Any person New Year's holidays are associated, primarily, with elegant wood beauty - the Christmas tree, which is an indispensable attribute of the New Year. The tradition to decorate Christmas tree for New Year holidays lasted for hundreds of years, and each year the human imagination and creativity is increasingly transforming it.

Today, every one of us has the opportunity to give scope to their imagination, not just decorating a Christmas tree with homemade toys, but also to make their own New Year's attribute. The original approach allows to make elegant and, at the same time, an exclusive tree from virtually any scrap materials: fabric, feathers, flowers, hangers, candy, etc.

d. A New Year's Christmas Tree of marmalade will be a great option decorating the children's festive table, to the same and delicious. To make a sweet decoration in the form of a Christmas tree will not be difficult and will not take much time. Invite as assistants their babies, which are sure to enjoy a similar idea. They are not only happy to help make forest beauty, but also will bring a lot of creative ideas for its design. To begin with, we need a basis on which we will install the Christmas tree. This role will perform wonderful marshmallow half, in which we insert the straw sweet - this will be our future trunk trees.

Straw length and thickness should be chosen according to the size of the finished product conceived.
To make a spruce legs, we need green marmalade, which must be cut into plates elongated triangular shape of different sizes. To the bottom of the plate more trees are needed, and for top - correspondingly smaller. We collect the Christmas tree, tightly clutching a plate-branches to the trunk and to one another in a staggered manner.
One another record will attach well, but the trunk for better attachment must first be spread with honey.

For Christmas Tree crown piece marmalade attach a cone shape, and which is crowned with a result of our product. Now it's time to start decorating the Christmas beauty. To do this, you can use curly Powder for cakes, coconut, edible glitter and other decorations for confectionery products. Jelly Christmas tree is ready! Such decoration and delicacy will certainly give your children a unique fairy-tale atmosphere of the holiday for the New Year table.