Cleaning the toilet: the rules, the use of chemical and folk remedies, preventive measures

Pure toilet after treatmentToilet, as well as any plumbing in a house requires regular cleaning. If this is not done, then under the rim begin to accumulate pathogens, and the inner surface of sanitary ware covered with urinary stones, limestone formations, rust. If the toilet in the recycle leftover food, it only adds to the persistent fat deposits. To deal with long-standing touch is much more difficult, but with different means quite doable.


  1. The principle of cleaning the toilet bowl
  2. Chemical cleaners
  3. Folk remedies
  4. Vinegar
  5. Baking soda and oxalic acid
  6. Using the electrolyte
  7. preventive measures

The principle of cleaning the toilet bowl

Clean the toilet from plaqueIt is impossible to get rid of plaque, especially the long-standing simply rubbing Yorshik a plumber. It is necessary to apply the principle of the right quality and cleaning the toilet, which, in conjunction with a properly selected tool will help get rid of any dirt.

Cleaning starts with dismantling the seat and lid. Mount, which is represented by bolts with nuts just hyping hands. Take off the seat with the cap and swing out. Thereafter follows close the valve, preventing the entry of water into the tank. Poured the remaining water, and the toilet is ready for cleaning.

cleaning necessary carried out in rubber gloves. In sponge deposited chosen cleaner and thoroughly washed with the entire inner surface of the tank and its elements. Metal parts are often subjected to corrosion, which greatly reduces the service life of the plumbing. A tank to wash and on the outside with a slightly damp or dry cloth with ammonia spray.

If the toilet is very dirty, you remove the plaque not only helps hard sponge and Yorshik, but also a rubber spatula. The selected cleaning agent is applied first under the rim, and then spread over the inner surface of the bowl processing drain well. Leave it for 15-30 minutes, covering the lid plumbing.

After that, all poverhnosbe toilet brush scourAnd the most difficult spots rubbed with a rubber spatula. The hygienic tank placed 1-2 tablets, close lid and include water supply. After filling the tank cleaning agent need to rinse the inner surface of plumbing. Outside toilet sponge, removing all impurities. After that you should clean the cover, under which often accumulates dirt. Its sponge and running water, and then wiped with a dry cloth.

Chemical cleaners

Means for cleaning the toilet bowl by limescaleTo clean the toilet, there are many tools to help you get rid of the yellow plaque from the surface of the ceramic sanitary ware. You can buy them at any hardware department.

Clean the toilet on plaque helps cleaners, Which contain abrasives. They have both advantages and disadvantages. Cleaning involves the application of considerable effort, requiring diligent rubbing polluted places plumbing sponge. After that may appear minor scratches appear even faster as a result of pollution across the surface of the bowl.

To mitigate the effect of scratching abrasives for them should be added to the wax. This substance while cleaning adheres to pollution, easy to remove them. Use only wax in cleaning toilet plumbing is possible on a chromed or nickel-plated surface.

Clear toilet pellicle help conventional alkaline agents, which include caustic sodium corrosive coating, and will not harm the surface of sanitary ware. It may be an ordinary white, which is filled with the toilet in the evening, leaving until the morning.

Such cleaning solutions as "Mole», «Comet», «Toilet Duck" or «Domestos» poured onto the surface of a toilet bowl and left to stand for 2 hr. thanks to these Drugs kill germs, Destroyed by an unpleasant smell, but completely remove the plaque, they can not always. The solution can be poured directly into the water. Be sure to use gloves as the lye may get on your hands and corrode it.

Effectively clean the plumbing and get rid of rust special acid-based products. These include cleaning gel «Sillit», «Santry" and so on. D. They also poured into the bowl and leave for 5-10 minutes. acid-based funds have a drawback - the smooth surface of the product after use becomes rough, because of what pollution begin to accumulate much faster.

Folk remedies

To the toilet was always clean and free of plaque, it should be cleaned regularly, And to do this you need to once a week. Use necessary chemicals or other active detergents. Apart from these, you can use folk remedies to cleanse the plumbing.


Vinegar for cleaning the toilet bowlClean limescale can be "classical" way. To do this, take a 9% undiluted apple cider vinegar and heated it to 40 degrees. Vinegar moistened pieces of cloth, lay them at the scene of the raid and leave at least 2 hours and preferably do it in the evening and the morning. Then you have to wash away the water in the toilet and cleaned his Yorshik with soft bristles. In old lime requires a stronger treatment, so 70% of the vinegar used. A mixture of iodine and vinegar helps soften and remove limestone. Before purification need be drained from the bowl and leave the mixture for 10-12 hours.

Baking soda and oxalic acid

Oxalic acid for the treatment of toilet bowlSoda in the kitchen have any housewife. It helps enhance the effect of citric or acetic acid. Soda, in contact with soiled portions minerals can destroy the structure and eliminates a ceramic plaque with surface. To clean the toilet need to take 200 grams of funds (one pack). For greater efficiency soda left overnight. Morning cup Yorshik treated by removing mineral deposits balances.

Oxalic acid is not so easy to find on store shelves. But if it is found, it can be safely used to remove limescale. Additionally, such a tool helps to restore the pristine whiteness on ceramics. It needs to be put on a damp soft cloth or sprinkle the plaque site or stone deposits. After processing bowl and its purified Yorshik washed with pure water.

Electrolyte for cleaning the toilet bowlUsing the electrolyte

The use of an electrolyte in acid battery helps eliminate quickly and effectively from any stubborn deposits. It is applied to the surface of the bowl for 30-60 minutes, then rinsed with water. But in the following cases the electrolyte can not be used:

  • if to the toilet summed plastic pipes because they can melt;
  • in homes with a lack of central sewer.

When working with this substance it is necessary to use rubber gloves, respirator and goggles. Even a small drop of agents can cause severe burns, as the electrolyte is made on based strong acid and its poisonous fumes (sulfuric acid) detrimental to human body.

preventive measures

Clean the toilet in the apartmentIt is much easier to prevent the appearance of plaque on the toilet than to seek methods of dealing with them. You can use the following tips to deposits of lime and uric stone is not distributed:

  • It is necessary to adjust the drainage system to prevent water from dripping out of the barrel is not constantly in a bowl. This not only prevents limescale, but also saves water resource.
  • Do not discharge into the toilet fat and other food debris, as it pollutes the surface of sanitary ware.
  • After each use, you need to go through the bowl Yorshik to clear it from the organic contaminants.
  • You can use soap prophylactic agents that attach directly under the rim of the toilet bowl, or added to the tank.

Thus, the toilet bowl must be kept clean, otherwise there will be formed on limescale. If he appeared recently, you should not immediately resort to drastic measures, and it is possible to start with people's ways, as well, and vinegar can clean the toilet.