Originally will look small buttons of pre-painted golden keys and small souvenirs.

Ready candlestick can safely decorate the holiday table, but before that it is desirable to lay a lacy white cloth. In addition, the product can hang on the wall, creating the original decor of the room.

Using empty tin containers

These products can be not only decorate the room, but also a porch or balcony. Modern and interesting to look out of the ordinary candle tins.

Candlestick from a tin can

To work craftswomen will need:

  • Hammer small nails.
  • Most tin.
  • Paint.
  • Candle.

The first step in the bank pattern is applied using a conventional pencil (this may be hearts, flowers and trees). In the container tightly tamped earth to make holes as accurately as possible and without fanfare. All planned holes are punched with nails and a hammer. Empty cans need to be painted in any color.

Inside necessarily put the candle. Ready candlesticks can transform the facade of his house. It is worth noting that the larger the bank, the brighter and more interesting pattern is created.

Original decorative stones

Many needle women like candlesticks, which is appropriate to look at any holiday. Very unusual and feminine look the banks, which are decorated with colorful glass stones. To work to prepare itself capacitance, silicone adhesive, and the candle base material for finishing.

Operation is as follows:

Candlestick out of the jar and stones
  • Bank should be carefully cleaned of any dirt and labels.
  • Since the neck, it is necessary alternately applied to the pebbles adhesive and applying it to the glass surface.
  • Original look those models where the material is glued in a staggered manner.
  • Insert a candle in a jar and carefully ignite it.

It is worth noting that as the original candlestick perfectly diffuses the light, filling the room with the colorful lights.

Instead of the proposed decorative pebbles, you can apply a small sea shells or pebbles. Decorate the jar can be artificial stones for flowers.

Lamp with a window

To work need a common jar, twine, candle, masking tape, salt, glue. After preparing all the necessary, you are ready to needlework. On the bank will need to paste a small piece of adhesive tape. If the strip is too narrow, it will be necessary to make several rows of overlapping. The adhesive tape to be cut any silhouette (e.g., heart). It is necessary to remove all of the waste material, leaving only the future of the "window". It should cover the jar and roll in the adhesive salts. If desired, the product can be colored. It should be noted that acrylic paint dries longer.

The final stage is still hook tape to gently remove it.

Bottle opening can be decorated with ribbon or twine. Inside is better to put a candle on the type of pill. You can then use the original candle in the house and outdoors.

Candlestick with a window out of the jar