How to make cold porcelain?

Sometimes you can see the colors are so amazing, it seems that they are fabulous, and not real. But when you touch their petals, you really make sure that they are not alive. Such izmitelnye beautiful flowers made of cold porcelain.


Cold Porcelain came up with the Argentines in the early twentieth century. It was called "cold" because it does not require firing as usual porcelain. Ingredients Cold porcelain is so simple that you can do it at home. Ingredients for a very affordable and inexpensive.

From plasticine and clay porcelain is characterized in that it does not stick to the palms, great solidifies and can be easily colored in various shades. It is so flexible, convenient and harmless that even children can sculpt out of it.

How to make cold porcelain?

The recipes

There are several recipes for the manufacture of cold porcelain. One of them we will consider today. Prepare the pan and mix it in water, PVA glue, and glycerin. The ingredients need to boil over medium heat, until a homogeneous mixture. Then pour the oil or the cheapest cosmetic cream and add a little starch. The pan does not remove from heat, until the mixture will acquire a thick consistency, while stirring constantly.

The thick mixture lay on damp tea polotenichko, wrap and knead the dough until it cools down. The cooled mixture followed vymeshivat hands after removing the towel. When the dough is soft and does not stick to hands, put it in a bag and leave it for a while.

To give the future porcelain color, you can use oil or acrylic paints, and food dyes. Divide the mixture into several pieces and add to each of the selected color. To dough was uniform color, it is necessary to knead again.

How to make cold porcelain?

Paint can and the finished product. The paint is applied with a brush, and then a colored product was dried over steam. The steam will help paint a better penetrate and infiltrate the porcelain.

Porcelain dries naturally. Cold porcelain dries up to five days depending on the thickness of the product. You can use the oven to speed up the process.

Products made of cold porcelain look very natural and naturally. From it you can do as children's fairy-tale characters, and elegant figurines for adults. In any case, the product obtained excellent and amazing.