How to wash stains from a banana on children's clothes - the most effective ways

Banana is a favorite fruit of many children of all ages, and by tradition babies do not observe special care when using them. Mums of such lovers should take recommendations on how to wash stains from a banana on children's clothes, so you do not have to put quality clothes on rags.

It should be noted that it is not easy to completely remove such formations. Especially if they are old or have already been made not very effective attempts to remove them. But the question can still be solved if one does not allow a common mistake - to try to wash fresh or dried banana with hot water and soap. From this effect, the stains only darken, finally settling on the garment.

How to deal with a fresh spot?

The chances of success and the full recovery of a child's thing are enhanced if you act very quickly. It is best to start treating the stain immediately after it is detected, while it is still wet, and the juice does not stick into the texture of the fibers. If the situation does not have to timely processing of education, then it must at least be carefully rubbed with wet napkins. Then even after a few hours it will still be washed.

Advice: It is strictly forbidden to use flavored napkins to treat traces of banana and other fruits. They can both remove the traces of the pulp and prevent the formation of a characteristic stain, but leave behind a persistent divorce. It is better to do with simple alcohol products or even cold water.

Fresh contamination from the pulp of a banana can be washed with cool water without the addition of detergents. In addition, the use of lemon juice or oxalic acid is very useful and effective. True, if the first option allows you to gently wash the fabric, the second tool is rather caustic. It is customary to resort to its application only as a last resort, using the composition literally drop by drop.

In both cases, we first prepare the solution from cool water and a few drops of the main component. Then we put the composition on the surface of the stain, wait a few minutes and erase the child's clothes in ordinary warm water. A positive aspect is the fact that the above methods do not lead to a change in the original color of the tissue.

With the help of what can you deduce an old education?

In cases where the stains from the banana have already dried, without the use of stain removers or bleaches can not do.

  • Articles of clothing made of linen and cotton, especially white, can be safely processed with bleach bleach or modern stain removers. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the fabric, otherwise the fibers can be damaged.

  • Colored fabrics can only be treated with oxygen bleaches, best in the form of a gel. Fabric with a stain from a banana is first moistened in cold water, then poured with a small amount of gel and left for several hours( according to the instruction).After that, you need to check the quality of the stain. If it softened and lost its severity, it can be washed in a typewriter, using a sparing regimen. If necessary, soak in the gel repeat several times.

  • In addition, today the housewives actively use Vanish, dry cleaners, oxygen sprays for these purposes. The main thing is to act strictly according to the instructions, otherwise there is a risk of damage to the tissue.
  • To quickly and qualitatively wash the banana stain, you can try the soap Antipyatin. However, it is worth considering that soaping will have to be done several times, and this can affect the state of things. In extreme cases, you can use simple household soap, but there is one nuance. After the area on which the banana has dried is soaped, the product should be put on the sun. After half an hour, we wash it in a little warm water, then rinse it and dry it. Experienced housewives even managed to notice that simply staying a banana spot in the sun for a long time leads to its tarnishing.

Unfortunately, even the best quality modern enzyme powders( namely, they are recommended for washing children's clothes) are not able to remove stains from most fruits or vegetables. But they are quite capable of making them more stable.