Clogged pipe will certainly lead to a problem with the water supply in the kitchen or in the bathroom. Of course, you can call a sanitary service, but it will hit the budget. So it is quite realistic to make sewer cleaning without assistance. In fact, nothing complicated in cleaning a sewer pipe there, and knowing the ins and outs of the process, it is possible to quickly cope with the problem.
To reduce bandwidth pipes show a few signs:
- From the sink in the bathroom or in the kitchen came the stench.
- The water began to drain into the drain hole at a slower rate.
- When enabled any water source, it is possible to observe the level of the rise under the drain grate sewer ladder.
These factors suggest that the need for speedy cleaning sewer pipes. As practice shows, blockages occur much more frequently summer and autumn. This is due to the fact that in these times there is a large water consumption. As a result, it increases the amount of waste that enters the sewer drain. Plumbers are advised to be extremely vigilant in the blanks season and have on hand what could be remove obstruction.
- Causes of obstruction
- Detect location
- Prevention of clogging fat
- Mechanical methods of sewer cleaning
- Using a plunger
- Penetration plumber's snake
- hydrodynamic method
- dry-cleaning
- Traditional methods
- Prevention of blockages
Causes of obstruction
In older homes Soviet period, where not carried Repair, fitted sewer pipes made of cast iron. Cast iron pipe exposed to corrosion. On their internal walls formed small cracks and accumulated plaque from rust. Mostly blockage is detected in such a potentially dangerous place, as the interval from the issue of cleaning the kitchen before the release in the bathroom.
If the housing is equipped with plastic pipes, the culprit clogging may be improper installation, i.e. the slope angle of infringement of sewer pipe in the direction of the riser. mounting error - a common cause of plaque on the inner surface of the tube.
Perhaps the most common cause of blockage in the tube - is fat. Accumulating, it settles inside the pipes, delays debris, The remnants of food. Compacted with time, this sediment detrimental to the throughput capacity of sewage.
Another reason for clogging sewage - entering the foreign object system. Clogging of pipes is directly related to the lack of proper care.
Detect location
Before you start cleaning work should find a point of blockage location. If you know where the contamination of land, it will be much easier eliminate it. Typically, the obstruction is formed in the bending region of the drain pipe, in the siphon or in place of the siphon outlet. These sites are located between the sanitary appliance and drain the riser. Sometimes that is polluted and the internal riser, although not as frequently.
If clogged obschedomovoy riser, there is already unable to cope on their own - need to call a team of plumbers. determine wherein the blockage is located aboutCan be their own. To do this, check the serviceability of the drain from each point. Suppose, in the bathroom and the toilet the water goes smoothly, but in the kitchen it does not happen. Consequently, the cause of the fault is on the portion between the kitchen and the riser. When the water is hindered departure from different devices, the reason lies in the total riser.
Prevention of clogging fat
As already mentioned, the fat - one of the key factors in the clogged pipe. After washing dishes not always possible to prevent it from settling on the walls of sewer pipes. If you need regular cleaning, you should think about purchasing a special zhiroulavlivatelya.
This installation, fastened to the sink and filters unnecessary elements that can cause blockage in the sewer.
zhiroulavlivatelya work takes place in two stages:
- The water containing the dirt and grease is fed into the first compartment, where it is filtered from the negative and passes the contents of the second compartment.
- In the second section of the device water is cleaned of fat and into the sewer drain, thereby guaranteeing long life pipes.
Mechanical methods of sewer cleaning
By extra purification methods sewer blockages include at mechanical removal of plugs or fittings by plunger cable.
Using a plunger
Plunger - the most common variant of the mechanical punching blockage. The principle of operation of this uncomplicated device based on pumping water, air and dirt from the pipes to the outside. Often it is the plunger It becomes a lifesaver the issue of purifying sewage sludge, especially if the problem has acquired a chronic character. Every woman should have at home this simple device that at the slightest hint of clogged sinks instantly eliminate it.
Plunger is used when filling the sink or bathtub. It is mounted on the sink and alternately push and pulled the handle. The liquid and air massesThat are located in the pipe are absorbed, and move upwards, taking with it the remnants of food. Then collect all the dirt and do the procedure again. Repeated manipulation as long as the water does not acquire a clear view and will not be easily washed off in the hole sink or bath.
Penetration plumber's snake
Large household waste and serious traffic jams from fat conglomerate create such blockages that are beyond the power of ordinary air eliminators. Then comes to the rescue more efficient device - plumber's snake. It consists of a flexible metal wire cross-section of approximately 5 mm and the handle. You can buy it in any specialty store plumbing.
Terms of use of plumber's snake:
Remove the siphon.
- If the cable is not equipped with a handle, the upper part is bent so as to form a ring, required for the retention fingers.
- Submerging the free end of the cable into the sewer hole, make a rotational-translational movement of the handle, slowly lowering the cable in depth.
- Occasionally rod pulled outwardly and removed from dirt and debris.
- When finished, return to the place of the siphon and washed with a jet of hot water passage.
hydrodynamic method
use the hydrodynamic machine and a pump that creates a powerful pressure jets for domestic sewer systems. This cleaning is done at home with the help of devices with helices. The diameter of these nozzles It is very different. The device is installed near the sink or toilet, the drain is put a spiral design that enabled when the car starts to rotate and destroy the obstruction of any consistency. Rotating spiral of the unit perfectly eliminate blockages of different densities. It is used as in apartments and country houses.
Hydrodynamic cleaning can be carried out, if the tube diameter is less than 30 cm.
Today, for the installation of a sewer system in an apartment building or cottage use plastic pipes. The most vulnerable point of modern pipes - it twists and turns, but cleaned with a hydrodynamic, as well as cast iron, it is not necessary.
If the purification of sewage traditional methods did not bring the proper result, in the course are special chemicals. In the department of household chemicals you can buy ready-made powder formulation. Not worse, and perhaps even more likely to show a means in the form of granules or gel.
There are a mixture of alkaline and acidic. First better fight against fat. Such agents are appropriate for the cleaning of kitchen sewage.
Bulk means it is not necessary to dissolve, it directly poured into the sink, and the liquid is poured into the hole. When the blockage is too removed from the drainUse gel or solution. Punching clogging at the outlet of the siphon use granules and powder.
It should be noted that it is prohibited the simultaneous use of different in chemical composition. Among the population of the most popular tools, such as mole, Pothan, Domestos Mr, Muscle.
Terms of use of chemical weapons to cleaning tubes:
- The sewer hole is not necessary to pour and pour into a large number of chemical substances.
- Waiting for about a quarter of an hour.
- Produce washing sewer system with three or four buckets of water.
Each manufacturer's instructions should indicate what time shall be under the pipe. If you overdo the substance in the tube, the aggressive chemical environment can be harmful PVC. Always after cleaning work should be thoroughly washed plums.
Regarding the choice of the better cleaned much iron pipes clogged, the water sediments and residues of detergent acid will remove easily. Concentrated gel means is capable of dissolving the hair, yarn and paper. Before the start of casting, always wear rubber gloves and open windows in the room, because the evaporation of toxic.
Traditional methods
The most basic way to remove the blockage hated at home - it is poured into the sink kettle of boiling water. This method can clean the pipe from fat.
To deal effectively with the problem considered the mistress use baking soda and vinegar. First you need to remove and clean the siphon, if it did not work, down the drain pour about 300 grams of sodium carbonateAnd then poured to 250 grams of vinegar. Chemical interaction of these two components will lead to the destruction of the molecular bond dirt particles that will clog quickly removed. One can not allow froth to be formed during the reaction of soda with vinegar, is forced out. To do this, you need to close the drain hole cover.
If the home medicine cabinet, there are several tablets protivopohmelnogo means Alka-Seltzer, you can throw into the drain hole and pour a glass of vinegar. After washed with water for some time the pipe. This method can be eliminated and the unpleasant smell.
To clean drains means can also be based on the salt and soda. The pan was dissolved 200 grams of each ingredient, and poured into a sewer. There, the mixture must be not less than half an hour, after which the plunger is used, after all carefully washed.
Prevention of blockages
No one wants to blockages plagued regularly, so in order to avoid unpleasant surprises need to perform preventive measures:
- Do not flush down the drain large objects that can disrupt the outflow of water.
- Encouraged the use of special grids - zhiroulavlivateley, which are fixed on the drain hole.
- The hair does not clog the Vanny siphon on the drain hole to install a protective grille.
- From time to time clean the siphon from all sorts of deposits and stuck it in small items.
- Periodically punching draining hot water. For greater effect, in boiling water, you can add a couple tablespoons of baking soda.
If possible, replace old metal pipes on modern samples of polyvinyl chloride or polypropylene. This will significantly reduce the risk of blockages, and remove them will be much easier.
These ways and means to help cope with even the most difficult clog in a sewer. Start off combat this unpleasant phenomenon It stands with available methods. And only when it has reached a deadlock, it is necessary to use more effective means.