Any apartment, sooner or later will need repair. Many prefer to do it yourself than to cause the special masters. One important component of any repairs deemed Wallpapering. The better they are pasted, the more beautiful it will look bathroom. Not everyone prefers to buy materials in specialized shops for repair. Of course, the wallpaper should buy there, as they make themselves impossible. However, the glue for painting wallpaper, you can make your own hands. This case does not take much time and money will be spent several times smaller.

If you look more in detail, what the composition of the adhesive for wallpaper, we can note the following. The composition of virtually every conventional starch glue is present. Therefore, it can easily prepare each person. But the problem is that not everyone wants to mess with starch and glue.
They prefer the ease and ready to choose the glue in the store. However, make it your own will be much cheaper.
How to make glue for wallpaper?
Special adhesive is relatively recent. Grandparents had always ourselves prepared mixture, and using it pasted wallpaper. Therefore, this method is not old-fashioned, but is still relevant.
To begin with, it is necessary to go to the store and buy it the necessary materials for the adhesive. They cost very cheap. To prepare the glue of flour, need only to buy a meal. You can also use starch. It is necessary to prepare a special deep container in which the future will be mixed glue. Flour can take any, but it is best to fit the second grade. It is necessary to sift, to fill the tank, add to it half a liter of water at room temperature and the mixture is thoroughly mixed. It should do as long as they do leave all lumps. Then it is necessary to warm the kettle of 1 liter of water and slowly pour it into flour gradually stirring whisk. Then we need to bring this substance to the boiling state and allow to cool slightly. The adhesive must turn at 40 degrees. It must be formed on top of the film, which must be removed.

Ready glue can be immediately applied to the wallpaper. The main thing is that he did not have time to cool completely.

PVA wallpaper
Also a special mixture of flour or starch may be used for wallpaper PVA glue. Despite the fact that it is sold in all stationery shops, you can do it at home. But the necessary ingredients needed more to him. To begin, it is necessary to go to the pharmacy and acquire there alcohol 20 ml, 5 g of gelatin and 4 g of glycerol.
It should prepare a deep tank where PVA adhesive will be mixed. Beforehand, it is necessary to separate in a simple glass of water to dissolve the gelatin and leave it for one day. The next day, we must take another glass of water, where it is necessary to mix the flour. Then we should take another glass of clean water and allow it to warm in a water bath. After that, all the three glass of water, gelatin and flour should inject in one container and again reheated to boiling state. The adhesive is ready to add alcohol with glycerin, stir and wait until all the mixture has cooled. It can then be applied to the wallpaper.