Pile foundations: Calculating the number of piles and load capacity

Pile foundations: Calculating the number of piles and load capacity

If there are difficulties with reliable support on a plot selected pile structure foundation. application alternative technologies in such situations, accompanied by a significant increase in labor and financial expenses. However, in any form requires an accurate preview payment. With the materia...

Basement panels for exterior decoration of the house: types, advantages, installation procedure

Basement panels for exterior decoration of the house: types, advantages, installation procedure

Base panels for exterior decoration of the house. For their manufacture, various materials are used that determine the technical characteristics, service life and cost of each product. We offer you to get acquainted with the main varieties and their distinctive features.Read in the article1 Desig...

A dangerous mistake made by amateurs when reinforcing, the most common mistakes of reinforcement workers and concrete workers

A dangerous mistake made by amateurs when reinforcing, the most common mistakes of reinforcement workers and concrete workers

When arranging foundation at home, the most accurate implementation of the technology is required, you cannot argue with that. After all, how long the building will stand will depend on the strength of the base. However, novice builders often make mistakes at this stage of construction - when rei...

Master's secret: why sugar is added to the concrete solution

Master's secret: why sugar is added to the concrete solution

There are so-called "folk" additives that are added to the cement slurry to improve its qualities. Which of them work, and which, on the contrary, do only harm? Let's figure it out. Let's start with the question of why sugar is added to the concrete solution.Read in the article1 Sugar in concrete...

Blind area without concrete: yes, it is possible!

Blind area without concrete: yes, it is possible!

Someone will tell you that concrete in this case has no alternative. Like, only he - and even reliably reinforced with metal - can protect the foundation of your house from atmospheric waters. But take your time to make a decision. There is still an alternative - and this is a soft blind area, wh...

Didn't compact the soil - he filled up the house. How to prepare a place for a foundation

Didn't compact the soil - he filled up the house. How to prepare a place for a foundation

No one will argue that the durability of the entire structure of the house directly depends on the reliability of the base. But few people mean not just the foundation, but the soil under it. Yes, it is from the site of soil that the house begins, and not from the foundation. And if you want to b...

How to fill the foundation so that the house does not crack?

How to fill the foundation so that the house does not crack?

It is interesting that, despite the external obviousness of the answer, opinions still differ. Sometimes there are such wild advice on the net that it is a real pity for self-builders who decide to follow them. And yet - how to fill the voids after pouring the foundation? Which is easier and whic...

Rubber crumb for the blind area - yes, it is possible

Rubber crumb for the blind area - yes, it is possible

Good strong foundation you need to protect, otherwise it will not last as long as you would like. That is why the blind area is an important and indispensable part of the construction of a house. And here disagreements begin: which one to do? Hard or soft, pour or install tiles? And with any opti...

What happens if you put rusty reinforcement in concrete

What happens if you put rusty reinforcement in concrete

And what not? But who cares what is in this concrete, because there is no access to air and moisture, which means that everything that gets inside the fill is sealed there forever (or for a couple of hundred years). What and who cares there for rusty fittings? Plus, concrete has an alkaline envir...

How to prepare the foundation for wintering so that you can build in the spring

How to prepare the foundation for wintering so that you can build in the spring

Construction of any house begins with a foundation pit. And the foundation is being built in the pit. And several questions immediately arise - which one to choose type of foundation, what dimensions to lay, when to start building it. And if its type is largely determined by the taste preferences...