Every year more and more people think about the fact that improper disposal of batteries, causing serious damage not only the soil but also the entire planet. That is why many people have become interested in the theme of "Be Your Own environmentalist." Production of container for old batteries with your hands is not a complicated process, as all the necessary materials and tools can be prepared at home.

- Current regulations
- Key features
- A variety of models
- Separate fabrication of the container
Current regulations
Despite the numerous publications on the Internet, many people still do not know that in a tiny old batteries hidden almost the whole periodic table. During natural decay in the soil allocated extremely dangerous to humans and all living compounds: sodium cyanide, arsenic, mercury, benzene. Even after hundreds of years, these substances do not dissolve.
No less dangerous is the natural oxidation of the battery.
A person needs to remember that the traditional burning of the battery on a fire does not improve the situation, as in the air much faster get all toxic substances.
Most people start to think about all the consequences only when they learn that one tiny battery can poison at least 20 m² ordinary soil and more than 300 liters of water in the rivers and seas. To avoid unfortunate consequences for all living things, we need to ensure the collection and subsequent disposal of old batteries.
It is worth noting that the increase in the number of those companies who understand how dangerous the waste of a vacant lot or the aquatic environment of used batteries in the past ten years. That is why the market appeared many different tanks and containers are designed for the intermediate storage batteries. But such products are quite expensive, so it's best to make their own hands.

Key features
Ordinary citizens need to remember that to sign a formal agreement with the owners can only by the heat exchanger. Companies must act as a connecting link between those who rents the old batteries, and processing factory. Organizers of such processes must not only arrange in public places, special containers, but deliver them in a timely manner to the plant.
each box necessarily assigned a unique serial numberBy which everyone can be tracked in real time, reached there to the desired destination dangerous goods. Otherwise, such a noble idea just makes no sense.

More often than not dispose with the plant entered into a contract the following organizations:
- Various branches of the budgetary and large IT-companies with large work staff.
- Large office structures and business centers.
- Condominiums and OSBB. Private organizations that specialize in the provision of utility services to residents of apartment buildings and entire complexes.
- Large cafeterias, restaurants, stores, and fitness centers.
A variety of models
Modern manufacturers are ready to offer several types of containers for the collection of batteries. Each model is different not only in appearance, but also the size. When choosing the most appropriate option should be guided by the attendance of your organization, as well as the average consumption of battery-free.
All current containers for used batteries can be divided into three categories:

- Compact. Containers are designed for 50 people, as the box can accommodate a maximum of 15-16 kg of product.
- Average capacity. This spacious three boxes of 46 kg.
- Most large containers. The set consists of five boxes weighing up to 78 kg. It should be noted that the products of this category of the most expensive.
If the choice of the finished box was made correctly, it should last at least a year.
Often such structures attached bright posters, as well as interesting paintings that attract the attention of others.
Separate fabrication of the container
Many people choose to create roomy box with his hands, as a ready-made product is expensive. The structure itself is quite simple, and as a basis, you can use the usual metal barrel out of oil and oil products, which is equipped with a drain hole.
On this subject specialists developed a universal statement, due to which it is possible to build a high-quality container:

- On the side of the applied marker for future markup door (50x50 cm). The parameters may be different, as it depends on the spaciousness of the most barrels.
- Conventional grinder or a hacksaw make two neat side notch, then fix the loop. In this production of doors must end by sawing holes on the remaining sides.
- That the product is not deformed during the operation, all the edges of sections you want to process a file.
- To make the product more aesthetic body can be painted with quality paints, which harmoniously fit into the interior of the place where it will be installed barrel for old batteries. With the help of a stencil to put the words "Battery."
- To strengthen the construction, the lower portion should enclose a bag of sand or gravel. If possible, the barrel can be chained to a nearby fence or pole. Otherwise, the design may encroach passersby who are interested in a free metal.
Of course, make a capacious container for the collection of hazardous batteries with their own hands is not so difficult.
The very idea is a noble goal, as if completely eliminate the possibility of contact with battery land and water, future generations will not have to pay for such treatment to the nature of their health.