In contrast to the rural hut with a latrine in the street, modern accommodation has an indoor warm bathroom, providing comfort and convenience to people. During operation, any plumbing device from time to time fail, but the most terrible dream home owners is a clogged toilet. People just have to know what to do, if clogged toilet, and continue to try to avoid such a situation.
- Symptoms and causes of the problem
- Determining the degree of obstruction and location
- Possible Solutions
- Dissolution cork chemical means
- Traditional methods
- mechanical methods
- With the help of plunger
- Punching "doll"
- Rubber hose
- plumber's snake
- Preventive actions
Symptoms and causes of the problem
Do not imagine that the toilet is clogged, it is simply impossible. This is eloquently a few too obvious signs:
- the appearance of the sewer pipe in the toilet feces;
- It leaves very little or absolutely no water goes into the sewer;
- the unpleasant odor sustainable.
Clogged toilet may result in a big problem, because it is so important to identify the causes and understand what can be done if you do not leave the water in the drain hole. Professional plumbers determined by such factors lead to the emergence of this blockage:
- violations during the operation of the toilet;
- incorrect installation of the sewer pipe.
If the drain pipe was installed to process violation of rules, for example, with an insufficient tilt, then during discharge occurs in the tube the gradual accumulation of sediment. Over time this will lead to the clog. In addition to the natural products of human activity, water in its composition contains mineral elements that are also deposited inside the sewer.
Another cause of the blockage in the pipe is the lack of adequate sewer ventilation.
To properly worked drainage, a riser pipe must necessarily enter the air, otherwise the reduced fluid output speed, which may also lead to the appearance of the plug.
But the most common cause clogging of pipes - it is their misuse tenants. Not thinking about the consequences, households in the toilet fused a variety of poorly soluble substances. The reason for the occurrence of blockages are released into the sewer food waste from large parts, large pieces of paper, fillers for cat litter trays and so on. In some cases, the hostess accidentally simultaneously with the dirty water into the toilet bowl can be poured cloths.
If the blockage is, you can always call a qualified plumber or wonder what to do if clogged toilet at home.
Determining the degree of obstruction and location
Before proceeding to cleaning the toilet bowl, you need to determine what caused a blockage, in what area it is located and what its degree. It depends on this choice of means and methods for getting rid of the problem.
Contamination may appear as a sewage riser and pipe in the toilet locally. to identify clogging site, You need to check how the sewer leaves the water in the sink or bathtub. When the water drainage capacity is seen everywhere low, the problem is in the riser and, most likely, their hands will not be able to clear the drains.
If the water in both plumbing fixtures out in normal mode, the sewer riser in order, and hammered it down the toilet. With this knowledge, you need to decide what you can do at home in this case and whether it is possible to cope with this problem.
Possible Solutions
It happens that opportunity or means to cause the master there, but there are some skills to independently solve such difficulties. Here, you can use several ways to clean sewage in the toilet:
- Mechanical - Plumbing tools;
- People - home remedies;
- chemical - specific chemicals.
Grasp the business independently and have already decided on the cleaning method, you need to clearly understand what to do in the first place while clogging the toilet. First, you need to identify the degree of obstruction. When the water goes down the drain, albeit slowly, the waste pollution can be considered small.
If you suspect that the sewer pipe were poorly soluble and solid objects, for example, there was a blockage doormat or paper, it is necessary to try to get it right hands. This procedure can be more efficient and faster.
First, you need to protect themselves by wearing rubber gloves on his hands and is likely to close the nose cotton-gauze bandage. Then you need to run a hand in the sink hole and find the cause of the blockage. Large debris or handed rag easily gets out of the pipe.
When clogged with a plug of solid objects is not connected, the clean the pipe toilet sewage is possible by means of special chemical compounds.
Dissolution cork chemical means
The most popular means for punching clogged toilet considered FCPF, Tiret, moles and other known chemicals for pipe cleaning drain. Use of these agents is necessary in strict compliance with instructions for use.
During cleaning toilet it is impossible to wash off at the same time several different household chemicals, because they can create different reactions and only worsen the situation.
After getting rid of clogging chemically need thoroughly rinse the sewer pipe of the toilet, wash tank several times or couple buckets pour water.
Traditional methods
For people who prefer to use as little as possible in their home corrosive substances, there an alternative way to clean the toilet at home, without using chemical Viewed facilities.
The most simple folk remedy for cleaning sewer pipes - a soda. polpachki usual baking soda must be dissolved, mix well, just wait and wash off in the water bowl. In this active minor blockages within the drainage pipe alkali deposits dissolve and cleanse toilet.
mechanical methods
When folk clogging the toilet or chemical methods can not be eliminated, it is possible to use one of the mechanical cleaning methods. Sometimes it is best to help cope with the situation.
With the help of plunger
Often owners thrown into the toilet variety of small particles, such as feline fillers, which also leads to clog. When there was a blockage filler for cat litter, which formed a cork, then it is possible to break through using a plunger. To do this, plumbing tools must be installed on the drain hole and actively "pumped" by pressing the handle.
The diameter of the plunger must be greater than the size of the hole for drainage to the rubber part is completely covered him. Generated when pumping sewage pressure drop in debris or descend into it, or eject outward.
For best cleaning performance plunger is best to close the drain holes in all plumbing fixtures, including the upper hole sink bath.
Punching "doll"
More complex pollution in sewage pipes can be punched in using improvised tools plumbers which is called "doll." A small bag filled with sand and securely knotted rope. After the bag simultaneously with a drain hole is lowered dramatically in the toilet bowl, the mass of the tube and clearing knocking the plug.
The most effective such a method during the clogging sewage toilet paper. After purification, "doll" is taken from the drain hole, and the toilet is washed thoroughly with copious amounts of water.
Rubber hose
This method is considered to be not only mechanically, but also more and hydrodynamicSince the hose creates a water pressure and an elevated temperature. It works this way:
- one end of the hose is fixed to the faucet of hot water;
- a second end thereof is as low as possible omitted in the toilet bowl;
- under a strong pressure of hot water is switched.
The process is also good in combination with cleaning chemicals.
plumber's snake
Significant contamination of the toilet can be removed with a plumber's snake. This tool is used to mechanically remove the blockage and is a long and thick metal wire with a handle at the end. Slipping his end of the cable into the sewer pipe and slowly turning the handle, pushing it further into the sewer. Slowly the rope reaches the plug and breaks it.
For maximum effect, you need to perform this procedure repeatedly.
All methods, including mechanical, after thorough washing imply drain pipe and toilet big volume of water with the addition of special cleaning agents or soda.
Preventive actions
Having dealt with what to do at home when the toilet is clogged, it is necessary to say what the rules during operation of plumbing is important to observe in order to avoid unpleasant consequences clogging. Proper maintenance and preventive measures significantly reduce the risk of blockages:
- You can not throw in the toilet remains of some dishes, even liquid. Dietary fats accumulate over time in the domestic sewage sludge and bending in one "perfect" time can create a dense stopper.
- Do not throw in the toilet extraneous things. When a child or adult accidentally dropped something there, then the object should immediately try to remove it.
When the toilet repaired, the toilet is best to thoroughly cover to inside it did not get pieces of debris.
- Children should be accustomed from infancy to the rules of visiting the toilet and avoid the situation that they were thrown into the toilet toys and other items.
- Rusty and old pipes will always cause blockages since their rough inner surface of the fastest going to waste. To protect the apartment from the unexpected outpouring of sewage drains, pipes must be changed to a more modern - polymer.
- For prevention of clogging is necessary to periodically use specially designed for this agent that can maintain a clean tube. During operation, it is necessary to strictly follow the manufacturer's instructions.
One important preventive measure is to comply with the toilet hygiene. apply various powdered and liquid detergents, with the addition of disinfectant compositions, as well as a special brush for cleaning the toilet bowl. Clean the surface of the toilet can also be ordinary vinegar and baking soda. During proper operation of this comfort zone regularly will last for many years.