Drainage around the house - it literally saved on the site, which is periodically flooded by groundwater. If this problem occurs every season, it is necessary to do so, otherwise, the foundation, and with it all the structure for a long time can not stand. ABOUT drainage portion better to take care of before the start of construction, but, in principle, possible to protect the house and after. How to do it correctly - in this review from HouseShief edition.
Drainage system - the only effective way of dewatering periodically flooded portion
Read article
1 In some cases it is necessary drainage portion
2 Types of drainage systems
2.1 surface drainage
2.2 Deep drainage type
3 Drainage around the house: types of structures
3.1 the near-wall drainage
3.2 trench system
3.3 Catchment materials drainage systems
4 Two variants of installation of drainage system with their own hands
5 Common errors in the drainage
In some cases it is necessary drainage portion
We begin with a definition. What is the drainage? This drainage system consisting of interconnected pipe with special openings pass water. The system removes moisture from the plot, not allowing it to stagnate in the soil.
It looks like a drainage pipe
The tube walls in the upper part thereof, is made perforation, which freely allows moisture from the drain channel, the buried gravel-sand mixture. All pipes are laid with a slight slope to ensure the natural water outflow to the reception pit. This tank is dug at the lowest point in the system.
Why is it so important drainage in some areas?
First of all it is necessary to stipulate that not every plot of land needs drainage system. Before making a decision about its arrangement, it is necessary to examine the actual state of affairs in different seasons
If your yard long standing puddles, and in constantly damp basement - this is the case. But if these do not have obvious symptoms - do not rush, because such work and materials for their production are expensive. Also, if the area is dry, you risk to disturb the natural water cycle and, for example, lose the garden, which is simply not enough natural moisture.
So, some obvious signs that tell you that you need to drain:
plot of land is located on the slope, eroding soil and water during rain. For such a situation need to build drainage channels across the descent, so they sent the water in your direction;
Courtyard is located in a valley, in which the slopes of the stormwater drain. In this case, make drainage around the perimeter;
the house is located on level ground, but the water there is no natural flow, and it is slowly absorbed, long zastaivayas on the site. This arrangement requires the laying of the drainage network.
Excess moisture in the soil is capable of not only hopelessly damaged house foundation
Waterlogging will lead to the destruction of paving, death plants and constant mudslides.
Types of drainage systems
If we consider drainage in terms of placement in the ground, it is possible to divide it into surface and groundwater. In turn, underground drainage may have a ring structure or Plast.
Different drainage systems and the type of materials used. They are Sediment or pipe. The outflow of water can be independent, or forced, when special pumps are used, which are called slurry. Such devices may pump water even with extraneous contents only when grain size is less than 1 cm.
surface drainage
It is the most primitive type of gutter, which will save from excessive waterlogging. This circuit is good because it does not require drastic alteration of the site and entails the least cost.
Such a surface water drain is also suitable for removing moisture falling from the roof
Open drainage can be linear or dotted. Spot - a local diversion, for example, downspout to the roof. The water in this case falls into the storm-water inlets, equipped with a filter for garbage collection.
The linear model allows to remove water with a small area. In an open system, the channels to a depth of two feet and a width of about 40 cm. These channels have a slope towards the intake chamber, and latticesDelaying surface debris. Typically, these channels are filled filtering material: sand or gravel.
They faithfully serve you for about five years, and then backfill will have to change, because it is clogged with soil
Deep drainage type
Deep drainage - is more powerful compared to the superficial system, which diverts water from melted snow and heavy rainfall. It works fine in the lowlands, in places with clay and loamy soils. This system is assembled of perforated pipes which are placed in the trench Sediment. The whole network is fixated on the tank assembly.
Deep drainage around the house may consist of several wells installed near buildings
Water from these wells is pumped. Another option - the radial drainage. Here is the center of the well, and drainage pipes come to him from all over the area. This type of drainage is more suitable for large areas.
Drainage around the house: types of structures
By itself, the drainage pipe will not help you cope with the water discharge. It must be remembered that only a system with well thought-out tanks, trenches, slope and fillers can effectively protect house foundations from destruction.
the near-wall drainage
If your home country has a basement or a deep cellar, it is better to use this type of wastewater. It lay still under construction, to backfill the main excavation.
Such a system is located around the perimeter of a manhole and the main well, and which gets extra moisture, which is then pumped by the pump
Important! At the wall system must be earthen castle at a distance of not less than two feet from the wall.
For more information about near-wall drainage in this footage:
trench system
Trench embodiment is located at a distance from the base is not less than 1.5 meters. This system effectively protects the house without a basement or plinth.
The distance between the drain passage and the foundation is filled with clay, which will not pass the water to the bottom of the house
Important! Any system or pristennaja trench, laid deeper than the foundation, at least half a meter. Only in this way the house will be protected from the rise of groundwater.
Catchment materials drainage systems
Used for drainage plastic and asbestos cement pipes with holes. Recently, preference is given to it polymeric materials. The reason is simple: these channels are not subject to corrosion, easy to install and do not tend to accumulate debris.
Smooth wall of such pipes is easy to clean
Moreover, modern plastic is durable and extraordinary durability. Their only drawback - the instability to mechanical stress. This circumstance dictates special conditions laying drainage channels and protection against excessive load, such as at the entrance.
As for the reception wells - here, too, leading plastic as a sealed and durable material
Two variants of installation of drainage system with their own hands
If you have a problem with the rise of groundwater, it is necessary to put a deep drainage. For this type of geotextile is required, special perforated pipeThree viewing and collecting one well, and drainage pump for pumping water. Immediately think of where the pump will pump out water: Ideally, this could be the slope, where there are no residential areas. The algorithm works as follows:
Description of the action
The depth of the trench around the house should be lower than the level of groundwater. If the house is worth, retreating from foundation 50-100 cm, so as not to violate its integrity.
Place the tube on geotextile, checking bias via beacons and construction level. A piece of geotextile should be of a size enough to wrap pipe backfilling with gravel.
System turns on, set the manholes. They allow to monitor the perimeter of the work and not let water stagnate in the corner points.
Meta tie drains into the well also need to check the level in order to prevent the return of water outflow.
Fill the tube with gravel and wrap geotextile. Gravel will filter the water and geotextile will not allow the system to quickly overgrown ground.
At the bottom of the well core set drainage pump, which is automatically switched on when a certain water level, to prevent backflow of water in the drains.
As you can see, the system is working properly, and the water that enters the drain well, Relatively clean.
Surface drainage is done in the same way with the only difference being that the main task of the design - tap perched, so it is not necessary to bury. A trench dug a relatively shallow, only 40-50 cm, and it keeps all the same with drains geotextile and backfilling with gravel. The detailed process is described in the video material:
Common errors in the drainage
There are some difficult moments, without taking into account that it is difficult to create an effective drainage system. What is the most often mistakes beginners:
It is too little bias, because of what the water does not go away of its own accord, or even goes in the opposite direction. This initial error requires the dismantling of the entire system.
Drainage pipes do not meet the characteristics of the soil. Clayey soil quickly scored perforations. To avoid this situation, you need to choose the right geotextiles, which wrapped drains.
If you have purchased a ready-made structure without drainage system, you can always build drainage channels on the perimeter of the house, if necessary
If you are faced with the problem of drainage in the area and are ready to share their experience and write about it in the comments!