In the bathroom are often held various water treatments, due to which in pipes accumulate debris in the form of human hair or animal hair, grease, sand, rags, and more. Water every day goes slower, indoors there is a bad smell. To ignore this situation is impossible. It is necessary to urgently eliminating clogging.
- Causes of a blocked drain outlet
- Traditional methods of removing the blockage
- Salt and soda
- A solution of sodium
- mechanical methods
- plumber's snake
- The use of the vacuum cleaner
- chemical agents
- Effective and popular drugs
- Mister Muscle
- means Pothan
- Tiret gel
Causes of a blocked drain outlet
If the water in the bathroom does not go into the pipe, and with the remnants of mud flows back into the container, then it says that the clogged drain. It must be cleaned. But before that it is desirable to know the cause of the blockage. Sewer pipes can become clogged for the following reasons:
Improper care. Few know that the care required even sewers. Over time, they accumulate fat residues, sand and debris. Therefore, you should make regular prophylaxis blockages.
- Even the most high-quality products with age become useless. On the old pipes growths appear, they become loose and clogged.
- The space in the sewers reduces fat accumulates there, sand or mud. In this case, the way the water can cut even a small pebble.
- Of great importance is the piping material. In most cases, blockages occur in the products from cast iron. On plastic pipes deposits accumulate less and slower.
- Clogged drain may, if during assembly or the piping little bias in it many bends have been made. In this case, the need to replace the sewers. However, in some of the apartments can only be an arrangement of pipes. Prevention of blockages in them should be done more frequently.
- Score can drain household, dropping him in a cloth, throwing out kitchen waste, or anything else. When pouring the dirty water should be careful and accurate.
Traditional methods of removing the blockage
At home, drain and clean the pipe from contamination can be improvised means. Do not just run to the store for chemicals. Recommend you try to remove the blockage known strong folk recipes.
Vinegar and soda. Before using any means necessary to try to shed the pipe with boiling water. If no water passes or flows away slowly, then the best and efficient way to resolve this problem is to use baking soda and vinegar:
- In Vanny drain or sink to pour out half a pack of soda.
- Pour 70% acetic essence. Enough about ½ of the bottle. Prior to use, vinegar can be heated. Drain holes to close with a cloth.
- From a mixture of soda and vinegar inside the tube formed "Volcano" that around themselves corrode all grease and dirt.
- After half an hour to put out the hot water tap. He must have a good wash sewage system.
Typically clogging cleaned soda and vinegar from the first. Small pollution runoff can be eliminated with the help of a lemon. It will act acid from juice that you want to squeeze into the sink. After two hours of boiling water is poured into the pipeline. The hot water should flow at least five minutes.
Salt and soda
If the pipes frozen fat, then get rid of it will help soda and salt:
- half cup of the components necessary to pour into the drain hole;
- add two quarts of boiling water;
- do not use the bathroom or sink in for eight hours.
A solution of sodium
On the effectiveness of only a chemical preparation "Mole" can be compared to the following recipe remove blockages:
- Approximately one third of packs of soda for about 15 minutes in the pan ignited.
- Chilled soda and stir well to dissolve in a glass of water.
- The resulting solution was poured into the tube and about one hour did not use the bathroom.
mechanical methods
At home, you can clean the pipe plunger, cable or even a vacuum cleaner. Each apartment must be vantuzWhich is the first assistant when clogged. To fix this problem, install the plunger so as to completely cover the drain hole.
Make at least ten sudden movements up and down, as if plunger pushing and lifting the handle. In this tire come off the hole should not be. This vacuum cleaning help remove pollution. If the first time, clean the bad, it is necessary to let the hot water and then apply the plunger again.
However, it is impossible to create a vacuum in the bathroom. Therefore, there is an algorithm of actions should be a little different:
- Transfusion water hole stopper plug;
- rubber plunger with petroleum jelly and press it to the drain;
- do as much as possible the sharp upward and downward movement.
When cleaning the tubes in the bath water hole Transfusion It has to be sealed. To do this, you can ask an assistant, so he held it on him the second plunger.
plumber's snake
Rubbish, cloths, sand may be stuck in the pipe depth. Then folk remedies and plunger are unlikely to help. In this case, it is recommended to use plumber's snake.
It consists of a flexible wire one end of which must be a nozzle and the other - the handle. Work with rope handier with the assistant. The wire length of approximately three meters capable of eliminating contamination or plug, located far into the conduit.
Removed the blockage as follows:
- Enter into the drain plumber's snake.
- Push wire and rotate it using the handle at the same time you need. One person to deal with it seriously - you need an assistant. The rotation of the cable will easily go through the pipe bends and destroy the blockage.
- As soon as the wire starts to pass with difficulty and will be found littering the place, you need to pull the rope a few times back and forth.
- The wire is pulled along with debris clog the conduit.
- Now it is necessary to open the bathroom hot water to wash away the dirt formed on the pipe.
Work plumber's snake should carefully, Especially if the old pipe or plastic. Force and sharp movements of the wire may be damaged.
The use of the vacuum cleaner
Remove obstruction in the bathroom, you can use a vacuum cleaner that has a function of backwash. When using the techniques you need to be careful, as the case will be at the same time water and electricity.
The tube cleaner to be loosely wrap the cloth and the bathroom sink or dry. Now you can clean the drain. For this purpose the pipe is applied to a drain and a vacuum cleaner included backwashing. Contamination collapse of good air pressure.
chemical agents
Use special drugs that are designed to cleanse the pipeline quite easily. Therefore, many choose to just them. In addition, chemicals capable of rapidly and effectively cope with the pollution of the organic type.
In stores household chemicals is presented in the form of solutions, gels, powders, foams. Before application of the funds necessary to carefully read the instructions supplied with and do everything strictly in accordance with the way the manufacturer recommends.
A few recommendations:
- To choose the means necessary for the type of pipe, which is equipped with your apartment.
- Liquid and powder formulations of the efficiency about the same.
- Powders first filled into the sink and then filled with water. Liquid means immediately poured into the pipe.
- To a well conduit and clean the debris from it came out after the allotted time for the action of the drug is necessary to let the hot water.
- When working with chemicals it is recommended to use protective rubber gloves.
Effective and popular drugs
Mole - a well-known drug that is suitable for many types of pipes other than plastic. It is produced in the form of a solution, a gel and pellets. The composition includes ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid, sodium hydroxide, surfactants and distilled water.
Such a composition is able to soften and even completely dissolve many kinds of blockages. It is easy to cope with proteins, fats, acids, salts, collagen fibers and hair. Mole in a gel, a powder or a solution There are about two hours. At this time, you can not use the bathroom. After the hot water is switched and the pipes are cleaned.
Mister Muscle
It is a powerful tool and cope even with difficult clog. You can use it to clean all pipelines, including plastic. Mr. muscle begins to work instantly and eliminates not only clogs, but also odors.
The drug is available in the form of granules, foam or gel. The most popular pellets. They are sold in a package that is designed for once. Active foam is capable of eliminating pollution, mucus and kill germs.
Gel It acts very quickly. It needs to be washed off after 15 minutes. Mr. Muscle can be used for prevention, which should be done every month.
means Pothan
Preparation Israeli company manufactured a pellet. If the clogged pipe, the Pothan clean them quickly and efficiently. It consists of lye, which splits and removes grease. This means fast action.
It takes only three minutes to remove the blockage. Thereafter Pothan washed with hot water. drug has a wide range of applications and is suitable for all kinds of pipes. When you work with them you must wear personal protective equipment.
Tiret gel
This known means for cleaning the pipeline, which is produced in the form of a gel. For sale is a Tiret to remove blockages, to prevent and to eliminate complicated blockages. The drug has no particular smell and is valid for only five minutes.
However, its duration may increase. It all depends on the layer of accumulated debris. The more the layer, the longer it will have to be dissolved. On the effectiveness of Tiret is second to none chemical preparations or blockage.
The market offers a lot of chemicals and other agents that are suitable for pipe cleaning. Using any of these, do not forget to wear protective gloves and a respirator.
Coping with the clog in the home can be both popular and chemical means. But it's best not to clog the pipe and carry out regular preventive measures. Washing sink at times with boiling water and apply every two months soda with vinegar, will not have to suffer from the stagnation of water in the bathroom and endure an unpleasant smell.