Almost any residential house or city apartment is always possible to meet the water heating system. It is basically a centralized or independent heating system, single-circuit or two-circuit, the difference in power, in detail and in the task. However, one aspect of the process is common to all - is a type of liquid. Most of the work on the heat delivery to the heating devices perform boiler water or antifreeze.
Coolant is circulated through a path that is "circulatory system" heating. From the quality and production tubing material depends patency highways, long term operation of the pipeline. Today, new technologies in the field of heating equipment and supplies affected, bringing to the fore reinforced polypropylene tubes used for heating systems. These products appeared relatively recently, but has already managed to win wide popularity among consumers. What is the reason for this success synthetic products, what are the advantages of polypropylene tPipes reinforced with fiberglass or aluminum.
Main article about polypropylene tubes.
Reinforcement of polypropylene pipes - the main objective and task
We remember well the metal pipes in our homes or in private homes, which gurgling hot water, supplying the domestic battery warm welcome. Talk about the attractive appearance of these highways is not necessary, all the more so over time, much worse patency metal highways. Poor quality coolant, frequent blockages are the reasons why the functionality of metal heating circuits. Therefore, over time dramatically the quality of premises heating deteriorates.
In most cases, these factors have led to the appearance on the market of consumables for heating plastics. First came the metal pipes, and later began to receive polypropylene supplies on the market. High performance, process parameters and reasonable price made synthetics today the most common components for heating systems. Attempts to improve the technological parameters and characteristics of polypropylene led to the fact that it was decided to reinforce polypropylene.

Reinforcement - a technology, as a result of which the base material structure is complemented reinforcing components. By the inclusion of the additional internal structure of polypropylene layer substantially linear increases stiffness of the pipe increases the strength and stability of the material. The reinforcing layer plays a key role in significantly reducing the coefficient of thermal expansion of synthetic pipelines. Unlike conventional polypropylene fiber reinforced polypropylene tube 5 times less susceptible to thermal elongation, which positively affects the outer pipe form and its function parameters.
For reference: in a home heating system coolant temperature in the loop is 50-700FROM. In the case of central heating flow temperature may occasionally rise to the critical level of 950FROM. Operation is not reinforced polymer tube under such temperature indicators extremely negative impact on the physical properties of its material of manufacture.
For home heating, when a significant part of the heating circuit and is clearly visible from the outside, the use of ordinary plastic pipe inappropriate. You have to constantly solve the problem of sagging roads, installing additional fixings and fasteners. Which product is better to choose for the heating circuit - the next question to be considered in more detail.
Types of reinforcement used in combination with polypropylene
Reinforcement not a new phenomenon in engineering mechanics. The inclusion in the materials or in the intricate designs of reinforcing elements, says that this technology is directed to increase the strength properties of the finished material or products. The thermal structures and the strengthening of systems has been applied recently. With the advent of reinforced polypropylene consumables increased significantly the technological capabilities of the heating equipment. Such channels perfectly interact with high temperatures, resistant, strong and easy to install.
Gain in this case may have two embodiments. Polypropylene tubes, reinforced with aluminum or supplies, which structure includes a reinforcing layer of fiberglass.
How to choose the most suitable reinforced polypropylene pipes for own heating system, with one or the other reinforcing layer depends on a number of aspects. That would be easier to make a choice, to be understood. What is the difference between the two versions of polypropylene reinforcement, and what are the technological features of the equipment.
Varieties reinforced products
In many heating systems common to use three or five-layer polypropylene products. It is these supplies are distinguished by the highest technological characteristics corresponding to the conditions and parameters of operation of the heating equipment.
Consider the distinctive parameters of various kinds of PP products:
- three-layer pipes - is a product in which an inner, a middle reinforcing layer. As the reinforcing component uses aluminum or fiberglass;
- five-layer polypropylene supplies - are products which have two, inner and outer layers of polypropylene. In the middle, there are two adhesive material layer (adhesive), between which the reinforcing layer.
Note: Two adhesive layer added to the material during operation are not stratified. Thus disadvantage often suffer three-layer articles in which a reinforcing layer of aluminum often begins to delaminate from the polymeric substrate.

Main article: Floor heating pipes of polypropylene.
Both variants equally well used in practice, constituting the basis lines of the heating circuits. The three-layer and five-layer polypropylene pipes perfectly cope with high working pressure, working in the impact mode high coolant temperatures.
Accordingly, such products have a distinctive marking on the basis of which it is possible to draw a conclusion about how the material reinforced product.
Products, glass fiber reinforced
All polypropylene tubes designated PP respective symbols. Adding the glass fiber reinforced layer is indicated in the marking material following symbols PPR-FB-PPR. Immediately evident that the product has three layers, among which a middle layer has reinforcing function. This marking indicates that before you polypropylene fiberglass products.

Externally, such supplies are characterized by having inside the color layer. The reinforcing layer may be formed in various colors, from red, orange, green finishing layer. Color has no effect on the process parameters. Main constructional data applied on the outer surface of the tube, indicating operating conditions, diameter of the product.
Supplies the reinforcing fiber layer have the following advantages:
- no need for cleaning and calibration of individual fragments pipe during mounting;
- No effect delamination of products achieved as a result of the monolithic structure.
However, the advantages of glass fiber backbones in comparison with aluminum reinforced polypropylene pipes is not so significant. Use the equipment for the heating circuit can be both, but keep in mind the following:
Unlike materials reinforced with aluminum, fiberglass products have a larger coefficient of thermal elongation (5-6%).

For the price a little cheaper fiberglass products five-layer consumables. Installation of pipelines for heating is fast and straightforward. Using special scissors - cutter and a soldering iron, it is possible for one to two days to pave the heating circuit around the residential facility. As a result, brazing diffuse achieved the necessary strength of the compounds.
Products, reinforced aluminum
As in the previous case, the polypropylene pipes reinforced with aluminum as often used in practice. Among professionals there is a conditional division between those who prefer the synthetic pipelines, reinforced aluminum and those who prefer fiberglass supplies materials. Each category has its own masters arguments in favor of this or that kind of consumables. Consider, what is different from a technological point of view of the pipe with a layer of aluminum.

Let's start with the marking. Products of this kind are usually bear the following set of characters, the abbreviation PPR-Al-PPR. As in the previous case, the labeling can be seen as a pipe layer and from which they are composed.
In turn, these consumables are divided into several subtypes:
- First embodiment - products are perforated in the middle part of aluminum (thin layer of aluminum foil with small round holes);
- the second option - the pipe has a middle layer made of solid aluminum.
The following figures show a first and second embodiment of consumables reinforced aluminum.

Both options have a three-layer structure. A third option involves reinforced polypropylene tube with five layers. Here, two layers of adhesive base is added to the polypropylene and aluminum. Due to the presence of two additional termosloja supplies of this type have high resistance to high temperatures and durability.
Products with aluminum, may also have a different coloring color which has no special process values.
Sometimes there are products on sale, marked with the following symbols PEX-Al-PEX. Unlike tubes labeled PPR-AL-PPR, in this case it refers to the other layers of the structure. The first letter designations denote outer layer of crosslinked polyethylene. These supplies have slightly different performance characteristics and deserve a separate discussion. Fundamental differences in this case, there is, so they both can be safely used for the installation of heating pipes.
Important! In use, polypropylene channels necessary cleaned with aluminum, which would ensure the strength and tightness of the joint.
Depending on the manufacturer, the aluminum layer may be positioned differently. Some pipes reinforcing layer is in the middle between the other two layers on both sides. There are products in which aluminum foil is situated closer to the inner wall of the pipe.
What would be right to make laying of the pipeline with a consumable product, in addition to special scissors and a soldering iron, you need shaver. This device is carried trimming the edges the aluminum foil fragments on separate tube. As aluminum itself is not subject to soldering, it is necessary to do deep cleansing channel 2-3 mm.
Properly equipped with a heating circuit with reinforced synthetic materials can last long enough. According to the instructions, such systems are operational for 30-50 years, without losing the main performance.

Reinforced tube perfectly capable of withstanding high temperatures. At consumables and components, in which aluminum is present, the lowest thermal expansion.
Technical parameters Operating reinforced polypropylene pipes
Knowing now that are reinforced with a synthetic tube, it is possible to draw some conclusions. The advantages of the reinforced consumables include:
- the lowest coefficient of thermal expansion among all the currently known components of this kind;
- each product is designed for a certain working pressure (indicated on the label);
- wide operating temperature range;
- corrosion resistance;
- drastic reduction product stability temperature (defrosting effect such conduits is not threatened).
The main technological parameters of polypropylene consumable components reinforced with aluminum or fiberglass, are as follows.
Returning to the coefficient of thermal expansion.
For reference: For a normal plastic pipe thermal elongation of 10 cm per 1 linear meter of pipe. Upon contact with the coolant, the temperature of which is 700FROM.
With polypropylene products, in which the reinforcing layer is present, the situation is different. At high temperatures, even before reaching the level of 950C, the thermal elongation of 1 cm to 1 meter pipeline.
Operating pressure also may affect the functionality of the heating circuit and its longevity. For clarity, just look at the table, which shows the labeling and performance of different types of polypropylene products used in home heating systems.
marking products |
Functionality | flow temperature? C |
Nominal pressure coolant MPa |
PN 10 |
Cold water system |
≤ + 20 ° C |
1 kgf / cm2 |
For low temperature heating systems (underfloor heating) |
≤ + 45˚S |
PN 16 |
For cold and hot water supply |
≤ + 60 ° C |
1.6 kgf / cm2 |
PN 20 |
Only for domestic hot water systems |
≤ + 95˚S |
2 kgf / cm2 |
PN 25 (fiber reinforced) |
For the central heating and hot water systems |
≤ + 95˚S |
2.5 kgf / cm2 |
Note: consumables and components used in the installation of polypropylene pipes reinforced in the usual embodiments can be practiced are made from traditional materials: brass, copper, nickel insert. type compound selected from the standpoint of technological necessity.
Reinforced Polypropylene supplies specific components, today it possible to significantly expand the performance of heating systems. Due affordable price and ease of installation, using such products can be laid heating conduit virtually any length. Restrictions can only be due to power heaters and specific heating process. Do not forget that plastic pipe is very convenient and practical to use. With such a conduit to easily carry out repair work. Individual pipe sections are interchangeable. Due soldering method achieved the necessary tightness, the strength and stability of the compounds.
For manufacturability, synthetic tube, reinforced with glass fibers, have great advantages so over time this type of supplies will take the dominant position in the market heat equipment.