For lovers of reading books on paper, you need a bookmark to quickly open the page you want. You can purchase such an accessory in the store, but you can make your own unique masterpiece.

- Method № 1. Traditional paper tab
- Method № 2. Bookmark of beads and beads
- Method № 3. Bookmark corner
- Method № 4. Bookmark-clip with a bow
Method № 1. Traditional paper tab
The best option is for the manufacture of paper bookmarks. But in order to give this product originality, should be used as the basis of colored cardboard with ornament. If the density is not enough, then glue a few of his extra layers. The length of the tab should be in the range of 15 cm to the edges do not protrude from the two ends of the book.
If you are using a white board, then you can decorate it with the help of a collage of magazine clippings or corrugated paper, and the top apply glitter or stickers.
On the basis of self-colored, as an option, you can write your favorite quotes or phrases from the books they read. In order to increase the strength and wear protection of the paper tab, you need to laminate on top of her. The final touches in the manufacture of this product will be breaching punch holes at the top of the tab. Take a beautiful ribbon and thread into the opening.
Method № 2. Bookmark of beads and beads
To manufacture this variant bookmarks need to prepare a solid filament or tape length of 1 meter. Beads and beads you need to choose different sizes and colors, but at the same time take into account the diameter of the hole, that was not difficult to thread them onto the tape. Once you have strung all the beads, lock the edge of the tab. To do this, you can tie a big knot and apply glue.

Method № 3. Bookmark corner
It carried out such a small tab on the origami techniques. Take a monochromatic color paper and measure the square of 12x12 centimeters. First, fold the sheet cut in half, and then turn it over to the back side and wrap the corners toward the center, forming a triangle. Secure this area will help gluing a piece of scotch tape on the inside of the tab. The next step will be created decoration articles.
On the corner, you can stick a small photo or draw a pattern. This tab is easy to use, putting on the corner of the page you want.

Method № 4. Bookmark-clip with a bow
Making this kind of bookmarks begins with the formation of a bow. To do this, take a solid monochromatic or colored cloth and cut into two strips of a width of 2 cm and a length of 12 and 9 centimeters. Third strip make slightly smaller adhering amount of width 0.6 cm and a length of about 4 cm. In each strip must be carefully glue the ends of the glue. Then apply all the elements to each other and to fix the lower strip, forming a bow. Behind the glue paste obtained bow clip. The resulting original decorate a bookmark any page of your book.
Learning the most popular and easy ways to make a bookmark for the book, and now you will easily find the correct page with the help of this short article. And to show imagination, you can make the original version, which is suitable for a gift for all fans of paper books.