New Year's vanity is always pleasant, has been purchased products for the New Year's menu, bought a large tree and garlands, and to ensure that your tree is distinguished by originality, it remains to produce elegant and unusual Christmas toys with their hands. Come to mind multicolored meter chains and lanterns of colored paper, Christmas crafts from shell chicken eggs, but these toys have become a rarity, and are rarely used for decorating Christmas tree.

- In search of inspiration
- Decorated Christmas balls
- Decoration of Christmas tree balls in the art decoupage
- Christmas tree toy "Hedgehog"
In search of inspiration
skilful masters - needlewoman are often divided in their blogs or forums needlework new ideas. For example, if you draw well - you have an opportunity to make an exclusive thing, and for that you It needs a normal bulb and acrylic paints, and which you will create your masterpiece on this lamp.
I love to sew or knit - on the same needlework can find patterns of various animals. Using the pattern, you can easily sew a fun character from the cartoon or bind bear, fox or any other animal of fluffy mohair yarn.

Well, as you can do without the gingerbread cookies hanging on a Christmas tree with beautiful satin ribbons? They not only decorate forest beauty, but also with tangerines hanging from neighboring branches, create an atmosphere New Year's holiday, making it the scent of magic, happiness, pleasant expectations upon which captures breath.
Ideas manufacturing toys very much, all of them are worthy of attention, but to describe them all is impossible, here are some interesting ideas you note.

Decorated Christmas balls
Having at hand the most common transparent glass bowl, you can make out of it an exclusive Christmas toy if desired.
The idea №1. The decor of the fragments of a DVD-ROM drive. To work you need some clear glass balls, which are cheaper toys with decor, 2 DVD-ROM, scissors, glue gun and scraps of beautiful fabric, brocade or desirable silk.
DVD-discs cut into pieces of any shape and size. Take a glass ball, put it on the 2-3 point using the glue gun and glue the pieces quickly drive. Obkleyte disk slices all the balls you have prepared. Then remove the loop-holder from the Christmas tree ball and carefully place inside a piece of brocade fabric. Just look how elegant was the ball, and the time needed for its decoration is not much.

The idea №2. The decor of confectionery powder, or beads. Powder confectionery is always so bright, that's why it can be used not only for decoration of confectionery products, but also for decorating the same transparent glass balls. Such decoration can be called the easiest. Simply remove the balloon loop-holder and pour in it a multicolored powder.
Another bead fill colorful beads deckhouse. All faces chopped beads are very beautiful sparkle, as soon as the ball hit the light.
Decoration of Christmas tree balls in the art decoupage
You can make the original author's Christmas toys with their own hands in the decoupage technique. To do this you will need: 5-6 plastic balls blanks small, patterned three-layer napkins, paint and varnish acrylic, synthetic flat brush, PVA glue, semolina, glitter and polish small shopping sponge.
On a palette or saucer lay a little white paint. Then cut off about one-third of the sponge, dunk it in the white paint and blotted movements treat ball, so we'll do something like snow buildup. After treatment, the balls have good dry.

Meanwhile, separate from the tissue layer with a pattern, it is desirable that the picture has a Christmas subject, and accurately cut the desired motifs.
Then, in a small tank, spread PVA glue with water as a percentage of one to one, attach a picture to the prepared bowl and go over it with a brush with glue. Now you can, using the above method with a sponge, paint your ball any paint without affecting the picture. After drying, cover the balls with acrylic lacquer.
So what is the new year without snow? When mixing semolina and white paints obtained mass, which will mimic the fine snow for Christmas toys. Apply the "snow" in the picture, where it will be most appropriate.
After drying, the "snow", cover these areas with lacquer and sprinkle with glitter. Exclusive author's Christmas toys ready.
Christmas tree toy "Hedgehog"
Do not just some balls, try to make a cute hedgehog, which is sure to appeal not only to you, but will delight your children.
For the manufacture of Christmas toys you will need: half of the foam balls, sequins yellow and brown colors, needles, cloves, bugle beads and big brown. For convenience, Lay all the little details in the shallow plastic containers and get to work.

Start with the muzzle of a hedgehog. On-the needle stud wear yellow sequins and insert the needle into the foam with sequins hemisphere.
Likewise keep doing muzzle hedgehog, sticking sequins overlap, so as not to be seen Styrofoam.
Made of yellow sequins small semicircle, like the rising sun, it proceeds to the needles urchin. On the needle nanizhite brown bead, glass, brown sequins. Such improvised needles fill the rest of the foam. Glue the eyes of the hedgehog, they can buy in the store for needlework and spout are made of a small piece of black velor, little is gathered around the edges and it styanuv thread.
Plug in the finished crafts mount designed for Christmas toys. Hedgehog, which will look amazing on your Christmas tree, and delight the kids ready.
By the way, the same principle can be made and Christmas balls of any color and size.