Repair of food processor Bosch, Philips, Moulinex

Repair of food processor Bosch, Philips, Moulinex

Today, food processor - it is almost indispensable technique for housewives. He performs routine work of cutting, grinding meat mince, dough and many other functions that take a long time without a blender.His failure is becoming a problem for the user, since many do not know that repairs a food ...

Juicer for apples with their hands: instructions and video

Juicer for apples with their hands: instructions and video

Shop quality juices often causes justifiable criticism. The society has long had the impression that the safest drink vegetable or fruit is squeezed, "with his own hands." Necessary apparatus for this simple procedure is a juicer. Lack of affordable juicer urban cuisine there. Most often it is a ...

How to choose a hood for the kitchen: details, reviews

How to choose a hood for the kitchen: details, reviews

A technique such as hood, can be attributed to devices that need to be in the kitchen. It successfully removes various unpleasant odors, fumes and soot, harmful to the human body. In order for this device to work as efficiently as possible, it is necessary to choose the right model. If you are in...

How to choose a home smokehouse for hot and cold smoked

How to choose a home smokehouse for hot and cold smoked

To prepare the delicious smoked smokehouse need. Most store products of the type used liquid smoke. This chemical, which can not fully reproduce the full flavor, but most importantly - it is harmful. Therefore, one can be sure only as a self-cooked delicacies.There are two main ways this preparat...

How to choose the kitchen scale: rating of the best models in 2019

How to choose the kitchen scale: rating of the best models in 2019

Due to the relative simplicity of the design of kitchen scales - one of the cheapest household appliances. But this does not negate the problem of choice, as the only true selected device will provide accurate measurements.Only two species - both mechanical and electrical. The main differences ar...

Dryer for vegetables and fruits: a review, views and reviews

Dryer for vegetables and fruits: a review, views and reviews

Correctly chosen dryer for vegetables and fruits will ensure the preservation of the harvest for the whole winter.Structurally Electric driers machine a little more complicated than its counterpart, which uses the sun's energy.Both devices consist of a set of similar elements, but electric versio...

What better to choose a kitchen scale with counting calories

What better to choose a kitchen scale with counting calories

Kitchen scales with calorie counter serve as a reliable assistant for those who care about their health. They allow you to keep accurate records of food eaten per day, to help calculate the total calorie a day diet. In these devices have built-in memory, which contains the most popular foods and ...

How to choose a professional electric deep fryer for home

How to choose a professional electric deep fryer for home

Obzharivaya products in boiling oil, turn out very tasty dishes from simple potato fries and chebureks to seafood tempura. The usefulness of such a dubious food, especially fast food, and can be monitored and used as the oil it repeatedly making deep-fry at home. In stores today is a wide range o...

What is the operating pressure and temperature in a pressure cooker

What is the operating pressure and temperature in a pressure cooker

Among the many kitchen appliances cooker has a special place. It dishes are cooked much faster. The acceleration takes place due to high pressure inside at temperatures above 100 ° C. Pressure cooker saves the taste of foods, vitamins and nutrients. This is possible due to the elimination of free...

Rakletnitsa grill and classic: how to choose the rating models

Rakletnitsa grill and classic: how to choose the rating models

Rakletnitsa - household appliance invented by amateur raclette - Swiss dishes. It is cooked in a special way and is a cheese varieties with various fillings. An improved version - Grill rakletnitsa provides ample opportunities for the preparation of various dishes.Is a grill that has a fairly com...