When arranging foundation at home, the most accurate implementation of the technology is required, you cannot argue with that. After all, how long the building will stand will depend on the strength of the base. However, novice builders often make mistakes at this stage of construction - when reinforcing the future foundation. And if some are not as critical, there is one that can significantly affect the strength of the base. Today we will talk about a dangerous mistake made by amateurs when reinforcing, along the way, considering the rest.
Read in the article
- 1 Permitted errors when reinforcing the foundation and pouring it
- 2 What does the absence of L-shaped elements in corners and joints lead to?
- 3 There are no screeds or U-shaped elements in the frame: why are they needed
- 4 Why do you need formwork waterproofing from the inside?
- 5 Pouring the foundation: mistakes made in the process
- 6 Finally
Permitted errors when reinforcing the foundation and pouring it
Unfortunately, mistakes are made both at the stage of reinforcement and when pouring the foundation. As a result, a person receives not the required monolithic element, but a set of beams. Let's outline the main mistakes, and then consider them in more detail.
Among them, the most common are:
- the absence of L-shaped elements in the reinforcement cage when organizing corners;
- absence of screeds or U-shaped elements throughout the frame;
- the formwork is not lined with waterproofing material;
- non-observance of the time intervals between the fillings of the foundation layers.

Some of these mistakes are not so critical, but they should not be allowed either. Especially if two or more floors are being built.
What does the absence of L-shaped elements in corners and joints lead to?
Often, when arranging the corners of the frame, home craftsmen simply put perpendicular rods one on top of the other and tie them together. At the same time, even if someone points out a mistake to them, they brush it off, saying that they have already built it like this, the house has been standing for 10 years - and there are no problems. Here you need to understand that a one-story house with a massive foundation, standing on solid ground is one thing, and a two-story house, and even on a modern narrow belt or pile-grillage - completely different.

The corners of the reinforcing cage, as well as the parts adjacent to them, must be reinforced using L-shaped or U-shaped elements. Otherwise, ground movements, if they are significant, can simply break the connection. Of course, it is not a fact that this will happen, but this is quite possible. Is it worth the risk because of the minimal savings reinforcing rods?

There are no screeds or U-shaped elements in the frame: why are they needed
This error is more serious. It is she who leads to cracking and destruction of the foundation. And if the rupture of the base due to the absence of L-shaped elements is a rarity, then here the foundation is weakened by compression. That is, the weight of the whole house presses from above for a while, after which it simply flattens the base.
When installing the reinforcing cage, after laying the first layer of rods, the second one is arranged, a little higher. It is between these "floors" that the installation of unifying elements is required. They reinforce the structure in compression. Saving here is not just dangerous - it is destructive. And in general, if the owner took up the construction of a house, he is interested in the dwelling standing as long as possible and being safe. It is clear that you do not want to spend too much, but you can imagine how much the cracks will cost, and then the destruction of the foundation.

Why do you need formwork waterproofing from the inside?
When arranging the formwork, before pouring concrete, it is necessary to waterproof the inside of it. And this is what is done for this. No matter how ideal the formwork seems, there will still be cracks in it. At least at the junction with the ground. And the soil also plays a role here.

So, when pouring concrete into the formwork without waterproofing through the cracks, as well as into the soil, moisture begins to leave, and with it, part of the cement suspension. At the same time, a decrease in the share cement weakens concrete, and the absence of the necessary moisture contributes to the appearance of shrinkage cracks. It would seem a trifle, some kind of film was not laid. And the result is a big problem.

A small digression. When laying the waterproofing film, it must be well fixed (this applies to the base). Otherwise, folds appear, which in the end will have to be plastered, because they spoil the appearance.
Pouring the foundation: mistakes made in the process
Very often builders, filling a part of the formwork with concrete, decide that "enough is enough for today." As a result, the concrete is topped up the next day, or even later. This is categorically unacceptable. With such a fill, it turns out that the foundation becomes not monolithic and has continuous reinforcement, as it should be, but in the form of two separate concrete beams, connected by reinforcement. Let's try to figure out what this can lead to.

Over time, moisture that appears between these beams leads to corrosion of the reinforcement, weakening it, and ground movements complement the destructive process. The result is not difficult to predict, the fittings simply come off. Of course, this will not happen in a year or even in 10 years, but still - is it worth the risk? It must be remembered that the maximum time interval between fillings of layers is 2 hours.
The foundation of the house is the most important element that ensures the durability and stability of the home. It is impossible to admit hackwork here, because it will be extremely difficult to correct mistakes, and sometimes even impossible. Don't think about petty savings here. After all, if later the foundation begins to collapse, the house itself will collapse with it. This is worth thinking about.
We hope that the information presented today will be useful for novice builders in their hard work. If you still have questions, you can ask them in the discussions below. HouseChief editors will definitely answer each of them as soon as possible. There you can also comment on what you read or share your personal experience, if any. We will be grateful if you appreciate our work, it is very important for us. And finally, as has already happened, there is an interesting video that will help to more fully reveal the topic. Take care of yourself, loved ones and be healthy!