The biggest air crashes in the world

The conquest of man's airspace is the greatest event, which, unfortunately, is connected with the death of many testers of the first aircraft. More than 200 years have passed since the first successful flight of man in the airspace of the Earth. Now air travel is one of the fastest ways to overcome huge distances. But modern aircraft - such reliable on the ground, in the air, as well as during takeoff and landing, may face unforeseen problems. The biggest air crashes of the world - we collected for the readers information about the terrible tragedies that claimed the lives of hundreds of people.


July 3, 1988 A-300 plane 290 people died

On July 3, 1988, a tragedy occurred with an Iranian Airbus A-300, which was shot down over the Persian Gulf by an American cruiser. In this major plane crash, 290 people were killed, including 65 children. According to the US authorities, the airliner command of the cruiser was adopted for the Iranian fighter. There were no apologies from the US government.


On January 8, 1996, the An-32B aircraft killed 298 people.

The world's largest air crash is the tragic incident that occurred on January 8, 1996 in Kinshasa, the capital of the Congo. The plane of Russian airlines An-32B made cargo transportation. The crew was preparing for an ordinary flight. On board, except for the crew, was a citizen of Zaire, who accompanied the cargo. The take-off strip of 1,700 meters was without fencing, and from the local market, located perpendicular to the runway, it was separated only by a drainage ditch. During the take-off run, the crew could not lift the nose of the aircraft and tried to stop the take-off, but the aircraft rolled out directly to the market and caught fire, colliding with the buildings. The dead: one of the crew and 297 people on the market. The majority of the dead are women and children. It was possible to identify only 66 bodies, because the rest were terribly mutilated.

As it turned out later, the aircraft was loaded by a local airline, which did not take into account a special aircraft. At the time of loading, crew members were not present. As a result, the permissible weight of the aircraft was exceeded, and he could not get up in the air.

Today it is the largest air crash in the world, which occurred on the ground.


July 17, 2014 Boeing 777 Killed 298 people

On July 17, 2014, another tragedy took place, which was one of the largest air crashes in the world. Boeing 777 of Malaysian airlines flew from Amsterdam to the capital of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur. The flight was in normal mode, but 50 kilometers from the Ukrainian-Russian border the aircraft ceased to communicate. There were no alarms from him. The plane was found crashed in the area of ​​the village Gradovo in the Donetsk region. The complexity of the work to establish the causes of the tragedy is due to the fact that this is an area of ​​armed confrontation between the opposition regions and the authorities of Ukraine. None of the parties to the conflict in the east of the country pleaded guilty to the plane crash. It is known only that the aircraft, according to the main version of the investigation, was shot down by unidentified persons from the Buk anti-aircraft missile system. Everyone who was aboard the airliner died - only 298 people.


August 19, 1980 Lockheed L-1011 aircraft Killed 301 people

On August 19, 1980, a major plane crash took place at the airport in Riyadh city, in which 301 people were killed on board. The worst thing is that passengers and crew members could be saved, but the sluggishness of the airport's emergency services led to the fact that the doors to the burning cabin were only opened 23 minutes after the emergency landing of the aircraft. When the rescuers still opened the main door to the plane, an instant ignition of the cabin occurred and all passengers and crew members were killed in the flames. The salon literally burned to the ground. For whatever reasons, they themselves could not open emergency exits from the plane, remained unknown.

Problems on board the Lockheed L-1011 began in flight. The sensor triggered a fire in the cargo hold. The plane immediately turned around and headed for Riyadh airport. The crew did not speak English well and could not understand the fire fighting instructions in the cargo hold.


June 23, 1985 Boeing 747 329 people were killed

On August 19, 1980, the world's largest air crash took place over the water, as a result of which 329 people were killed( all who were on board).The tragedy occurred in 70 kilometers from the Irish city of Cork in the neutral waters of the Atlantic Ocean. Boeing 747 Indian Airlines flew from Montreal to Bombay, when an explosion exploded on its board. The crew did not manage to transmit the distress signal - the airliner collapsed in the air. Found onboard recorders confirmed the main version of the death of the airliner - it was a terrorist act. In the preparation and implementation of the blast, Sikh extremists were accused.


March 3, 1974 DC-10 aircraft 346 people were killed

On March 3, 1974 the DC-10 plane of a Turkish airline dropped 6 minutes after its departure from Paris in the forest area of ​​Ermenonville. The airliner completely collapsed.346 people were killed. The cause of the tragedy was the malfunction of the cargo door lock. When the plane began to gain altitude, the door suddenly opened. There was an explosive decompression, which destroyed the control system and the plane entered the peak. He fell for a minute and a half until he crashed into the ground. This is one of the largest air crashes in the world.


November 12, 1996, Boeing 747 and IL-76TD aircraft 349 people were killed

Aircraft are in distress due to technical malfunctions, unforeseen situations, terrorist acts. One of the causes of the tragedies that are happening, unfortunately, is the human factor. It was he who led to one of the biggest air crashes of the world that occurred on November 12, 1996, when "Boeing 747" and Il-76TD collided in the sky over unsuspecting residents of the Indian city of Charhi Dadri.349 people died, and the rescuers found 4 survivors on the site of the fall, but they died because of too late assistance. The reason for the collision was the insufficient level of knowledge of the English language pilots of the IL-76 aircraft, which allowed the reduction of the vessel, which led to a collision with the Boeing.


August 12, 1985 Boeing 747 520 people were killed

August 12, 1985 "Boeing 747" was flying from Tokyo to Osaka. After 12 minutes after takeoff, a loud clap sounded and the hydraulic system stopped working.32 minutes the crew of the plane selflessly tried to deploy the ship and lay down on the return course in Tokyo, using engines instead of the failed rudders. The passengers no longer hoped for a miracle and wrote farewell memos to relatives and friends. At an altitude of one and a half thousand meters, the Boeing crashed into the slope of Mount Otsutaka. The rescue team managed to reach the crash site only after 14 hours. They experienced a shock when they found four survivors - two women and two children.520 people died.

In the history of world aviation this is one of the largest air crashes.


March 27, 1977 Boeing 747 aircraft Killed 583 people

On March 27, 1977, two Boeing 747s collided at the airport of Los Rodeos at take-off.583 people died. The cause of the incident was the incorrect interpretation of the dispatcher commands by the commander of one of the airliners. This catastrophe radically changed the attitude to security measures in the world aviation.


Terrorist Attack September 11, 2001 Killed 2977 people

The most monstrous in its consequences were the air crashes that occurred on September 11, 2001, when four civilian aircraft were captured by al Qaeda terrorists. Two of them were sent to the towers of the World Trade Center and rammed them. One airliner crashed into the Pentagon building. The last aircraft dropped in Pennsylvania. These disasters caused the death of 2,977 people( passengers, crew members, rescuers and other victims).