Safety in air travel is one of the most important factors. The reliability of the air carrier is determined by the absence of disasters in recent years, passenger turnover, the availability of EASA certification( European Aviation Security Agency) and membership in international organizations IOSA and ICAO.
Last year domestic carrier Transaero entered the 20-th world airline for reliability and safety, and in the Russian rating took the first position. But in October 2015 the company ceased operations because of bankruptcy. For this reason, Transaero is not included in the TOP-10.
The rating of airlines of Russia on reliability and safety of flights 2015 is made according to EASA .
Russia 25 airplanes
Russia ( ROSSIYA Airlines ) - the domestic air carrier opens the top ten of the safest airlines of our country in the last year."Russia" is a member of the Aeroflot group of companies. In 2014, "Russia" took the fifth position in the ranking of the largest Russian airlines. In 2013, at the ceremony "Wings of Russia" was awarded the "Best passenger carrier in regional directions" award. The size of the fleet includes 25 aircraft. The average age of the aircraft is 13 years.
North Wind 20
North Wind ( Nordwind Airlines) is a chartered airline created by the largest PegasTouristik tour operator. She is engaged in the implementation of flights to the countries of rest. In 2013, entered the top 10 Russian air carriers. For security and reliability, Nordwind Airlines was not included in the world's top 100 ranking, but managed to maintain its position in the top ten national rating. The air fleet consists of 20 aircraft. The average age of air transport is 14.1 years.
Orenburg Airlines 19 aircraft
" Orenburg Airlines "( ORENAIR Airlines ) is a subsidiary of Aeroflot. At the end of 2013, the air carrier was awarded the "Chartered passenger carrier", "The airline of the year - passenger sympathy" - 1 st place, "Airline of the Year - passenger carrier on domestic routes" - 3 rd place. The air fleet consists of 19 Boening 737-800 and Boening 777-200 aircraft. The average age of transport is 10.8 years.
Red Wings 11
aircraft Red Wings ( Red Wings Airlines ) is the only domestic air carrier in operation of which are Russian-made aircraft. The air park includes modern 6 Tu-204 aircraft developed at the A.N.Tupolev, and 5 aircraft with the name Sukhoi Superjet 100, developed at the aviation plant named after Yu. A.Gagarin. The average age of air transport is 6.6 years.
Yamal 26
aircraft The Yamal ( Yamal-Nenets Airlines) air carrier is the main carrier in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District and the Tyumen Region. YAMAL Airlines in 2013 was certified IATA ( International Air Transport Association), confirming its reliability and safety of flights. In 2014, the company won three awards: "Best Airline of the Year - Passenger Carrier on Domestic Airlines", "Airline of the Year-Helicopter Operator" and "Best Passenger Carrier on Regional Routes".The air carrier did not enter the first hundred of the world security rating, but took the 6th place in the Russian rating. The fleet includes 26 vessels with an average age of 13.7 years.
Globe 13
Globus ( Globus ) is one of the youngest airlines formed on the basis of Sibir Airlines( S7 Airlines).The company makes a special emphasis on safety of flights and reliability. For this, the security system is regularly checked and constantly improved. The globe cooperates with many travel agencies. The implementation of flights on tourist routes is the main activity of the air carrier. The Globe fleet consists of S7 Airlines aircraft and includes 13 Boeing 737-800s. The average age of air cars is 8.9 years.
UTair 68
aircraft " UTair "( UTair) is one of the largest Russian airlines, which is among the five largest in terms of passenger volume. Although UTair is not one of the world's 100 safest carriers, it ranked fourth in the national rating. UTair was awarded in 2014 with the award in the nomination "Best passenger carrier on regional routes".Flight personnel regularly undergo advanced training. The fleet consists of 68 aircraft and 145 helicopters. The average age of transport is 11.8 years.
58 aircraft
« Siberia Airlines »( S7 Airlines) is one of the three largest and most secure airlines in Russia in 2015.S7 Airlines many times became the winner in contests. In 2015, the carrier received the National Geographic Traveler Award 2015, winning the "Best Russian Airline" nomination. Among the world's air carriers, Siberia took 94th place in the rating of safety and reliability. The air fleet includes Airbus and Boeing aircraft, the total number of which is 58 units. The average lifetime of air transport is 9 years.
Ural Airlines 35
aircraft Ural Airlines ( Ural Airlines) is one of the leading Russian airlines for reliability and security. In 2014, Ural Airlines was awarded a triple award in the nominations "Best airline of the year-passenger carrier on domestic routes", "Best airline of the year on international regular airlines" and "Airline of the Year-the leader in e-commerce".In terms of passenger traffic, the company took 6th place among Russian air carriers. The average service life of air fleet equipment is 12.5 years. The size of the fleet at the moment is 35 air units. Ural Airlines have a gym, which is designed to prepare the flight crew. Here pilots are trained on individual programs, improving their professional skills to improve safe flights. The gym, owned by an air carrier, is the only one in Russia. Such equipment in the world has only the best airlines, for example, Emirates , Lufthanza and others.
Aeroflot 167
aircraft Aeroflot ( Aeroflot) - takes the first place in safety and reliability among Russian air carriers. At the end of 2015, he took 35th position on the safety of air travel in the world ranking of the independent German agency Jacdec. Also, Aeroflot was repeatedly recognized as the best airline in Eastern Europe. The fleet includes 167 aircraft. It is one of the youngest air parks in Europe and the world. The average age of aircraft is 4.5 years. During the Winter Olympic Games in 2014, Aeroflot acted as the official air carrier.