Even on carefully washed items, neatly stacked in a closet, there may be unsightly tracks that are not clear from what emerged. You can not even imagine why there are yellow spots on clothes? Learn the different reasons and factors of their formation in the article below.
What influences the appearance of yellow tracks on clothes
Why do yellow spots appear on clothes? This question was asked to itself by not one mistress. Especially they are clearly visible on products of light colors. Factors contributing to this, can be very diverse:
- incorrectly matched washing powder or detergent for washing;
- unsuitable washing temperature;
- hit on fabric with vegetable oil or fat;
- traces of sweat;
- ironing;
- bleach application;
- hard water.
Reason 1
Why the yellow spots appear on white things because of sweat, and how to avoid them is easy to understand. The composition of sweat includes urea and when it is released, clothing absorbs it. Because of this, yellow traces are formed, which are especially noticeable on white clothes.
If you think that applying antiperspirant deodorant, protects you from the appearance of yellow spots on clothes, then this is not so. When sweat and antiperspirant interact, hard-to-stubborn stains are formed on the contrary.
Important! The use of deodorant, in case of profuse sweating, will not help you to avoid these unpleasant stains, since antiperspirants, basically only mask the smell of perspiration, and do not eliminate it.
In order to reduce sweating, and thereby prevent the appearance of yellow spots on white clothing, adhere to the following rules:
- Keep an eye on your personal hygiene.
- Make epilation under the muscle cavities.
- Skin areas that are most susceptible to perspiration, wash each day with warm water and soap, then dry the skin and apply a mixture of lanolin and talc to it.
- In the heat, avoid eating hot and spicy food.
Important! If compliance with these rules does not give a visible result, examine the body in order to rule out the manifestations of the disease - hyperhidrosis, which is manifested by increased sweating.
Reason 2
If you washed the thing in a washing machine, got it out and noticed that the cloth showed a trace of incomprehensible origin, and you do not understand why the white things showed yellow spots, in this case the reason for their formation is likely to be a detergent andin hard water. The detergent powder consists of elements that react with salts present in hard water, so that yellow spots appear on the laundry.
Important! Thoroughly come to the choice of means for washing things. Choose it based on the type and color of the fabric. If you have hard water at home, before softening things, soften it, additionally adding to the detergent powder a choice: citric acid, vinegar, soda ash or a special softener "Calgon".
Reason 3
Even new things from long-term storage lose their freshness, and in a contaminated form, they are not particularly recommended. Stains on clothing in this case may arise from the fact that they were not sufficiently dried after drying and placed in a cabinet. Another reason is to store them in a room with high humidity and mold, which leaves spots on clothes. And it's not so easy to get rid of them.
To prevent such a phenomenon is not difficult:
- Put contaminated items in a special basket with holes.
- Wash and store children's clothes separately.
- Before putting things in the closet, dry them well after washing.
Reason 4
Appearance of yellow marks on clothing can result from improper application of iron. Before you start ironing things, iron out the non-visible part of the product. Start with a low temperature, and in the process of determining whether it is worth it to increase, based on the type of tissue.
Important! There are yellow spots on the clothes also because you ironed the thing with an iron with the help of steam, in which water stagnated.
Reason 5
Before using bleach, carefully study the label of the product and be sure to check if there is a warning for use. If you have already decided to use it, then be very careful when applying it to the fabric, otherwise - a yellow spot may appear which you already do not remove.
We hope, now you were able to figure out why your white things appear yellow spots. Knowing how to avoid this, you no longer have to ask such a question and change your wardrobe. Following our helpful tips, you will always look nice and neat.