On the day of birth or christening of the child need to present useful and beautiful gift. Parents will be nice to get something made with your hands. Alternatively such a surprise - a cake of diapers. It can be any shape, to include different components. Suitable gift and boys and girls - it all depends on the chosen color and design.

- Cake for girl
- Crafts for boys
- Basket with diapers
- The machine of diapers
- magic castle
Cake for girl
Pampers - a necessary thing in the first year of the baby. My mother takes a lot of money to buy them, so it will be glad such a gift. For a girl's cake will need these materials and tools:

- Diaper 104, calculated on the weight of 3-6 kg;
- elastic bands for money;
- thin and wide satin tape;
- shampoos, creams, powders;
- cardboard;
- Lace braid;
- crepe paper;
- plastic tube;
- artificial flowers;
- tubes for cocktails;
- scissors, stapler;
- soft toys, rattles.
Not hard to make a cake of diapers with their hands, but this process will take more than one hour. Diapers removed from the packaging, each twisted rolls and fasten a rubber band. Upper tier cake spread of 19 parts, connect them thin ribbon. The second layer must be greater than the previous one, the third increase for one row. From the middle of a lower tier is removed, is inserted into the bottle and jars with powder, cream or shampoo. Above the second layer is attached. If the top of the bottle interferes, you can pull out a few central diapers. The third tier is to cover all the gaps.

In the center of the cake is inserted into a plastic tube - it will connect all the layers. Harvested palm products. Of cardboard cut out a circle of diameter greater than the lower tier of the cake, and it is wrapped with crepe paper. It is desirable to decorate the edge of the lace tape, a stapler to fasten it. On the stand spread cake, then proceed to the decor. It is better to choose the pink parts. Wide satin tape to a thin glue, which was wrapped single-stage layers. Over it allowed smaller part, the top product is decorated with soft toys and rattles.
Artificial flowers glued to the tubes, insert them into different tiers between diapers. Decorate them with green leaves, so that the product does not look too rosy. To attach small ribbons bows with pearl beads. Ready gift of diapers for the girl with his hands wrapped in a transparent film, and tie it with a ribbon with a bow. You can serve the cake culprit celebration.
Crafts for boys
Boys can also be hand have the diaper cake, but it must be in a different way to decorate. It can collect from the following components:
- diapers;
- supporting a bottle;
- Three lace;
- corrugated paper;
- satin ribbons;
- glue gun;
- scissors.

You can make a cake out of diapers at the master class. Worktop need to lay a clean cloth, and work best in medical gloves or cellophane. Diapers removed from the packaging, they must be at least 90. For lower-tier diaper need 45, 5 of which have put aside. The remaining 40 units need to flatten, put a rubber band and wrap around the inside of the bottle. Assign parts drawstring and remove the tank and fill the void left 5 diapers, rolled into roll.
Trace harvested under this scheme middle and upper tier. Void in the last layer of filling all three diapers. Tiers spread on each other and fasten skewers or cocktail straws, hide them in diapers. From cardboard cut out a circular stand and paste over it corrugated paper. They give it a cake and decorate it.
The two circles should be placed yellow jars and tubes with liquid soap, cream or shampoo. Of blue paper cut three broad bands, slightly stretch the edges, give them a wavy shape. Tapes wrapped each layer bonded stapler. Tied each tier satin blue and white ribbons, edge glued. From the same material make several bows, is attached to the cake.

Top to decorate a small bouquet of three roses. Paper cut three of the same circle, making jagged edges and fold every detail of a bud or a cone. The center insert to 3 paper yellow stamens and the flowers themselves are fixed to the tubes. Lily placed on the upper layer of the product, are folded and straightened pitch. Made by hand from the diaper cake for boys packed in cellophane and give the holiday.
Basket with diapers
It can be made from diapers not only cakes. It looks very impressive basket of diapers filled with little things necessary in the first year of baby's life. For making such materials need to prepare:
- 30 diapers;
- two tapes;
- cardboard;
- rattles;
- two pairs of socks;
- lightweight suit;
- bibs;
- bottle nipple;
- tubes of cream;
- soap.
From cardboard cut out a circle with the same diameter, which is a basket. Diapers, smooth and put in a circle in a domino effect, fasten their money elastics in 4 places. Inside should be left empty space is filled with two diapers. Skirting neatly attached to the cardboard stand - it will act as a floor.
Cardboard is made narrow strip, wrapped her open diapers, attach white thread on top. Ready-molded handle is attached to the basket itself gum or using wooden shpazhek. All product wrapped corrugated paper or a light organza, decorated with ribbon handle, tie a bow at the end. The same material is wrapped itself basket.
Fill the container of children's clothing. Her neatly hung so that it hung from the rim. In the center spread creams and soaps, shampoos.
You can add a few toys or rattles. Basket wrapped in transparent film tied at the top of the bow satin lace and hand crafts happy young mother.
There is another option nursery basket. For it is required:
- 40 diapers;
- wire;
- pins, erasers;
- thread the needle;
- Satin tape;
- textile items for filling - socks, diapers, undershirts.

Diapers rolled up, attach a rubber band. Form a small circle of 20 parts, is added another 15 on the perimeter. Just do the second row, and wrapped all strong thread - bottom of the basket is ready. Wire arch frame for handles, wrap around her small towel, fix it with tape and string. Insert the blank into the basket.
To stand cardboard wrapped diaper, fastened to her product. Using double-sided tape around kleyut crafts satin ribbon bows add. From socks and bibs raspashonok rolled coils so that they looked like roses. Crepe paper is converted into several colors and leaves. Decorate the basket prepared decor on the handle tie bow lush of translucent tape.
The machine of diapers
Boys always like to play with cars. You can make the vehicle out of diapers. Gift not only beautiful and spectacular, but also very useful. Materials for the work:

- 60 diapers;
- packaging paper and cardboard;
- Satin tape;
- two bottles;
- Scotch;
- knife and scissors;
- diapers;
- cardboard.
First, to make the wheels of the car, which are laid several diapers each other, fold them and fixed band. For one piece enough eight diapers. You can roll each diaper individually and then join them together.
From cardboard cut out two rectangles of different sizes. One will act as a stand, the second - to play the role of the bottom of the machine. Cover elements of the wrapping paper. Little detail is placed on top of a large, make slits in the places where there are wheels, threaded them the tape. Carefully attach the wheels between the braid.
Chassis - a smaller piece of cardboard - a few diapers stacked to form a vehicle body. On the sides between two bottle caps spread forward. This will headlamps. Spread on top of a few more diapers. The housing cover diaper, secure it with tape and ribbon.

The cabin is made of folded diapers, spread them in 3-4 layers. Wrap another diaper, fix it. Mirrors form of children's socks. They put napkins fastened to the sides. From bright magazine clippings can make the windshield, grille, attach the car symbol - the emblem of the Mercedes brand or the other.
magic castle
There are interesting articles from diapers for girls, among which the castle stands. Little Princess will be glad such a gift, will play with it before using it. It is necessary to prepare for the crafts:
- 88 diapers;
- gum;
- cardboard pad 40 cm in diameter;
- Satin tape;
- wooden skewers;
- cocktail tubes;
- colored cardboard;
- scissors, tape, glue;
- small children's items for decoration.

Fifteen diapers are folded in half, fastened with a rubber band. Prepare three such blocks for lower tier lock. Of the 12 diapers make two middle parts 8 and - a top layer. Tape is wrapped lower tier fixing all elements together. It should completely hide the elastic, fasten the ends with glue or tape. The same thing with doing a two upper layers.
Make towers of the castle. Behind a wooden skewer is wound one diaper. The pointed end should hang around 2-3 cm. Harvest 8 such parts. Each diaper is wrapped elastic ribbon for fixation. Roof cut out of colored cardboard semicircles with diameter 15 cm. They rolled cone, leave room for the tube, glued the joints.
For the central tower diaper in rolled three rolls, and combined their elastic skewer inserted therebetween. Excised for her roof 25 cm diameter. From different paper colors make diamonds, fold them in half. Along the fold line is inserted into the tube, the boxes are ready. Small towers are arranged at the corners of the lower and middle tiers. Set on top of the roof with a flag. Since the central member is fixed and the others. Decorate the castle phony, folded undershirts or soft toys.
From diapers, you can make a variety of different shapes. All kinds of cakes, bouquets, baskets and cars will look elegant and festive. Hand made gifts are always appreciated above purchased.