To form a high-quality and reliable the foundation for the house or other structure will formwork for the foundation. This design can be made of various materials that affect its cost and ease of installation. We offer to meet with the main options, features and order of installation work.

Read article
- 1 shuttering function for the foundation
- 2 Requirements for formwork
- 3 What happens formwork for the foundation: the main varieties
- 3.1 If possible dismantling
- 3.2 According to the materials of manufacture
- 4 Criteria for the choice of material for the formwork
- 5 How to make a formwork own hands: the sequence of actions
- 5.1 Under the strip foundation
- 5.1.1 We prepare everything you need for work
- 5.1.2 calculation of sawn timber
- 5.1.3 Step-by-step instruction
- 5.2 Under the monolithic plate
- 5.2.1 What you need to work: tools and materials
- 5.2.2 Payment
- 5.2.3 Step-by-step instruction
- 5.1 Under the strip foundation
- 6 Struts and plates to strengthen formwork
- 7 Errors in the construction of the foundation, which should be avoided
- 8 Save on formwork arrangement: available options
shuttering function for the foundation
Decking provides formation foundation desired shape and size. This design:
- It is used as a mold for the filling concrete solution;
- It ensures the formation of a smooth texture surface;
- It allows for the need to protect the foundation from the ground.

Requirements for formwork
In order to create a quality and solid foundation, formwork should:
- be strong and resilient. This will enable it to withstand the pressure created by the liquid concrete. Used for producing the formwork material must possess high strength and reliability;
- have a smooth, flat inner surface. To form suitable use form sheets. Otherwise, the basement walls are obtained rough, which can complicate the mounting hydro- and / or thermal insulation materials.

What happens formwork for the foundation: the main varieties
The design of the formwork and characteristics may differ materially depending on its type and the materials used. We offer to meet with the main species.

If possible dismantling
Demountability defines the principle of the use of formwork. She may be:
- Removable (demountable). Dismounting is performed after the concrete attains 50% strength. Reusable. Quantity fills depends on the characteristics of the formwork material. Usually 3 - 8. In the industrial embodiment, the amount fills the tens and hundreds of times;
- nonremovable. It is part of the foundation. Improves its performance. For example, extruded formwork Styrofoam increases the insulating properties of the base.

According to the materials of manufacture
For the manufacture of formwork used most often:
- metal;
- reinforced concrete;
- polystyrene;
- wood.
Metal formwork is versatile and expensive option. Made of steel sheets a thickness of 1 - 2 mm. Used in a monolithic unit and the tape base. Able to take on any configuration. Privarivaya fittings the metal sheets, can be substantially increased rigidity formed base.

Concrete formwork - one more expensive option. For its formation using concrete slabs. to reduce flow concrete solution on the volume occupied by the plates. For the installation of special equipment is required due to the large weight of each item. As one plate with insufficient dimensions need to install additional braces that increase construction work cost.

Formwork styrofoam is qualitative and practical design. For its formation uses separate blocks of expanded polystyrene, are easily snapped in resolution. Installation is straightforward. However, formation of corners in the foundation and of different radii can cause some difficulty in selecting a suitable element.

Wooden decking is one of the most popular choices. For its manufacturing uses plywood or boards. It is cheap. For the device to have sufficient available conventional joiner's tools. However, installation costs may increase due to the need for additional structural reinforcement.

Criteria for the choice of material for the formwork
In choosing the material for the shuttering device should first take account of its design features and the price tag. When it comes to nonremovable design, the choice is made in favor of reinforced concrete and styrofoam. wood and metal are used for removable.

How to make a formwork own hands: the sequence of actions
The order of execution of works is largely dependent on the kind of formed the base. We offer to meet with the main varieties, so you can perform all the necessary set of works with his hands.

Under the strip foundation
Strip foundation is a reinforced concrete closed loop, located beneath the structure walls. When working with your hands formwork often perform removable. We offer to get acquainted with the features and sequence of works.

We prepare everything you need for work
To carry out work on the device casing must be kept in stock:
- measuring tool;
- hammer;
- grinders;
- building level;
- hacksaw on wood.
For the manufacture of the structure itself would require boards, beams, fittings in sufficient quantity, fasteners, Rack, tow. As the fasteners can use screws or tow. For cushion device need sand.

calculation of sawn timber
Before buying should calculate the necessary amount of lumber. When calculating it should be noted that the board will be located on both sides of the excavated trench. For their connection bar segments to be used, the height of which should be somewhat greater than the depth of the trench. To calculate the required number of boards to be:
- measuring the total length of the trench;
- increase the value obtained twice;
- divide the product by the length of a board;
- Multiply the result by a particular depth of the trench and the width of the board. The resulting value should be rounded up to the nearest natural number.
When calculating the required quantity of timber must be considered that it will be located with the maximum pitch of 0.4 m. Based on this calculated required number of bars, their total length. Knowing the length of one, count the amount of lumber ordered.
Attention! Board thickness must be equal to 25 - 50 mm and width 20 - 30 mm. Bruce can be selected with a side of 40 mm.

Step-by-step instruction
Following the acquisition of all necessary, you are ready to carry out installation work. In order to create high-quality formwork for strip foundation, it is advisable to carry out work in the following sequence:
Illustration | Description of the action |
![]() | Dig a trench. At the bottom of the ditch fall asleep sand layer and distribute it evenly over the surface. After tamping height cushion moistened with water should be 150 mm. |
![]() | Install guide board. They are placed along the line formed by pre-stretched cord. Boards are fixed pegs and vertical bars. |
![]() | Outside establishes additional stops to provide sufficient strength and rigidity. The position of each guide element is carefully controlled by a level. |
![]() | Mount boards. From the bottom up to the beam fasten the board. |
![]() | Install the spacers. They will allow boards to make the correct spatial position. |
Under the monolithic plate
formwork solid foundation mounted on its perimeter. The configuration of the frame corresponds to the shape of the future structure. We offer to meet with the work order, so you can perform the installation of their own hands.

What you need to work: tools and materials
The list of instruments is similar to that used at the device of the tape base. The choice of material depends on what will be decking: removable or nonremovable. When working with your hands more often choose the second option. This will require either laminated plywood boards having a thickness greater than 40 mm. Optional bar with sides not less than 40 mm.

For the calculation it is necessary to know the exact dimensions of the future foundation. Measure the perimeter of the future building and multiplied by the height of the foundation. The total area of ββthe acquired plywood or boards must be greater than the specified parameter.

Step-by-step instruction
The prepared boards are fixed by means of longitudinal and transverse beams. They are placed along the stretched tape. On the outer side mounted mowing. The spatial position of each component is carefully controlled. Attention should be paid to the verticality of the boards and the correctness of their position relative to the guide line.

If you still have questions, the answers can be found in the following video:
Struts and plates to strengthen formwork
Avoid the destruction of the formwork enables its further strengthening. Bracing is installed outside the structure at a maximum distance of 1m. Wooden boards or boards trim set at an angle to the vertical surface. Thanks to their presence manages to provide sufficient rigidity and strength of the frame.
Attention! If the height of the boards more than 2 m, making two layers of struts: upper and lower.
Emphasis brace prevents displacement under load. It is set in the most loaded places. Most often in the corners.

Errors in the construction of the foundation, which should be avoided
the base quality of life affects the structure of the service as a whole. To provide sufficient durability to avoid typical mistakes. They may be allowed on stage:
- design. Incorrect calculation or selection of a suitable type of carrier can significantly reduce the substrate as a whole;
- base training. The platform should be formed from dense or well-compacted soil;
- formwork installation. Improper or insufficient spatial orientation tight fastening the individual elements will not support the weight of the form of poured concrete;
- reinforcement. It is not necessary to use a smooth fitting. Rods must be thicker than 12 mm, arranged in several layers and are rigidly interconnected;
- concreting. At this stage, a typical error is to use the composition with an unsuitable strength properties or viscosity level.

Save on formwork arrangement: available options
Reduce the need for possible arrangement of formwork using scrap sheet materials to form a sealed form. Most often the choice is made in favor of the steel sheet, Slate. This significantly reduces the cost of construction, but it complicates the assembly of the structure. There is always a risk of leakage of filled mixture. It is necessary to provide for additional support. In most cases, such a variant is used in the construction of small buildings.

Also to reduce costs is to abandon the one-time pouring the foundation. On the strength characteristics of the base is barely affected. But the costs will decrease significantly. The division may be performed by:
- horizontally. Fill layers is advantageous to perform at a great depth of emplacement. The work can be divided into 2 - 3 steps. After hardening of the first layer is removed from above laitance. Formed rough, uneven surface with better adhesion characteristics. Formwork is dismantled. Panels raised above, capturing already-drenched part. Pouring the next layer is produced;
- vertical. The foundation is divided into several parts. Set formwork. Inside knit reinforcing cage, the longitudinal rods which must go beyond the boundaries of the established form. Filled part of the foundation. 7 - 8:00 frame is removed and transferred to a new location.
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