How quickly wash the floors in the house: cleaning features of different floor coverings

Wash floors with a mopA good hostess is always order and cleanliness, including the shining floor. But sometimes it happens that the floor looks awful, for example after the repair or if it shed a particular liquid, which can not be removed by conventional means. In addition, floor coverings can be made of different materials, having the features of care. Therefore, you should understand how to properly wash the floor mop or cloth, using a variety of means.


  1. Tips housewife
  2. Cleaning with a mop
  3. wood floors
  4. parquet washing
  5. How to clean laminate
  6. Linoleum and granite
  7. Removing whitewash

Tips housewife

To quickly wash the floors at home, you need to adhere to the following rules:

  • before the harvest is necessary to clean the work area - lift chairs, clean clothes and toys lying on the floor covering;
  • all the garbage you need to wipe a wet broom in one pile or vacuum;
  • begin to wash the floor with far corner of the room, as the less will have to walk on the washed surface, the cleaner will be home after cleaning;
  • be sure to rinse all the joints between the flooring and baseboards, gradually moving toward the exit;
  • the water in the bucket is necessary to change the extent of pollution and this should be done as often as possible.

Thanks to these rules, you can quickly and efficiently perform wet cleaning of floor covering in the room.

Cleaning with a mop

mopping the floor in the apartmentYou can mop the floors. Using such an object for cleaning is different. First of all, it should be comfortable, so correctly selected her height. mop handle must get up to the armpits, which allows a woman during the harvest less strain the back. In addition, thanks to this instrument height can be washed, even in the most remote places in the house.

In many ways, the quality of cleaning depends on how you use the mop. So, you need to draw "eight" during the harvest on the floor surface. This allows you to quickly collect all the garbage in the center, not rastaskivaya it throughout the apartment. It should not be too wet mop, since excessive moisture is very harmful to any surface.

Having dealt with how to properly use a mop, you need to learn how to wash a variety of floor coverings.

wood floors

Wooden floors and housekeepingYou can easily and quickly wash wooden surface. If the boards are not painted, then use cold water and detergent. Pressing cloth should not be, but it is necessary to walk on the floor and thoroughly moisten it. Then take a broom with a stiff bristle brush and clean its surface. On the foam floor should go with a damp cloth, which is moistened with clean water. After that it can be wipe with a dry cloth.

Painted or lacquered wooden surfaces and wash with a soft cloth and detergents. In this case, should not use a brush for cleaning the coating. The floors are recommended to wash with a damp cloth, which is well-twisting. We need to move from the outer walls of the room to the door along baseboards, washing at the end of the center of the room.

A gloss surface to be mixed in equal proportions of methyl alcohol and vegetable oil, the composition applied to a rag and wiped dry surface. When painted wood floors are dry, they should be cleaned with a solution of vinegar diluted in plenty of water. With this paint takes on strength and extra shine. It should not be too much to carry out general cleaning of the wooden floor.

parquet washing

Parquet in the apartmentParquet floor also It considered woodenOnly it is made of small plates. In such a coating necessarily applied lacquer. Thanks to this structure of the tree is not the excess moisture to penetrate the surface and can serve for many years. Parquet is not recommended to wash too often, and cleaning is necessary to use a well-wrung damp cloth. To impart gloss coating, the water should be added glycerol. Once the surface is dry, it is necessary to rub a special mastic and to polish to a shine specially designed brush or a chamois cloth. Wash the parquet can be once a week.

How to clean laminate

Laminate flooring in the apartmentafter washing surface of laminate it may remain stains and spots. To avoid this, there are several effective ways. In the water for wet cleaning is necessary to add a tablespoon of shampoo, dishwashing detergent or liquid soap, but it is best if it is a gel detergent. When washing is necessary to change the water frequently and thoroughly rinse the surface after application of the detergent.

For the next process need hot water, 9% vinegar and mop with a soft packing. The vinegar water was poured through which moisture rapidly evaporates from the surface of the floor and prevents the occurrence of streaks. Soak a cloth, begin to wash the floors, moving back towards the door.

In order to eliminate more serious contaminants in water to dissolve more detergent and lather it. The foam was applied to the surface, and after 10 minutes, rinsed with clean cloth. Wash the laminate can be no more than three times a week, and general cleaning done once a month.

Linoleum and granite

Linoleum floorThe basic rule for washing floors of linoleum - do not use the hot water with the use of abrasive cleansers. Linoleum should be washed when dirty. Once a month is recommended to wipe it with vegetable oil or linseed oil. This allows you to return the ductility of the coating and prevents premature breakage.

If the floor andof granite is heavily pollutedThen used for its washing agents based on acids that are added to the water. The liquid wetted soft cloth, drained and washed floor. After that, once again pass a cloth soaked in clean water and wipe with a dry cloth.

Removing whitewash

How to wash whitewash on the floorBefore starting the repair should be a floor surface lay a paper or newspapers. Oilcloth better not to use because it is slippery, and it can be slippery.

To whitewash after wash floors without the formation of streaks, you can use the following tips:

  • In a bucket of water added to a glass of grated soap and allow to infuse fluid. Contaminated surfaces should be grouting, whipped to a froth, and let soak whitewashing. After that the foam was collected and clean with a damp cloth. In the bucket water and change again rubbed floors, and then dried with a soft cloth.
  • If the floor is very dirty, before you start to wash it, you need to break it down into sections. Each of them is first washed with soapy water, and then wiped dry with a cloth soaked in pure water. Water should be changed after each stage. To quickly remove stubborn dirt, in a soap solution should add a little fine salt or aviation gasoline.

Thus, in order to properly clean the floor, you need toto know some subtleties. Each coating washes differently using various means. By following certain rules, you can quickly and efficiently clean up any floor covering.