In this master class, we show the addition of a simple square sheet of paper dogs. With such crafts can handle a child, and he will help you if necessary.

Material for the manufacture of
we are for the manufacture of such dogs cooked:
- sided square sheet of brown paper;
- glue;
- black marker;
- plastic eyes.

process of manufacturing
The creation of our dogs, we start with the addition in brown square on the diagonal.

Thereafter, the same fold, but on the other diagonal.

Next, unwind blank white side facing up, and the lower bend the corner to the center.

After all the required remaining corners and bend toward the center.

Now one of the corners we unbend back.

Fold blank half, it must have the following form.

Thereafter, the left side are bent upwards at an angle.

We straighten this piece and give it the form of a rhombus.

Now create a future dog muzzle. To this end, the bottom corner from the resulting diamond-shaped bend up, and then a small corner bends in the opposite direction, it will be a nose dog.

The sides of the diamond-shaped bend down, so we formed a doggie ears.

It remains to form a bottom. To this end, the lower corners of the bend upward.

Thereafter, dressed with them inside.

Take a black marker and color the tip of our dogs.

Glue plastic eyes. Our dog made of paper ready.