If sewage pipes are blocked, it is not necessary to cause plumbing professionals. To start possible to try to clean drains in the home. To do this, perfectly suited handy tools: vinegar and soda.
Over time, the plaque is formed on the pipes, consisting of mud, and other components that can completely block the drain hole. In such cases, vinegar and soda perfectly cope with the task pipe cleaning.
- Reasons clogging sewage
- Cleaning soda and vinegar
- Methods of purification of pipes by other means
- Handy tools for cleaning the toilet bowl
- Reviews of people
Reasons clogging sewage
As a result of active operation of the lumen of sewer pipes is reduced, which interferes with the normal outflow of water. The reasons for this phenomenon is the deposition on the inner surface of tubes detergents, grease and food debris.
If insufficient care pipes dirt can completely block the lumen. And the accumulation of sediment on the walls is possible in metal and plastic pipes. Most often, such blockages occur under the sink in the kitchenA bit less - in the bathroom.
The cause of the blockage in the sink the toilet can be objects caught in it (Hygiene products, diapers, and so on) that are not soluble in water and completely cover the drain. Complicated blockages in drains cleans toilets with the help of ropes and Plumber specialists.
Cleaning soda and vinegar
appearance odor near the sink or bath or slow absorption of water into the sewer - is one of the first signals that the tube it is time to clean, without waiting for a more global clogging that can completely block the lumen of the drain pipe.
Clean drains simplest possible using available tools that can be found on any kitchen without acquiring special powders and solutions. Very good at removing various contaminants baking soda and vinegar.
Before starting the cleaning work it is desirable to wash and clean all siphons under the tub and sink. It is in the siphon collected bits of food, oil and so on, in addition, the siphons are designed to prevent the entry of foreign odors into the room from the sewers.
After cleansing ingredients necessary to prepare a siphon pipe cleaning:
- Vinegar is taken at the rate of one hundred milliliters per plums;
- Soda should take half the package to one drain hole;
- cloth, with which you can plug the drain;
- hot water (from the kettle easier to use);
- rubber gloves to protect the skin of hands and goggles.
After preparing all the necessary possible to start cleaning the pipes soda and vinegar:
- The clogged drain opening pour half packs baking soda, the soda must be dry, it is not necessary to dilute it with water or other liquids.
- After pouring into the hole soda hundred milliliters of vinegar to better effect slightly warm vinegar container with hot water or a microwave oven.
- Then quickly and tightly cork bore previously prepared fabric to a reaction between soda and vinegar occurred within a blocked pipe, not externally.
- Leave plugged drain for thirty minutes, the reaction taking place to completely dissolve the pellet. During this time, you need to boil water in the kettle.
- After half an hour we take out the cloth and slowly pour a thin stream of hot water in the drain hole.
- If after all manipulations produced water is still bad out through the drain, the procedure is repeated.
Methods of purification of pipes by other means
There are other methods of cleaning using folk remedies, but their efficiency is slightly smaller than that of soda and vinegar to clean tubes.
Cleaning tubes with the help of common salt and baking soda. It is necessary to take on half a glass of salt and soda and covered them in the drain hole. Then pour boiling water and leave for eight - ten hours in make use of sewage sludge should not be during this time.
- Using baking soda and citric acid. That is, all the above steps (see section "as a clean tube soda and vinegar"), but instead of vinegar for cleaning clogging citric acid is used.
- Exclusive use of baking soda. The drain must pour cup of dry powder, and then pour with one liter of boiling water. After one hour wash out drain water.
It is worth remembering that you can not use the means at hand immediately after the water treatment or blockage of chemicals purchased by the store, as a result of their interactions can to form toxic compounds, The evaporation of which are harmful to human health.
Handy tools for cleaning the toilet bowl
Toilet requires a thorough cleaning at least once a week. To maintain cleanliness, it is necessary to use an abrasive sponge, soaked in warm water and the powder.
Cleaning with vinegar is used for descaling. You can use any vinegar (including Apple). Before applying the vinegar is heated and poured into the bowl and add iodine and soda. Leave for three hours, then wash off.
Application Whites. Remove from the bowl and pour water into it one bottle of white, leave overnight, wash off with water.
Removal of plaque and stones with the help of citric acid. Poured into the toilet two or three sachet of citric acid is heated for several hours, is washed off.
To get rid of very heavy soiling use oxalic acidWhich is then purified Yorshik and washed with water poured into the toilet bowl for several hours.
Coke copes with grime, urinary stones and lime deposits. More beverage bottles Pour into the bowlLeave for four hours, then wash off with water using Yorshik.
Reviews of people
"Clean the toilet without expensive equipment. Thank you so much for your advice! Thanks to the article, was able to get rid of long-term (apparently) plaque inside the toilet in a rented apartment. I poured him a Coke, and - lo and behold! Toilet shines! "
Evgeniy. city Nizhny Novgorod.
"A week ago I saw that the water from the sink in the kitchen goes very slowly, armed with a plunger, but alas, this" tool "has not managed to become clogged. Came across on the Internet an article about how to clean the pipe soda and vinegar. Even the house did not have to go, because this stuff in the kitchen enough. I did everything according to instructions. And it worked! Water is now leaving the speed of sound! "
Alexander. city Permian.
"I live without a husband, so that all economic problems have to cope on their own. Finding the blockage in the sink (the water so very badly left), I decided not immediately cause a specialist and try to fix the problem with the help of folk remedies. She found the recipe (vinegar + soda), read the reviews and decided to act, thinking that the worse will be gone.
Asleep soda, vinegar and poured heated very quickly closed all this cloth, waited for half an hour and flooded boiling water. Well, the water quickly began to leave. So now that this inexpensive, fast and very easy method (handle even a woman) I recommend to all.
Tatyana. city St. Petersburg