Top 10 best airlines of the world in 2016

Every year, consulting companies conduct large-scale research on the satisfaction of passengers by air carriers, as a result of which leaders are identified.

Rating the best airline of the world compiled according to the agency Airline Rating for 2016.


Lufthansa 300 aircraft

Lufthansa ( Lufthansa) opens the top ten of the world's best airlines .The leading German air carrier is also one of the largest in the world. Lufthansa provides its customers with high-level service and provides comfort during the flight. The fleet includes about 300 aircraft. Flights are made to 215 destinations. Lufthansa is recognized as the best airline in Europe.


All Nippon Airways 200 aircraft

All Nippon Airways ( AllNipponAirvis) is one of the largest Japanese airlines. In the security ratings, AllNippon is one of the first places. All Nippon Airways became the winner of the award in the nomination "The best service at the airport".The carrier offers four levels of service on board, depending on the class. For passengers of all classes there are multimedia entertainment. It differs from AllNippon Airways not only the comfort of flights, but also the operational speed of service for all customers. Air transport includes about 200 technical units that make flights to more than 200 cities.


Virgin Atlantic / Virgin Australi 39 aircraft

Virgin Atlantic / Virgin The Australi a ( Virgin Atlantic) has entered the 50 largest air carriers of the world. Virgin Atlantic provides passengers with comfortable flight conditions in accordance with the class. Free meals and multimedia entertainment are provided for everyone. In 2009, the air carrier won in the nomination "Best premium economy class".In 2010, Virgin Atlantic was recognized as the best among transatlantic companies. On reliability and safety, the Virgin Atlantic takes the fifth place in the world. The size of the fleet is relatively small and has 39 aircraft. Flights are made for 34 destinations.


EVA Air 63 aircraft

EVA Air ( Eva Air) is one of the major Taiwanese airlines. By the end of 2015, it was among the top three most reliable and safe carriers and the top ten service companies. The air fleet includes 63 aircraft units. The flights are carried out at 74 destinations.


Emirates 200

Emirates ( Emirates) is one of the largest air carriers in the world, which is located in Dubai. Emirates entered the top ten most secure and reliable airlines. Passengers are provided with a full range of comfortable services on board the aircraft in accordance with the class. The airline received an award in the category "Best entertainment on board".The fleet Emirates has more than 200 aircraft, which will soon be replenished by a few hundred more. Flights are carried out in 120 points of the world.


Singapore Airlines 100


Singapore Airlines ( Singapore Airlines) is the largest airline in Singapore. Has a five-star rating from the consulting company Skytrax. For business class customers, Singapore Airlines offers an exclusive offer - to fly in suites, which are separate comfortable cabins. The cabin allows you to retire and relax during the flight on a full bed. For passengers, a bonus program has been developed, which encourages regular customers at the expense of accumulated trips. The client himself chooses the type of reward for bonuses. Singapore Airlines won in the nomination "The best staff on board". Singapore Airlines has more than 100 units of air equipment and makes flights to more than 60 destinations around the world.


Cathay Pacific Airways 150 aircraft

Cathay Pacific Airways ( KatiePacific Airways) is the leading Hong Kong carrier . Cathay Pacific became one of the six world airlines with a five-star rating by the valued British company Skytrax. Increased level of service on board, incentive bonus programs for passengers and modernized fleet - all this allows you to find the Cathay Pacific Airways among the best. The fleet has about 150 aircraft, and soon their number will increase by another 80. The geography of flights is quite extensive and includes 112 destinations.


Etihad Airways 100 aircraft

Etihad Airways ( Etihad Airways) opens the top three of the world's best airlines. The air carrier of the United Arab Emirates is one of the youngest and fastest growing air transportation companies. Etihad Airways since its founding( 2003) has received over 30 awards for the high level of service and the comfort of flights. All passengers can take advantage of the rich media library with a diverse selection of audio recordings and films. For business class clients there is a separate waiting room with seating areas, where a wide range of services is provided. In addition, a free Personal Chauffeur service is provided at the place of arrival. Passengers of economy class have the opportunity to use the free shuttle service with Etihad Airways ticket. The air park has more than 100 aircraft. The number of international routes is 120.


Qantas Airways 200

aircraft Qantas Airways ( Quintas Airways), nicknamed "Flying Kangaroos" has become one of the top three air carriers this year. It is the largest and oldest Australian airline. All Qantas Airways aircraft are equipped with a modernized security system and are under constant control. The company provides passengers with quality services and comfortable conditions during the flight. It makes transportation on 144 international routes. The size of the fleet is about 200 aircraft. On security, Qantas Airways takes second place.


Air New Zealand 76 aircraft

Air New Zealand ( Air New Zealand) - one of the largest air carriers of New Zealand took the first place among the best airlines this year. Air New Zealand is considered the safest by experts Airline Ratings. Innovative implementation to improve the comfort level of flights also puts this company apart from others. Each passenger can become a member of the program Air New Zealand Koru. Exclusive offer is to provide additional services: customers are provided with special waiting rooms with the possibility of using a private parking. There are also lounges with showers, light snacks, Internet access and other services. The raised level of comfort, the qualified personnel, ecological compatibility and safety are indicators of authority of an air carrier. The fleet consists of 76 aircraft, transportation takes place on 48 international routes.