- Why the silver chain turns black?
- Popular methods for controlling silver blackening
- Special tools
- Prevention of darkening
Products made of silver look very stylish and effective. However, there is one drawback, which is the tendency to darkening. The appearance of a film of gray or black color, which after a while covers silver products, occurs during the process of natural oxidation of a noble metal as a result of exposure to sunlight, humidity and sulfur, which is a part of human sweat. This problem can be solved very easily without consulting the specialists. In this article we will consider how to clean silver at home from blackness - a chain, earrings, a ring, cutlery.
to the contents ↑Why the silver chain turns black?
Let's try to understand the factors of the blackening of the silver chain, because in fact there are very many reasons:
- Very often this situation occurs when the environment contains certain chemical elements. The most active in the process of oxidation of such products are sulfur and ozone. They are present in the aquatic environment, airspace, as well as in some cosmetics and household products.
Important! Blackening can not be avoided, but with the observance of the elementary rules for wearing noble metal products, they can look very long and stay in their original condition for a very long time.
- The next factor of influence on color is the contact of noble metal with human skin. It is also not advisable to wear silverware when doing sports, because during intense training, sweating is significantly increased.
- In addition to these reasons, taking medications also causes a darkening of silver jewelry, this is due to a change in the composition of sweat.
Important! If you resort to cleaning silver jewelry, then for several days you should not wear them. It takes some time to form a protective layer on the surface of the noble metal. This procedure helps to keep the silver in good enough condition for a long time.
to the contents ↑Popular ways to combat the blackening of silver
There are many ways to clean the silver chain from black. Consider the most popular methods.
In order to clean a chain of silver, you can use food foil.
Important! In its composition is aluminum, which, when in contact with silver, forms a reaction of a sulfide compound, or a so-called sulfur compound, while destroying a black film.
Method number 1:
- We spread the bottom of the selected saucepan with a piece of foil.
- After this, pour water into it, while observing the distance 4-5 cm from the bottom of the pan.
- Then pour about two tablespoons of conventional baking soda. In its absence, citric acid is also perfectly suitable.
- We lower the decorations into the pan.
- Turn on the stove and simmer all about five minutes.
Important! If there was no clarifying procedure of our silver product, then you can increase the boiling time.
Method number 2
How to clean the silver chain and a cross at home:
- We lay out a piece of foil on the table.
- After that, put on her silver jewelry and on top of pour about 2 tablespoons of table salt, add just a little bit of water.
- Fold the foil like an envelope and place it on the bottom of the selected saucepan.
- Fill with a soap solution, which is prepared from the calculation: in one glass of water to dissolve a teaspoon of laundry soap.
- The prepared solution is brought to the boiling point and left on fire for about 15 minutes.
- After applying the heat treatment, carefully remove the silver jewelry by fork, spread it on the saucer and leave it to cool completely.
- After that, wash the product from the noble metal under the tap of cold water from the tap and wipe it with a piece of soft cloth.
Important! A thorough polishing process with flannel or woolen cloth helps to brighten the silver decoration.
Citric acid
You can use citric acid to clean the silver jewelry. Food additive E330, called citric acid, has high cleaning properties. It is often used to remove limescale. With the same success it acts on the destruction of a black film on silver ornaments.
Method number 1
How quickly and efficiently clean the silver chain at home:
- In a glass container having a volume of 0.5 liters, pour 0.25 liters of liquid and add about 50 g of citric acid.
- Then we put a piece of copper wire and a silver chain into the jar.
- Then pour the water in the pan, put the cooked jar into it.
- We perform the boiling process for about 30 minutes.
Method # 2:
- In a pot of water, dissolve the citric acid, using a ratio of 1: 5.
- At the bottom of the pot we lay out a piece of foil, we lower into the liquid an ornament made of noble metal.
- We perform the boiling procedure until the silver chain is completely lightened.
For the purification procedure of a silver product, ordinary potatoes are very suitable.
Method number 1
How to clean the silver chain from black at home:
- Grate any size, rub potatoes, pour liquid until full coating of cooked gruel.
- We lower in the prepared mixture a silver ornament for 3-4 minutes.
Method number 2:
- Cook potatoes in a uniform or washed skin.
- Then filter.
- Then in the prepared broth we spread a silver product and boil about 20-25 minutes.
Method No. 3:
- After the potato digestion process, pour the used hot water into the ceramic container.
- We lay out the bottom of the ceramic dishes with a piece of foil, we lower the silver ornament on it.
- After 15-20 minutes we take out a product made of noble metal.
A black coating on silver jewelry can be removed by applying a 9% vinegar solution. He perfectly copes with the task at the expense of the content of acid, which has a high concentration.
Method number 1
How to clean the silver chain and a cross at home:
- A piece of cloth is moistened with a 9% vinegar solution.
- Wipe the silver product with a damp cloth.
Important! This option is suitable for small impurities on silver products.
Method number 2:
- Put the product of silver in a bowl and fill it with vinegar.
- We last for about two hours.
- Then rinse and dry.
Olive oil
To clean the silver decoration from the blackening, you can apply olive oil. For this, it is necessary to perform the following actions:
- Wipe the noble metal with a soft flannel cloth, which is pre-wetted in olive oil.
- After that, carefully wash the silver decoration with hot water.
- Put the product on a dry towel until it dries completely.
Silver chain can also be cleaned with ordinary baking soda. It under mechanical action reacts chemically with the formed film on a noble metal and removes it.
Dry Cleaning
How to quickly and efficiently clean the silver chain at home:
- Put a baking soda on a soft cloth napkin in the form of a line.
- After that, put a silver chain on the napkin and wrap it in a cloth.
- Through a tissue napkin it is necessary to rub an ornament from silver.
- Clamp fabric material with one hand and pull through it a silver chain.
- Shake off the remnants of baking soda, rub the silver product with a soft flannel cloth.
- After this procedure, it is necessary to wash the tissue napkin, since the dry cleaning carried on it leaves dark traces on it.
Wet cleaning:
- We combine baking soda with water in a ratio of 3: 1.
- We rub the silver product with the prepared mixture, carefully treating the blackened areas.
- We wash the jewelry from a noble metal, dry the product.
Ammonium alcohol
In addition to the above methods, you can clean silver jewelry by using ammonia. This substance is able to neutralize acids, freeing silver from the black plaque.
Method number 1
How to clean the silver chain and a cross at home:
- In 100 ml of water, dissolve one teaspoon of ammonia, add a small amount of dishwashing liquid. You can also apply shampoo or liquid soap.
- For a while we put a silver decoration in the prepared solution.
- After noticeable brightening of the product, you can get the jewelry, then rinse under a stream of cold water and dry it.
Method number 2:
- Mix in equal amounts ammonia, toothpaste and liquid.
- We lower into the prepared solution the necessary object.
- After 30 minutes we take out the product, treat it with a toothbrush with a soft bristle and wipe after that with a flannel cloth.
Coca-Cola and other drinks
The well-known sweet drink "Coca-Cola" perfectly handles the cleaning procedure.
Important! It is also often used for cleaning sewage pipes, since the composition contains active orthophosphoric acid.
To remove the black plaque from the silver ornaments, it is enough to put a noble metal product for several hours in a container with Coca-Cola, then rinse the chain under running water.
Tooth powder or paste
It is often possible to clean a black coating on silver ornaments, using toothpaste or powder. To do this, you can use an old soft toothbrush and clean it with a blackened product. With this procedure, the dark raid quickly disappears.
Long-lasting cleaning
For cleaning a silver product from black at home, you can apply a proven method, which consists in prolonged soaking of silver jewelry in a special solution.
Used components:
- 1 glass of water;
- 2 teaspoons detergent;
- 1 tablespoon of vodka;
- 2 teaspoons freshly squeezed lemon juice.
How to clean the silver chain from the black at home:
- After mixing all of the above ingredients, fill the medium with a silver decoration.
- After 12 hours, rinse the product from a noble metal and polish it with a woolen cloth.
Important! Boil and put in a hot solution can only be silver jewelry that does not have stones. For decorated chains and coulombs, cleaning is done "in a cold fashion".
to the table of contents ↑Special tools
You can clean the silver chain from black plaque at home by using special professional tools that serve to care for ornaments made of precious metals. You can buy such funds in jewelry stores. Popular preparations:
- Special solution "Aladdin".The blackened product should be lowered for 20-30 seconds( more than 2 minutes to keep it is not recommended) in a container with a solution. After that, polish with a napkin in the kit.
Important! Such a cleaning procedure can not be carried out for ornaments that have organic stones and enamel.
- Special foam or liquid. Applying a soft cloth, apply foam to the blackened silver decoration. After 2 minutes, remove the foam from the product.
Important! If a special liquid is used, the silver jewelry is placed in it for 6-8 minutes. If silver jewelry has organic stones, enamel or blackening, then do not use this tool.
- A set consisting of Talisman napkins and pastes. Silverware should be rubbed with a paste, then polished with a soft microfibre cloth.
Important! Using industrial cleaners for precious metal, you need to use gloves to protect your hands. After the treatment, you must thoroughly rinse the jewelry and dry it.
to the contents ↑Preventing darkening
How to clean silver from black at home? To prevent darkening of precious metal, it is necessary to adhere to the rules of wearing silverware and gently take care of them.
Consider the basic recommendations:
- Before you visit the beach, swimming pool, gym, sauna, you need to remove the silver product.
- In addition, if you are going to apply a cream, lotion or ointment on the neck, then the chain should also be removed.
- While doing laundry or cleaning the house is not recommended to leave a silver decoration on the body, as the use of household chemicals can provoke the blackening of the decoration.
- Every evening, a silver product should be wiped with a flannel cloth.
- To store silver jewelry is best in a separate box, which inside should be decorated with a cloth. Products made of precious metals should not be kept with other metals, it is best to keep them separately from each other.
- Every 2 months it is advisable to carry out preventive treatment of the chain, using at the same time improvised or special means. If you do not adhere to this recommendation, then the procedure for purification from darkening is further complicated.
- During the treatment period, it is advisable not to wear silver jewelry.
Important! At home, it is very easy to clean silver jewelry. In case of high value of the product, or if it has stones, it is covered with enamel, then it is advisable to entrust the cleaning to a professional. If the ornament is 925 samples, then it is least likely to blacken, since it is covered with rhodium film.
All of the above methods perfectly handle the problem of darkening the silver jewelry. It is important only to choose one that is most suitable for you, which you can use at home.