The table for the event is decorated not only with the help of original dishes. A fabric textile napkin will become a beautiful accessory, especially if it is folded in an unusual shape. For official events, this product is made on a fabric basis.

Any hostess at a festive dinner tries to surprise guests not only with delicious dishes, but also with interior design.
Additional Information! Napkins are not only practical, but also a decorative item. Even a simple tea party will turn into a holiday if the tablecloth and textiles are in contrasting colors.

Beautifully folded napkins are considered one of the key points for decorating a table.
- 1 How to choose the right wipes
- 2 Choosing quality material
- 3 Looking for the right size and shape
- 4 We select the color
- 5 How to fold fabric napkins on the festive table
- 5.1 Diagonal sachet
- 5.2 heart
- 5.3 Rose
- 5.4 Lily
- 5.5 bow shape
- 5.6 Hare
- 5.7 Fan
- 5.8 Everest Shape
- 5.9 leaf shape
- 5.10 South Cross
- 5.11 Megaphone
- 5.12 Junk
- 5.13 Handbag
- 5.14 Horizontal sachet
- 6 VIDEO: Table setting with beautifully folded napkins.
- 7 50 options for folding napkins for table setting:
How to choose the right wipes
Before a solemn event, many people think about how to fold cloth napkins for table setting so that they look aesthetically pleasing.

For a solemn event, preference is given to fabric.
The purchase and location of this product is subject to the following rules:
- In order for the folding of the napkin to take place beautifully, it is necessary to choose its parameters correctly. Optimal - large. Look original, easy to turn into an unusual figure.
- The color of textiles and tablecloths should be combined. Shades are either identical or contrasting, also do not forget about the features of the interior.
- It should be placed on a plate, on the left side of the cutlery. The fabric can be used to wrap cutlery, knives, forks and spoons.
- Paper products must also be present. They are used to wipe hands or lips after eating. The fabric is not suitable for wiping grease, it passes it between the threads. This is fraught with the fact that he may be on clothes.
- Before putting napkins on the festive table, they are washed and ironed. The washing mode is only delicate. If there are stains, you can use a special tool to remove complex contaminants.

Most often they are folded into triangles, but this option is used everywhere.
Important! Products from mixed fabrics are washed at a temperature of forty degrees, cotton and linen - sixty, the boiling process is possible, colored linen - a maximum of forty.
Choosing quality material
Napkin fabric must be resistant to wear, light, airy, but at the same time have a high density. It should withstand several washes without losing its original appearance. Only three types of material meet these requirements.

Knowing how to fold fabric napkins beautifully, you can attract the attention of guests with an unusual table decoration.
- Cotton is the best option for everyday use. The material is not easily soiled, has a high density, long service life. After several washes, the color and shape remain unchanged. The price is democratic.
- Linen - even after ten washes, the shape retains its original appearance. The fabric is attractive, natural, absorbent. It is possible to starch and fold the material into any figure.
- Mixed fabrics are an adequate, reliable option. The composition includes natural and synthetic raw materials. The proportion of components may be different. Thanks to the combination, it has all the advantages of both types of raw materials. After washing does not shrink, wear-resistant.

Before the arrival of guests, it is worth taking time for the original design of the table.
Looking for the right size and shape
The usual parameters for serving a tabletop are 40x40 centimeters. The product is square in shape. Although for some rectangular pieces are preferable. The choice depends on the method by which the fabric textiles will be folded.

For spectacular decoration, you should use not simple, but at the same time unusual options that do not require much time.
We select the color
The color palette of napkins has a great influence on the final decoration of the holiday. Therefore, it is necessary to try and choose the optimal color. Green shades are associated with freshness, and it will also emphasize the beauty of other tones.

This process is not only exciting, but also creative.
Plain textiles are ideal for lunch with business partners or a tea ceremony break. If the tablecloth is made in blue saturated colors, then the table service should have light or white tones.

It is the decor with cloth napkins that is the most important moment in the design process.
Light textiles are harmonious in any version. When choosing bright colors, do not forget about the emotional state of the guests. Yellow and red - will give a joyful mood, green and blue - a business mood.

Napkins are considered not only an addition to give unusualness, but also hygiene products.
Note! White napkins and a colored tablecloth are the best option for quickly decorating a festive event, receiving guests and treating them to culinary masterpieces. It is considered a classic and will always be appropriate.
How to fold fabric napkins on the festive table
A modestly lying napkin will delight no one. But if it looks like an ornament, be of an extraordinary shape, then admiring eyes cannot be avoided. There are many ways to beautifully and unusually roll up a napkin for serving a festive table.

Decorate the table and cheer up the guests under the power of any hostess.
Diagonal sachet
Fold the product four times, the right layer is folded back by five centimeters. Then do the manipulation again. With the second layer, perform the same actions, while bending the corner under the roller, located diagonally. You will get a small roller with a diameter of up to two and a half centimeters. The material is bent at the top and bottom.

Knowing how beautifully to fold a fabric napkin on a festive table in the form of a diagonal sachet, you can present a set of cutlery in an original way by putting them in it.
Form a triangle. The upper and right corners are placed on its top, and then turn the figure over. Bend down the part at the top. Turn the bottom layer inside out to the right, then diagonally to the left. Remove the corners on both sides.

In this way, you can decorate the table for Valentine's Day in an extraordinary way.
You will need two pieces of fabric textiles: one for the bud, the other for the leaves. It is desirable that the colors of the used napkins be green and red. Fold one piece (green) in half to make a triangle, repeat this action twice. Place the resulting shape in a glass, but the leaves should slightly peek over its edges. The second piece is folded into a rectangle. To its edge, located at the top, you should bend the bottom corner. Then fold in half. Roll from one end. Tight at first, then loosen a little. Set the resulting shape in the middle of the glass, where the leaves are already.

Textiles in the form of this royal flower will add tenderness and romance to any event.
The product is folded diagonally, in half. With the top of the resulting triangle, combine both corners. Fold in half again, bend the top point, which is located on top.

This magnificent flower can decorate a table for any celebration.
bow shape
Suitable for regular textiles or with a pattern. It should be face down. Form a triangle out of it. Bend the ends of the figure fifty millimeters to the center. Start wrapping the base until it acquires a rounded shape. The right corner is bent at an angle of 45% in the opposite direction. Do the same manipulations with the left. Both sides intersect. Fold the top point with the corner below, which turned out. Pass a round object through the center to secure. Pull out the ends.

This option will perfectly fit into the atmosphere of the holiday.
It is necessary to take square textiles. Fold in half. If there is a drawing, it should be outside. Repeat process. Bend the corner on the left to the base and down. With the right crank out the same process. bend the left corner at the bottom up and to the center point. Right just like that. A rhombus will come out. Bend the left corner to the center so that the left side from the bottom is on the center line. Repeat the manipulation with the right corner. Both sides should meet in the center of the diamond. Now you should bend the upper corner again to get a triangular figure. Bring the right corner, located at the top, behind the central base with a fold. There is a pocket at the top. Place the left corner in the resulting pocket. Straighten your ears. Insert your finger into the hole located at the bottom to slightly expand it and give the figure stability.

For a children's holiday or for Easter, you can create a bunny.
Despite its simplicity, this option will not seem standard, especially if there is a geometric image or bright solid colors on fabric textiles. For colorful products, this option will be inappropriate, since charm will be lost in the folds. Each napkin must be rolled diagonally across the square. The result is a symmetrical triangle. To get a double fan, you should make an arrangement in a napkin holder in one direction, then in the other. For single - placement of products in only one direction.

Knowing how to fold fabric napkins with a fan, you can decorate any table for a celebration.
Everest Shape
Textile put face down, give it a triangular shape. The corners located at the top, fold down and to the base, the side ones - to combine. They will play the role of support. Fold along the axis in a vertical position. In the same position, set on a support prepared in advance.

A napkin folded in the form of a famous mountain looks bewitching.
leaf shape
Expand textiles. It should be folded diagonally to give a triangular shape. The left edge is bent by three centimeters. You get a spine that must be connected to a triangular center. There should be creases in the middle. Continuing to move from the right corner towards the middle, create folds. The end result - both angles converged. The bottom edge, from which the folds go in all directions, is fixed with a standard thread. Give the product the appearance of a sheet.

To create a decorative leaf, you need to prepare a small clip in advance.
South Cross
Starting position - face down. Bend each corner in turn. Look to the center. Turn over the square figure, and bend the corners again. The top one, located on the right, is pulled out, then do the same with the rest.

Looks great at any celebration.
Fold the fabric in half twice. The result is a narrow rectangle. The sides are bent down, the figure is turned away from itself by the outer side. Make puffballs out of the ends. Connect them together.

If there is no time left and the guests are on the way, but you really want to decorate the table, then use this option.
Reminiscent of a boat and will delight children. They are advised to decorate children's events. The first step is to make a fold on the right. The resulting triangle is folded in half again. The bottom half folds diagonally, both corners forward. Bend the protruding sides. Along the axis, the figure that turned out is folded longitudinally back.

Make the edges in the form of sails.
Ideal for a ladies banquet. The original shape is in half and vertically, then fold in half again from bottom to top. Hugo at the top, located on the left, is bent to the base. But such manipulation is done only with the first two layers. With the corner on the right, located at the top, do the same process. The result is a triangle. The right and left corners are bent to a central point, and the figure itself is down. Then the triangle must be bent to the one that was the first.

Another original way to fold a napkin on a table for serving is the shape of a handbag or an envelope.
Horizontal sachet
Suitable for an unusual presentation. The scheme is to initially bend the product in half, the outer side is inside. Both corners placed at the top, slightly bend down. Get a fold in the center. The complexion turns over, both sides are bent. In the middle they touch. Do this manipulation one more time.

Knowing how to fold cloth napkins for table setting can give an unusual atmosphere to the holiday.
Now it has become clear how to fold a napkin made of fabric beautifully. Thanks to this, even a standard dinner can be turned into a celebration. Guests will be delighted with the figures they see.
VIDEO: Table setting with beautifully folded napkins.
50 options for folding napkins for table setting:

TextileViscose napkins
NextTextileHow to fold napkins for the holiday table