Heating modern private house depends on many factors. These include the choice of the heating boiler, the presence of underfloor heating systems, the choice of radiator connection diagrams. But the most important factor influencing the energy efficiency of the system, is the laying of various heating pipes in a private home, the diameter of the selection and installation process.

Types of pipes used for heating installation in a private home
Depending on the design of the heating system of a private house, the pipe material for connecting radiators and boiler rasklyucheniya may be different. Let's look at the main options used in the work.
Steel tubes
Isolated from galvanized steel materials based on stainless steel, of a black metal. The advantage of these products is a high thermal conductivity, allowing heat to give not only to the radiator, but also a supply pipe. With proper arrangement of the heating system turns a sealed circuit that eliminates leakage during long years.

Vodogazonapornyh of steel pipes, thanks to the large inner diameter, it is possible to equip the sloping heating system that is actively used in the last century. Such systems work without the use of pumps. Steel is ideal for the construction of a system of cast iron radiators. On the basis of today is made of stainless steel corrugated material, which are convenient to install.
Copper pipes
Due to the high flexibility of the properties of such systems are often used for decorating the boiler. To bend a tube to heat it sufficiently to high temperature, then it is necessary to perform bending, further cooled. Copper is able to withstand up to 400 MPa.
The great advantage of using copper is resistant to temperature changes, whereby the wall material is not destroyed even in the complete freezing of the heating circuit. Compound different portions is performed using capillary brazing, or by compression fittings. Products are characterized by high thermal conductivity, resistance to high and low temperatures, minimal flow resistance, a high durability. Importantly, do not combine the heating system by connecting the copper and aluminum pipes, since such contact would lead to a violation of the strength of the common system.

polypropylene Pipes
This material is known to all. He is actively used for many years, easily withstands pressures up to 10 atmospheres, is connected by means of fittings and transitions. In those places where you must go for the metal, used transition. Such pipes can be laid quite surfactants, because they have an aesthetic appearance, but also can be "packed" in the finishing floor screed, a walled wall.
For a hot water polypropylene pipe is used with a metal armouring, which increases its strength when heated. Installation is carried out using special equipment, which involves heating of the tube itself and a connecting fitting or a tee, rotation, and other elements.
Along with polypropylene using Metal-plastic material that is used for floor heating systems equipment. High strength allows pumping coolant for 50 years or more. For floor heating systems are also used crosslinked polypropylene.

Types of circuit pads and heating pipes
It is important to choose pravilnyysposob piping. Alternatively, distinguish single-pipe and two-pipe laying system.
When two pipe laying system has a supply and "return pipes." This increases the cost of the project, but it increases the efficiency of the heating system, because the water is cooled down directly He enters the return line, wherein, by means of the circulation pump is pumped back to the boiler and quickly heated. That is, the heating boiler is required to spend less energy on heating water rather than heat it constantly.

As for one-pipe system, there is, at lower investment initially the consumer pays more. The fact that the water is cooled down from the radiator enters the pitch, which obviously dilutes the water, about 15-20%. Thus, the next radiator in the water already goes to a temperature equal to 80-85 percent of the primary values.

Attention! The latest heat sink in the circuit will be much colder than the first. This should be considered in the construction of the heating circuit. Many people think that these problems can be compensated by means of the circulating pump, but it is not as pumps allow only intensify the exchange of water with the boiler.
That two-pipe heating system is the most effective. Now you need to figure out a way to connect the radiator. There is a lower connection, lateral and diagonal. Of all the above methods, it is most convenient to connect the "lower". However, such a connection is unable to convert 100% coolant energy into heat for your home, because the radiator warm only half. The maximum efficiency has diagonal connection that involves packing shtroblenie and feed pipes in the wall.
When you connect a diagonal "flow" comes on top of the heating boiler and the tank line leaves from the bottom, where the water is cooled down again fed to the boiler. Always use the diagonal should choose two-pipe systems, the heating medium quickly circulated in a closed loop.
With regard to the gasket, if the heating system changes already trimmed the house, for example, in the frame, nothing Stroebe and lay pipes on top of the floor or the walls. To do this, every 70 cm to install a pipe clamp that is important for the hot heat, or PVC material is deformed. It is with such pipes often work because of their low cost and high durability, can reduce the overall cost of the project.

If the house only trim, flooring is not filled, then it's best to lay PVC pipe for final tie. As a rule, it is not less than 7 cm, so this layer of concrete you can organize a hidden lining of polypropylene pipes heating. With proper soldering pipe you can avoid damaging the seal. Main before pouring the screed finishing pressurize the system. For this system is used with a pressure gauge designed to fill the water circuit, whereby the generated pressure in the pipe of the order of 2-3 atmospheres. Contour is pressurized and allow to stand about 5 hours. If during this time the pressure has not fallen, then the installation was successful.
Attention! It is recommended before pouring the finishing screed check system performance. This will help eliminate a narrowed plastic pipe. The reason for this overheating of the fitting.
Regarding the choice of radiators wiring diagrams, today widely used beam pattern. Radiation is a connection diagram of each radiator to the central manifold, which is mounted in the boiler. From the collector to the heating boiler goes main pipe, which is often a larger diameter than the diameter of feed pipes. Due to radiation compound can be used metal pipes or crosslinked polypropylene.
There is not necessarily routed polypropylene heating pipes in the wall, as well as comply with rectangular turns. Enough to lay them under the floor, which will facilitate installation and increase the pace of work. This scheme is considered to be the best for the whole pipe, which is not soldered.

Requirements SNIP
Total SNIP regulating ventilation and heating, registered under number 41-01-2003. There are other rules, among which are:
- SNP 2.04.05-91 (p. 3.58). Regulates the installation of decorative screens and grills on radiators.
- SNP 41-01-2003 (n. 6.5.13.). It indicates the need for installation of valves, except for areas with high probability coolant freezing.
- SNP 3.05.01-8 (n. 3.18). Regulates the bias circuit of the heating pipe with a length over 500 mm.
- SP 40-108-2004 (clause 3.2.1). Regulates joining copper pipe to the boiler with aluminum pins.
Sealing and thermal insulation
Seal only has to metal compounds. The point is that when working with HDPE-pipes of solder that requires no additional sealing. As for connections, "metal-metal", bathroom linen must be used. It is the most inexpensive way, which together with the paste, can achieve 100% tightness.
It is necessary to wind the linen in the course of the object, which will be wound on the thread that, when screwed flax not cranked. Instead of flax and paste can be used fum-tape, as well as other means.

With respect to insulation, the sale is a special insulation which is made by the pipe diameter. Recommend isolate the coolant which is supplied from the boiler to the radiators. Especially it should be done in the event that the tube lies against the wall under the floor, because it is here that there is a maximum level of heat loss. As the heat insulating material may be selected basalt wool, glass wool, polystyrene and other insulation.
Important! Do not skimp. When laying underfloor heating systems are strongly advised to make installation of pipe insulation. The central part of Russia using at least 5 cm Penoplex.
From the stage of calculation of the heating circuit based on the fact that one section is selected based on a 1.2 square meter room. Do not forget to take into account the stock, if your room has two walls are adjacent to the street, you need to add margin to 30%. That is, in a room of 15 square meters, is in contact with the street, which will warm the floor, it is recommended to install the heat sink with a number of sections of at least 12.
Intersection to create excess pressure in the circuit, it is necessary to operate diameter inlet pipe. That is, from the boiler to the main collector pipe must go at least 32 millimeters in diameter. Next, for each circuit goes pipe of the same diameter, about 4-5 meters on each wing. This will create a positive pressure in the circuit. Further, it is necessary Sause by selecting a minimum diameter of 25 mm to each radiator. When water rises to the radiator must perform narrowed to 20 mm, inclusive.

Bigger is not always good. Used anywhere a larger diameter tube is impractical because the water permeability is better, but it will increase the amount that will lead to a larger volume of liquid heat. Hence the extra heating costs. Lifting coolant on the floor above is carried out on the tube at least 32 mm.
One is cooler installation kit. These are two of the crane, cap, valve Majewski, 2-3 hook. Tees, reducers, couplings are considered individually, depending on the number of radiators in the building, their arrangement, the pipe laying process.
Recommendations for maintenance and repair
SNIP norms require the installation of radiators in a perfect geometric plane. It is necessary to put the radiator on the level, otherwise there will be airing and no coolant will come next. You must install Majewski crane for aluminum radiator. Aluminum, in contact with water, releases gas to escape to the outside. That's why after a couple of weeks, the pressure in the circuit may fall to 0.1-0.2 of the nominal value.
Important! Provide nuances. The circuit must be provided for the metering valve, which is delimited by the main water supply circuit in the building by the check valve.

Try to do a lining of polypropylene pipes in the floor screed heating only when the product is installed warranty period of not less than 40 years. Otherwise, the pipe must be serviced, so you are always able to repair.
When installing the radiator, make sure the sill does not cover it by more than 30%. The recommended height from the floor radiator is 6-8 centimeters, from the radiator to the window sill is not more than 10. Be sure to install valves on each heating radiator, to be able to adjust the heat transfer medium.

At the bottom of the heating circuit water is drained to the sewer must be provided. It is necessary to repair the case. The upper part of the heating circuit must be air vent to enable air to escape outwardly, without creating air pockets. Using warm floor, always use a separate pump to the collector. It is installed on the supply, the direction of the boiler to warm the floor. Be sure to use the cranes on every connection and branch that will facilitate repair.