🍳 How to clean the pan of a deposit: proven methods and topical compositions

If you can not even cope with a thick layer of burnt fat, It helps to understand how it is possible to clean the pan from the deposit. There are different ways, each of which guarantee a certain degree of purification of the surface. We offer to meet with everyone, so you decide what's right for you.

Make your ideal pans
Make your ideal pans

Read article

  • 1 Mechanical methods of cleaning the pan of a deposit
  • 2 Thermal cleaning method pans a deposit
  • 3 Household chemicals to clean the pans of a deposit
    • 3.1 "Schumann"
    • 3.2 "Brilliant pan" of the NBT
    • 3.3 "Gloss Steel" from "Selena"
    • 3.4 gel Sanita
  • 4 How to clean the pan from scale traditional methods: the process of the subtleties of
    • 4.1 Acetic acid
    • 4.2 Silicate glue, soap and soda
    • 4.3 Activated carbon
    • 4.4 Soda, detergent, hydrogen peroxide
  • 5 Features deposit cleaning pans of different materials
    • 5.1 Cast-iron pan
    • 5.2 steel pan
    • 5.3 aluminum pan
    • 5.4 with ceramic coating Frying
    • 5.5 Frying Teflon coating
    • 5.6 Pan coated with marble
    • 5.7 Frying enamelled

Mechanical methods of cleaning the pan of a deposit

Mechanical cleaning can be performed by:

  • metal brushes. The most affordable way to mechanical cleaning. Buy brushes at the nearest hypermarket. To accelerate the cleaning process can be by periodic heating at a pan plate. With hot surface contamination are removed much faster;

Tip! If you can not buy a metal brush, use a sharp knife or scraper.

🍳 Say "No!" The dirty dishes in the kitchen: how to clean the pan of a deposit
The knife is quite effective in removing fouling
  • polishers. This method is most often used by men. Setting the petal end circle, you can in a matter of minutes to get rid of quite complex pollution.
To remove dirt just a few minutes
To remove dirt just a few minutes
  • sandblasting. This option is available to those who have access to the appropriate equipment. You can, for example, apply to the nearest service station. The feed pressure sand will remove all impurities, including carbon deposits. However, one should resort to this as a last resort - as a strong abrasive grit can damage pan.
Sandblasting is effective in either configuration pans
Sandblasting is effective in either configuration pans

Thermal cleaning method pans a deposit

To clean the surface by this method, it is necessary to prepare:

  • a gas burner. In its absence, you can use solder lamp;
  • brick or any other non-flammable base;
  • the bucket or basin of cold water. Volume capacity should be sufficient for full immersion pan;
  • steel wool.

Attention! If you decide to clean the pan by heat, it is best to go on the street.

Nagar remove in the following sequence:

🍳 Say "No!" The dirty dishes in the kitchen: how to clean the pan of a depositSet the bricks vertically and place on top of the pan. We treat the surface of the flame, until it begins to smoke. Remove the flame will be when the smoke will disappear completely.
🍳 Say "No!" The dirty dishes in the kitchen: how to clean the pan of a depositWe place the pan in a bucket of cold water. A significant temperature drop will lead to flaking deposit. Be sure to use gloves.
🍳 Say "No!" The dirty dishes in the kitchen: how to clean the pan of a depositWith the help of a metal scraper gently remove all impurities.

Attention! When using a thermal method for cleaning dishes iron requires special care, since it may break.

Household chemicals to clean the pans of a deposit

The catalogs of manufacturers can find numerous resources aimed at the removal of deposits, including with pans. How effective will the composition will depend upon your compliance with the recommendations on its use. We offer to meet with the most popular and effective means.

Large assortment allows you to select the appropriate option for your dishes
Large assortment allows you to select the appropriate option for your dishes


Quality means well-proven in the fight against various contaminants. Before applying you should read the instructions carefully. During the cleaning process need to be wearing rubber gloves.

A convenient form of release makes it easier to clean the surface
A convenient form of release makes it easier to clean the surface

Attention! If the thickness of the soot is large enough, means must be left on the surface of at least 1.5-2 hours.

Especially the use of "Shumanita" can be seen in the following video:

"Brilliant pan" of the NBT

Liquid means by which to deal with long-term grease, including soot and carbon deposits. Implemented in polutoralitrovye capacity.

Review facility for cleaning frying pans "Brilliant pan" from NBT:

🍳 Say "No!" The dirty dishes in the kitchen: how to clean the pan of a deposit
More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_5993948.html

"Gloss Steel" from "Selena"

Affordable means to deal effectively with old stains on metal surfaces. Implemented in 250 ml containers. Agent is applied to the surface and leave for half an hour.

Attention! We have to work only with gloves.

Review of detergent "Gloss Steel" from "Selena":

🍳 Say "No!" The dirty dishes in the kitchen: how to clean the pan of a deposit
More on Irecommend: https://irecommend.ru/content/fiks-prais-udivil-sredstvo-spravivsheesya-s-nagarom-i-kopotyu-blestyashche-lomaete-golovu-ka

"Gloss Steel" from "Selena"

gel Sanita

Versatile and composition available which can be used not only to clean the pans, but also for other surfaces in the kitchen. It can help you regain the lost luster dish and to remove contamination from the surface plate. It contains a large number of aggressive substances, so washing dishes should be carried out in rubber gloves.

Review detergent gel Sanita:

🍳 Say "No!" The dirty dishes in the kitchen: how to clean the pan of a deposit
More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_287909.html

Gel sanita cuisine s>

How to clean the pan from scale traditional methods: the process of the subtleties of

If you are unable to purchase a ready-made structure that can help deal with carbon deposits, use traditional methods. Their effectiveness is tested repeatedly by many housewives. We offer to meet with the current versions, so you can choose the one that is right for you.

Folk remedies can be very effective
Folk remedies can be very effective

Acetic acid

If the pan is relatively new and has no serious pollution, you can use acetic acid. To this end, preparing container, which could put the whole pan, and filled with a solution of acetic acid. He left for a while, and then rinsed and wiped dry. It is also possible, after donning the gloves, to wipe the surface with a sponge soaked in acid.

Attention! To get rid of the unpleasant smell of vinegar after skinning boil utensils in the tank filled with soda solution.

🍳 Say "No!" The dirty dishes in the kitchen: how to clean the pan of a deposit

Silicate glue, soap and soda

Cleaning of surfaces is performed in the following sequence

🍳 Say "No!" The dirty dishes in the kitchen: how to clean the pan of a depositWe prepare the necessary ingredients, and set to plate large capacity water. In a boiling water successively adding a worn on a coarse grater piece of soap, silicate glue two bottles, and then 500 g of soda.
🍳 Say "No!" The dirty dishes in the kitchen: how to clean the pan of a depositIn a boiling solution omit pan and reserve at least one hour. Then disable the fire, cover container lid and leave for 2-3 hours.
🍳 Say "No!" The dirty dishes in the kitchen: how to clean the pan of a depositWe put the cup under the water, and purified by a metal sponge.

Activated carbon

If the contamination appeared relatively recently, activated carbon to help cope with soot. To do this, 10 tablets thoroughly pulverized and dispersed on the surface. Add a little water and leave for a couple of hours. After this will just wash the dishes.

Coal is effective in combating with fresh stains
Coal is effective in combating with fresh stains

Soda, detergent, hydrogen peroxide

If you want to use this method, cleaning should be carried out in the following sequence:

🍳 Say "No!" The dirty dishes in the kitchen: how to clean the pan of a depositMix half a glass of soda, 0.5 tsp dishwashing liquid and 2 tablespoons hydrogen peroxide. Ingredients mix thoroughly until smooth. If necessary, add a small amount of hydrogen peroxide
🍳 Say "No!" The dirty dishes in the kitchen: how to clean the pan of a depositWith rigid sponge spray on the surface thoroughly rubbing. Washed down and wipe dry the dishes.

Features deposit cleaning pans of different materials

Composition and surface quality have a major impact on the choice of purification method. A wrong method can cause flaking of the coating pans or base damage. Enjoy such dishes afterwards it will be difficult or impossible. Offer to get acquainted with the peculiarities of cleaning utensils made of different materials, so you can avoid making mistakes.

Material pans able to adjust cleaning process
Material pans able to adjust cleaning process

Cast-iron pan

The best material for the manufacture of frying pans. It allows mechanical cleaning by all available means. To remove carbon deposits may also be used 2 tablespoons major salts, mixed with vinegar to form a slurry. The composition is left on the surface for half an hour, and then heated, after adding 70 g of sodium hydroxide. After 10 minutes a deposit was removed and the pan is washed thoroughly under running water until complete removal means.

Sol with soda effectively remove carbon deposits on the cast iron pan
Sol with soda effectively remove carbon deposits on the cast iron pan

steel pan

If a deposit is relatively thin, get rid of it, you can use rock salt. We only need to:

  • pour sufficient amount of salt to the bottom;
  • warm up for 15 minutes;
  • salt to cool completely. This may take a few hours;
  • remove pollution iron sponge.

Instead of salt you can use soda ash. Enough slurry was applied to the surface to rub hard sponge, to leave for a half hour and then thoroughly rinsed in hot water.

It is also possible to use vinegar and citric acid. It should be only slightly warmed in a frying pan 2 cups of vinegar, and then pour the citric acid. After boiling, the fire cut off the solution and leave the pan on the half hour. Remove any dirt, you can use an ordinary sponge.

🍳 Say "No!" The dirty dishes in the kitchen: how to clean the pan of a deposit
Return gloss steel pan in various ways

aluminum pan

To clean the aluminum surface, you can use a variety of ways. A good account boiling for 2-3 h in a solution of glue, soap and soda ash mixed in the ratio 2: 1: 2. After complete cooling contamination is removed by means of metal brushes.

Attention! Boiling water should constantly replenish.

Sometimes sand is used. The filled container is set on fire and a good warm up. After complete cooling of the sand pan is washed thoroughly with water.

Perhaps boiling utensils within a half hours in the salt solution. After adding a small amount of detergent.

with ceramic coating Frying

Only soft washcloth may be used to clean the surface. If there was a thin deposits, instead of detergent, you can use baking soda. Contamination is removed.

Cleaning the surface with a ceramic coating it is possible only with a soft cloth
Cleaning the surface with a ceramic coating it is possible only with a soft cloth

Frying Teflon coating

PTFE requires special care and care. Never use an abrasive. If a deposit is still began to form, it should be a tablespoon of soda ash to pour into the pan and dilute with a little water. Bringing the solution to a boil, it is necessary to leave it for 40 minutes. This time is sufficient for raskisaniya deposit. Remove any dirt, you can use a soft washcloth. Then, the surface should be wiped dry.

Attention! Soda can be replaced by means of Fairy.

Teflon coating require careful treatment
Teflon coating require careful treatment

Pan coated with marble

The basis of this coating is lightweight aluminum, which is added to the marble chips to obtain the required performance. To ensure long life marble coating, before the first application of the pan washed, dried and treated with a vegetable oil.

For removal of contaminants can be used soda solution, which container is filled. After 10 minutes, washed with a soft sponge pan under water.

Attention! The use of abrasive compositions, or rigid sponge capable of scratching the coating unacceptable.

Soda is able to cope with the serious pollution
Soda is able to cope with the serious pollution

Frying enamelled

Such products make high demands for surface cleaning procedure. Significant effects can cause spalling of the coating. To prevent this, it is possible to use vinegar, baking soda and citric acid as a cleaning agent.

Mechanical impact can cause chipping layer
Mechanical impact can cause chipping layer

Attention! Timely remove the contamination appeared to increase the life of your pans.

Share in the comments, how do you clean your pan, which use methods and tools.