It happens that in the house or in the area need to add a tie point in the water supply system. This is a small problem, if you want a local frame, for example, powered or plug stiralku shower. Such work is a virtue, even a layman, if available the necessary tools and basic knowledge of handling.

Another thing, if you need to connect a house or a new building to the water mains. In this case it is necessary to work with the system in which it is impossible to turn off the water pressure and the tapping of the pipe water main will have to perform under pressure. Both cases have their own particular embodiment and implementation of the rules. Let us examine them in detail.
The main stages of tie-in home aqueduct
The main difference between the procedure for connecting to the local water supply is the lack of necessary coordination with the various authorities. Calculate the required materials and carry out installation yourself, or you can entrust this process specialists. What should be done:
- Determine the location of the connection.
- Shut off the water pressure in the system.
- Set clip or cut the line at the connection point.
- Assemble locking device.
- Connect the new node.
- Create a maximum pressure in the system and check the tightness of the joints.
The last point is necessary to make rules and then, if the connection is made a guest artist. And, to make it better in his presence.
The main stages of tapping into the water main
To begin work on the sidebar to the main pipeline can be only after coordination of all phases of the relevant authorities. If additional work on the circuit connection will be made arbitrarily, the space portion or the host waits for administrative penalty of imposing a sufficiently fine. In addition, the relevant authorities may require dismantle illegal sidebar.

connection procedure
The determining factor for the selection procedure of connection with the pipeline is the material from which the network is made. Today, the most popular are the basis of performance polymers. In addition, water may be composed of metal and cast iron products. In each case has its own exclusive way tie, but there are general rules:
- It is used for drilling holes attacking tool whose diameter corresponds to the inner diameter of the completely crashed tube.
- additional loop pipe must necessarily have a smaller diameter than the backbone network.
- To prevent leakage of the make a hole using special clamps. They are different in each case and are selected depending on the material from which made the pipeline.
There are only two ways to connect the pipes connectable to the drive line under pressure: by means of clamps and welding. A second method considered more reliable and durable, but can not always be used due to the material used or connection conditions. For example, it is impossible to weld metal pipes, there is no possibility to block the water and drain the system.
Connection line of plastic pipes
If you have to connect to the water supply of plastic pipes, the order of operations shall be as follows:

- Provide an approach to the backbone. To have access to the network at the connection point, you need to dig a pit, not less than 1.5 meters in diameter. It is necessary for compliance with safety regulations and to ensure easy operation.
- Dig a trench in the direction in which the thread is laid diverter.
Construction of drainage. To connect plastic pipes, as a rule, use special clamps - saddles, Electrowelded type collapsible. Such a device equipped with the wiring of the heating spiral cutter for drilling pipe and valve. For information on how to properly use the product (the duration of the welding time and subsequent cooling) manufacturer always puts on a saddle clamp.

- Device bolted on the water pipe. Special welding device clamp is welded to the connected pipe by the action of heat from elektrospirali. After cooling, the compound acquires strength and reliability. The average term of service saddles - nearly half a century
- Place for making holes ready. Now it is necessary to use a mill and connect an additional conduit loop.
Due to the nature of the object may be minor changes in the way of these works, but they are not able to greatly change the algorithm steps.
Inset in water of iron pipes
Here the procedure is slightly different. This is due to the properties of the starting material: hardness and brittleness. Cast iron, of course, harder metaloplastika, but also not subject to corrosion, but because of the low level of plasticity may burst from excessive physical impacts. With this in mind, crashing into the water pipe must be based on the following points:
- Prepare access to the leading pipeline. Dig a trench at the point of connection and provide easy access. The place where the planned sample, we clean from dirt and rust. This is best done using a grinder to remove even the outer layer of tempered metal.

- The puncture site, on the main pipe, collapsible mount saddle clamp. Under it is recommended to put a rubber seal, to seal the docking assembly and ensure a tight fit of the collar over the entire working surface.
- Saddle diverter portion serves as the basis for the closure of the valve, which is not only a barrier to incoming water, and a wired channel but for administration breakdown.
- Drilling holes made special crowns, selected on the desired diameter. Crowns need several, because due to the rigidity of the metal they quickly zatuplivayutsya. Position breakdown must be constantly cooled with water to prevent cracking.
When the hole is done, the need to withdraw the bit and block the incoming water. Now you can safely mount the vent profile to the intended object.
Installation for steel pipes
The tapping of the steel pipe is not so difficult because the starting material is more ductile than the cast iron, but no less durable. The main attention should be paid to the removal of rust on the joints. Here, for the connection of pipes optimally use welding, and in the rest of the process technology is similar to other types of installation.

- At the point of connection points is prepared recess, providing enough space for operation.
- Tapping point carefully trimmed from rust and prepares to conduct welding works in the usual way.
- By main pipe butt welded pipe, cut from any type of structural steel.

- After welding the joint should be checked for leaks. This is simply done by brushing the inside seam of kerosene, and the outside - a simple chalk. If the seam is not obtained, then the outside will be oily stains. Microcracks must be removed, otherwise it will be impossible uninterrupted water supply.
- For drilling holes through the pipe, its okontsovke set flanged or threaded valve. First hole can be drilled with a hand drill, but only need to complete manually.
Connecting an external circuit to the lead pipe is produced in the same manner as described above.
Important! After completing installation work, you must carefully check the tightness of all joints and connections, and only then bury the trench.
Testing and adjustment of pressure in the water
aqueduct Checking the integrity and the ability to keep a predetermined level of pressure - is the final step in all tapping process. To check the quality of the newly created connection, you must take the following actions:

- Fill the entire water system to remove air pockets that would inevitably appear due to violation of water supply tightness. This requires to release excess air through the open valves. If the water supply system has an automatic air vent, something he will cope with this problem.
- Determine the water pressure at the place of work and at the exit from the system. Drop should not be more than 0.5-0.8 atm. The total pressure in the water supply system for low-rise buildings should be - 1.5-2.8 atmospheres.
- We must remember that some household equipment is operating mode - 4 atmospheres, so the local water supply must respond calmly even at 4.5 atmosphere.
- After the water is completely filled with liquid, and air locks removed, you must connect the blower and raise the pressure to 6 atmospheres for a period of one hour. Now we should check again for leaks, both new and old. If leaks are not present, then the tie was successful.
Attention! Ensuring the maintenance of the pressure level in the water supply system is a critical factor in the design, installation and operation of the pipeline. Excessive or insufficient pressure can result as breakage of appliances, and failure of the entire pipeline.
to the domestic water supply connection does not require third-party approvals and permits courts. Box same into the pipeline without permission, can result significant fines and administrative punishment.
to the water supply of different types of connection it has some nuances, but basically technologically similar, are not very complex and may not be available even for experienced "plumbing."
The main objective of the installation, and operation of the sidebar - providing the network pressure to avoid damage equipment or structural collapse.