Mold and fungus on the walls - the most common adverse events that most of us at least once had to watch in their apartments. Very often they occur in the bathroom, in the kitchen, but also they can be found on the balcony, and in some residential areas. Sometimes one can only wonder how these organisms could appear in a particular area.
- What is the danger
- Causes of
- Forms of mold and mildew
- molds
- fungi blue
- Rot
- preventive measures
- Means available for treating the wallsÂ
- The use of antiseptics
- practical actions
What is the danger
Of mold and mildew on the walls in the bathroom and the bathroom seriously suffering appearance of the premisesAnd they spoil the building materials. When on the surface of concrete, stone or brick a decorative disputes microorganisms, they are coated with thin layers of gradually destroying the material. And watching this picture, the owner has to think seriously about the use of funds for the treatment of the wall or ceiling, to get rid of mold and mildew.
In fact, the mold has a much more damaging than many people know. When a person is in the room, the walls and ceiling are covered with rot and grayish bloom, it puts their health at risk. Inhaling microspores, it may soon become infected with various dangerous diseases - eczema, bronchitis, bronchial asthma and others. This alone is a major reason to start as soon as possible to deal with mold and mildew on the walls. And it is desirable to start looking effective ways removing microorganisms from the surface of the walls as soon as possible. Best of all - right at the initial stage of occurrence of mold and mildew.
Causes of
To find an effective remedy for the treatment of mold and mildew, the owner must first find out what kind of reason they arise.
Each owner whose unpleasant mold and fungus and who does not want to see them at home in their apartment should know that the highest probability of occurrence of mold in rooms where the air temperature keeps about 20 degrees Celsius mark and higher. As for the mold, then it may appear at lower temperatures. If the room is constantly maintained air humidity level of 95%, in such conditions, the fungus will feel quite comfortable and continue to spread to new areas.
By experience we can say that most of the mold occurs due admitted during construction defects of the house. So, most face the risk of such entities owners of apartments in which bulkhead seams were not well insulated or premises maintained a high residual humidity.
Yet experts say that mold can occur due to rising moisture on the walls moist basements. Most often, this problem occurs in the homes of old buildingsWho do not have waterproofing. In new buildings to detect the fungus may be due to the use of plastic windows in them, which mount technology provides high isolation against noise and heat accumulation. All this leads to disruption of natural ventilation processes indoors, and as a result, there is high humidity.
Under such conditions the microorganisms feels good and very soon fill a large area. Before the rest of the mold space can be found just in the bathroom, where it occurs mainly on the grouting between the tile.
Forms of mold and mildew
To select the most effective drug that helps to quickly deal with the decay and plaque, the owner must know the species of mold and mildew.
It is the most often greeted by the enemy in the bathrooms and lavatories. Most often they can be found on building materials. Determine their possible presence on the trail, having the form of blue, green, black and brown plaque. If the owner is overlooked and too late found these organisms in the apartment, then this case is Only hold unscheduled repairs, and the need for restructuring may occur in more severe cases, houses.
fungi blue
From these organisms most affected tree structure, and the house becomes unsightly gray-blue tint. In addition, the blue can penetrate through the paint film, Giving rise to distinctive waterfalls - so there are unique routes through which moisture can penetrate easily later in the tree. All we know, than it is fraught penetration of water material - it always leads to the appearance of mold.
Rot, which the owner can find the apartment, is of three kinds: white, brown and bacterial. In the case of the first to suffer cellulose, the wood changes color there are small. When the brown-rot material apply such a strong damage that this leads to cracks in the wood structure. Bacterial decay harms the tree inside, and when that happens, the material takes on a darker color. At the same time the tree loses its original transparency of what is happening due to cellulose degradation.
No less a danger to the wooden structure is a white mushroom house. If a long time do not monitor the condition of the apartment, it is during this month can completely ruin the 4 cm thick oak floor. Earlier, when it detects a problem, it had no choice but to simply burn the house. Otherwise, the fungus spread to other buildings.
Wet rot usually occurs on a stone or concrete, as can be understood by the presence of bands darkish brown or yellowish, and after some time on this site can be found cracks. Dry rot can seriously affect the color of the wood, which turns brown, and after a while there is a complete destruction of the material.
preventive measures
To preserve the integrity and appeal of his house and glue wallpaper every year, it is necessary to regularly preventive actions. So they brought the desired effect, the owner needs to know which factors can cause the appearance of mold and mildew in the apartment. In the first place it must maintain an optimal level of humidity in the room. Yet care must be taken that the ventilation and heating system were built in compliance with the design rules. As well as attention and require heaters to be installed in the end rooms.
Each owner of the available means for the prevention of mold and mildew in the first place, is to provide a process for treating the walls of the mold vinegar or hydrogen peroxide.
The apartments are recommended to install PVC windows Swing-type, which during aeration should always be fully open. Keep the door to the bathroom closed tightly - must always be present dongaTo allow air to escape to the outside.
More must be treated regularly affected areas of special structures, and their need to apply directly to the level of a brick wall. If the wallpaper on the walls, they have to be removed. Today, in any store you can find many effective and easy to use products from mold and mildew. Among the most popular is particularly noteworthy:
- antiseptic for walls of the mold "Dali";
- "Biotal" spray.
Owners who are going to handle mildew basement, you need to know that before applying the composition necessarily have to carry out a complex of measures on drainage and waterproofing object. So you will be able to prevent the basement groundwater and meltwater.
Means available for treating the wallsÂ
Many owners quite frequently and successfully compete in the repair and after a decay and plaque on the walls with wallpaper, using the means at hand:
Among the well-proven methods to remove microorganisms from the premises it is worth mentioning treatment of the affected areas with creosote. It is used as a solution which is prepared independently of forces to any owner. For it is necessary to take 1 kg of copper sulfate or ferrous sulfate 1.5 kg, then add 10 liters of water and all to mix thoroughly.
- And many owners often resort to the help of the following composition. It is prepared from copper sulphate (1.5 kg) and acetic acid (2 liters), to which are added after mixing 10 L of water.
The use of antiseptics
Quite often, for treating the walls of mold and mildew using antiseptics. They are specific chemical compoundsManufactured under industrial conditions. Their high efficiency is due to their having a strong antimicrobial effect.
To quickly clear the wall from mold and mildew, many owners often use water-soluble antiseptic preparations antifungal effect, and products containing in its composition diluent. Very popular today and antiseptics, oil-based, of which the most famous is the Creosote.
In hardware stores you can find many other equally effective antiseptics. But, unfortunately, there is no universal means among all this variety of chemicals that could handle any microorganisms. Therefore, before you buy something or other means, be sure to check with the sales assistant how to it should be used to help you quickly solve your problem and you do not have to buy more new glue wallpaper.
practical actions
If you find yourself in the apartment fungus or mold, you should not hesitate - start as soon as possible to deal with them. Moreover, during the repair it is better to do even before pasting wallpaper. Practical actions are as follows:
To start, you need to remove the wallpaper from the wall.
- After this it is necessary to remove the damaged layer of plaster, using a spatula or a stiff brush.
- Your next action should be to conduct processing wall cleaning composition. This will help open up the pores and remove the cement film.
- Then you can move on to the preparation of the solution on the basis of the purchased in-store staff to remove the mold. It is best to use an antiseptic with antifungal effect. They need to process all by roller surface without missing any portion. With antiseptic primer you can easily return the wall of her usual form, and in addition to this to increase its strength characteristics and clean from dirt particles. In addition, the composition will make the finish more durable.
- Then you need to prepare a dry mixture of waterproofing. And instead of it you can buy ready-made at the store. When the composition is ready for use, it is deposited on the wall using a brush.
- Next you need to treat the surface of the wall Deep penetration composition.
- After that comes the turn of plastering and putty.
- Then, the surface of the need to re-primed deep penetration.
- At the end there will be only to stick on walls, new wallpapers.
remember, that treatment of walls before glueing Wallpaper is required, otherwise all your efforts will be in vain.
You must act quickly to prevent the spread of micro-organisms to new areas. Coping with mold and mildew can be quite simple, if you start to act in the moment of its first appearance, and apply highly effective medicines. One of these are antiseptics, which due to its antimicrobial effect can quickly eliminate all kinds of microorganisms.
But at the same time along with them, you can use and a lot of available tools for the processing of the mold, which is also able to provide a good help in the fight against microorganisms. However, the best way to prevent mold in the apartment - regularly carry out preventive measures. Care should be taken so that the humidity of the room remained at a relatively low level, and to do that all the rooms should be regularly ventilated.