Cleaning silver coins: how to clean silverware at home

How to clean coins serebrayanyeSilverware begin to turn black over time. Coins are also not an exception. To give them the original appearance, coins be cleaned. Before carrying out this procedure should determine the type of silver that was used for their manufacture. Metal high grade cleaned in a special way, and some universal methods are not able to cope with a touch on these coins.


  1. Universal cleaning methods
  2. Baking soda and dilute acids
  3. Ammonia, foil and salt
  4. Soap and toothpaste
  5. Other methods of purification silver

Universal cleaning methods

Silver coins in their composition are classified as high-grade (625-carat and above) and low-grade (up to 625-carat). For any coins can be used The following cleaning agents:

  • vinegar;
  • hydrochloric or oxalic acid, and household products;
  • formic acid;
  • ammonia and baking soda;
  • salt and foil;
  • Water from boiled eggs;
  • Cooking in citric acid, soda or olive oil;
  • a ready means for cleaning silver jewelry sold in jewelry stores.

Baking soda and dilute acids

Cleaning of coins at homeThe most common way to clean silver coins were cleaning with baking soda. To do this, add soda water to form a slurry, and the resulting mixture needed wipe your fingers item until the disappearance of black. If the coin of silver is very valuable, such a method of cleaning is not necessary, because the soda is an abrasive material and can leave micro-scratches, which significantly reduces the cost of the product.

In addition, cleaning may be carried out using 5-10% solution of formic acid, which effectively removes them from the surface of the copper compound, and oxides of silver. For this purpose, items placed in the glass utensil located therein with formic acid. If they are cleared with difficulty, it is necessary to heat the acid up to 50-70 degrees and using special brushes to clean off the softened layers to complete purification of the product.

To remove the oxides from the surface of the silver coins, household chemicals used in conjunction with a solution of oxalic acid or hydrochloric acid. The product thus gets luster, but wound patina, which is an oxide layer on the surface, determining the quality of currency.

Ammonia, foil and salt

Cleaning silver coins often carried out using ammonia. It perfectly removes green patina. Such a method of purification did not require any cost, and the result will exceed all expectations. To clean the coin, it dipped in liquid ammonia and leave it for three minutes. After that, it was taken out and wipe with a soft cloth. If plaque is not removed until the end, then the procedure is repeated as long as the product gleams, and the plaque is not completely disappear.

Cleaning coins in different wayscleaning coins Silver can be performed using foils and salts thereof. For this method you need:

  • running water;
  • 0.5 teaspoon salt;
  • a small piece of food foil.

On foil sprinkled salt on top poured a teaspoon of plain water and mix them to form a slurry. Coin placed on top of the slurry, and folded edges of the foilTo not poured salt. The foil should tightly contact with the subject. Do not click on the coin, and rub it, as the surface may be scratched. If the product highly contaminated, they should be left in the foil with salt overnight.

Soap and toothpaste

Next means for removing plaque from silver coins at home - a toothpaste or tooth powder. But we should remember that the toothpastes are normal and abrasive. If you use the last resort, it may scratch the surface of the coin, so you need to clean the usual paste.

Cleaning silver coins with soap is the most gentle way, but it is not the most efficient. Through a solution of soap can be easily remove ordinary dirt, But the coating is unlikely to be removed.

Other methods of purification silver

The best way to clean silver coinsMany argue that the gloss and color to silver can be returned by means of ordinary eggsNamely, water in which they cooked. To do this, boil the eggs in any quantity, water must stand until it is warm, then the silver product is dipped in it. After some time, take out the coins and dry wipe.

special product sold in jewelry stores designed specifically for cleaning of silverware. it acidThat does not need to be thinned. Thanks to such means is removed very thin layer of metal. To prevent damage to the product before use is necessary to read the instructions.

If silver coins low sample, then they can be cleaned lemon juiceIn which the product is immersed for a few hours. If such an object is of no value, then use the citric acid solution. Bright green plaque purified on silver coins with a weak solution of sulfuric acid, which must be filled with a product placed in a porcelain container. The procedure is repeated several times, occasionally scraping layers.

The best tool for cleaning silver coins of high grade - liquid substance zilbertaushbader. This tool easily removes all traces of oxidation, but find it quite difficult.

Thus, every owner of a silver coin decides which way to clean suit most. All of these methods allow you to return the original silver color, its naturalness and shine. But the main thing - is to store silverware, avoiding contact with moisture and other environmental influences.