often backyards in the construction of various structures is not done foundation in the general sense of the word. Instead, on the perimeter and under piles driven into the walls of the future at a certain depth. But sometimes there is a risk that they will begin to "walk" in the soil sediment. How can protect yourself from this problem? This is the case has long been invented a method that will help to avoid this trouble, and he is known as a raft foundation. What it is, how to carry it out and how difficult such work - in these matters today, we will understand. Let's start, of course, with the general information.

Read article
- 1 Grillage - what it is and what it is for
- 2 What material can be made for the grillage pile foundation
- 2.1 Manufacturing pile foundation with monolithic grillage and its features
- 2.2 Wooden grillage apparatus as the most suitable method of manufacturing foundation
- 2.3 Metal base for buildings - in which case suitable such material?
- 3 Types grillage, their purpose, and the possibility of applying in different situations
- 3.1 The device strip foundation with the raft - the nuances of work
- 3.2 Raft foundation for a fence - how to carry out work on its implementation
- 3.3 Dolphin - what it is and what kind of raft foundation is necessary for him
- 4 Differences rostverkovyh-pile foundations underground supports for device type
- 4.1 The technology of bored piles with a raft and how to do everything with their own hands
- 4.2 Raft foundation on screw piles - its pros and cons
- 5 Basic dimensions of foundation grills - how to vary their dimensions
- 6 The different series of piled raft foundations: the most famous of their manufacturers
- 7 The device of pile raft foundation: the basic rules and regulations
- 7.1 Online calculator for calculating the load on the foundation structures considering grillage
- 8 The device of pile-foundation rostverkovogo hands - step by step instructions with photos examples
- 9 Finally
Grillage - what it is and what it is for
To begin, it makes sense to understand what the raft foundation that specifically invest in this concept. In fact, this special stud driven into or screwed foundation piles which can be made of any material. But, for example, log buildings it is absolutely not necessary. In such installations it takes over the role of the lower crown of logs.
It should be noted that the strength of a pile foundation raft is several times higher than in its absence. Sometimes it happens that without it you can not do at all. The interesting thing is that many engaged in the construction at the site and to manufacture a grillage pile foundation I do not even know how it's called.
At the same time come up with some kind of work their names, and other rank and does it to the base or to the building itself. Meanwhile, a separate and structurally necessary intermediate step. And then, if you ask how the work was done, they may even wonder, "Rostverkovy foundation? What is it anyway? I usually have a pile. " We hope that after today's review our readers such situations will not.

What material can be made for the grillage pile foundation
Grillage may be made of various materials. It all depends on the purpose and size structureAs well as the soil on which it is located. He can be:
- metal - there are different tees and I-beams;
- wood - it may be timber or logs;
- Concrete or reinforced concrete - it is shuttering, which is filled with a solution.
Let us consider these types in more detail.
Manufacturing pile foundation with monolithic grillage and its features
Sam monolithic grillage can be of two varieties:
- Boards - a single base will bind all the foundation piles;
- ribbon - piles will be connected around the perimeter of the walls and the carrier strip. It turns out a kind of elevated usual foundation.
Making pile raft foundation with a monolithic ceiling slab of the type is more expensive than on the tape, but the design will be much stronger and more reliable.

Important information! The reliability and quality of the finished ground beam will depend on the correctness of drafting followed by load distribution, selecting the type of structure and the formwork assembly. The same factors also affect the consumption of concrete.
But with all the strength of monolithic grillage on stilts to compression, such a foundation does not tolerate the breaking load. Therefore, when such device structures on swampy, "floating" ground better to choose another material.
To pre-calculate the costs for the execution of such works, it is possible to use such documents as the state estimated the elemental rules for construction works (GESN). The device is a monolithic grillage they clearly stated, including not only material, but also hours of operation of mechanized devices, if they are needed.

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Pile Foundation: calculation. If there are difficulties with reliable support on a plot selected pile foundation structure. With the materials of this article, any person will be able to draft their own without errors
Wooden grillage apparatus as the most suitable method of manufacturing foundation
As already mentioned, a wooden raft on the pier foundation can serve as the first crown of logs log. However, if collected, for example, skeleton bath, It is set apart. The best form for this will be a bar, the dimensions of which are capable of withstanding the weight of the structure.
An important tip! Grillage of timber must be as carefully as possible to impregnate a special compound that prevents rotting and protects against mold, fungus and insects. Nowadays, the range of such products is large enough on the shelves of hardware stores. In a pinch you can use an ordinary varnish. Remember that on the processing quality of life of the foundation depends on, and hence the entire structure as a whole.
The device grillage of timber on the pier foundation - is the easiest and cheapest option. Thus, the tree is more resistant to stress fracture, but because such designs are the most common. Of course, if you plan to build a two- or three-storey building is better to use a more solid foundation, but for baths or at home in one floor of the raft foundation will be quite enough.

Metal base for buildings - in which case suitable such material?
Metal grillage too bad, but the device is more expensive than wood. The fact that heavy I-beams or T-bar to manually pick up on the pile is problematic, and therefore have to order equipment. And this is the additional cost and time. In addition, the metal subject to corrosion, and therefore need additional treatment. If there is insufficient material to prepare the anti-corrosion coating materials, it will let the work and all the protection will start to flake off within two to three years.
Despite the fact that the metal itself is strong enough as compression and fracture, may deter many from using the complexity of installation. There will be needed skills welding work, Because of the quality of the weld, too much depends.

Important! Welds require special and more thorough treatment. They are susceptible to corrosion more than the rest of the raft foundation.
Types grillage, their purpose, and the possibility of applying in different situations
On types of monolithic grillage we have already mentioned in general terms. And now it's time to talk about it in more detail. Perhaps this information will help the handyman to decide for themselves the basic question - how to start a foundation device.
The device strip foundation with the raft - the nuances of work
Let's start with the fact that if it is assumed strip foundation, And the piles under it will be hammered or screwed into the ground in a special way. And there is an explanation. The fact that the piles step in tape grillage should be somewhat less than that allowed in the slab.
Important information! The more often will be located bearing pile foundation grillage with a belt, the better, but too frequently, too, not worth it. Fanaticism in this case to anything.

It should be understood that the distance between the piles will depend largely on the ground. After all, the laws of physics, the smaller the number of piles will be located under the raft, the more pressure they will exert construction. Just by pouring piles (bored if selected option), you must remember reinforcement - this step is optional.
Raft foundation for a fence - how to carry out work on its implementation
grillage for fence any difficulties in the device is not intended. It can be both monolithic and wood or metal. The main objective here - to calculate the installation of piles in such a way that one of them is necessarily under the support fenceWithout which it does not build. For example, if it is decided that one section will be a length of 3 m, and wherein the timber is made of a grillage, it makes sense to hammer the pile every half meter. But they can not be required at two-meter section of intermediate support points. But this, if not planned concrete sections that weigh a lot. In this case, under the grillage fence better to make a metal or a monolith.

Dolphin - what it is and what kind of raft foundation is necessary for him
In simple terms, a bush - a few piles, united by one raft. For example, we can take the same fenceWhich passes through the marshland with unstable soil. Then, in some places piles can "swim". Only one thing - to use the dolphin.
To make this happen, you do not need to install in an unstable place one pile, as it was designed by direct sampling. Here it is necessary to act a little differently. Mark up to this point, an isosceles triangle with sides of 0.5 m (for example) so that the center of it was exactly on the straight line fence. After that 3 are driving piles in the corners and combine their raft. Of course, work is added, but also the strength of such a construction will be many times higher. Thus a pier foundation raft to pile bush is much more resistant to ground movement, and thus more reliable.

Differences rostverkovyh-pile foundations underground supports for device type
According to the type of pile foundations are following technologies:
- Bored grillage;
- foundation on screw piles.
If you pay attention to the device of the raft foundation, then no difference will not be able to find. The whole point is in the device and installation of piles for the foundation. It is on this right now, and we will dwell.
The technology of bored piles with a raft and how to do everything with their own hands
Bored with the foundation raft - it is more expensive, but at the same time more durable and resistant variant. If the pile penetration is not too large, it is possible to perform all the work with his own hands, without spending money on labor professionals.
On the complete step by step guide we will talk a little later, and now in general consider the technology works. Sami burial can be done with a garden drill, but if you need a decent depth or soil does not allow himself to do the job, you will have to call the technique. The main task here - correct and accurate markings, which will be placed piles.

Reinforcement is made simple enough. The drilled hole is lowered a few rods in such a way that they are stuck on top of at least half a meter. This is useful when subsequent grillage device. Any specific binding for rods fittings is not required but, if you wish, it does not hurt. It thus carried out on the raft foundation bored piles. Of course, not mentioned a number of intermediate work, but in general it should be understood. Just do not do without insulation bored with grillage foundations, HoBCO time. We definitely will explain in detail all of these stages.

Raft foundation on screw piles - its pros and cons
There's an easier way than the drilling of wells and fill them with concrete. If you are planning the construction of a conventional bath, You do not need such a complex and solid foundation (although the specific characteristics and should have it). In this case, the most appropriate would be a screw pile-raft foundation. Technology is as follows. Not too thick metal pipes which are used as piles, have at the end some sort of small pointed screw. With it, scrolling the tube and driven into the pile to the required depth. If it is not too large, you can accomplish this by using scrap. If the ground hard or rocky, and the need to bury decently, will have to call a special technique.
Once shipped pile to the desired depth, they are combined with grillage formed by any of the known methods.
Important information! In the pile-screw grillage construction can not be set high to 2-3 floors, especially if the unstable soil.

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The foundation on screw piles with their hands. This technology is used to accelerate the construction is not too heavy buildings and other architectural structures. In this article you will find a step by step construction of structures and useful advice from professionals.
Basic dimensions of foundation grills - how to vary their dimensions
Since this difficult topic, it can be said that the detailed information on the rules for calculating the height rostverkovyh foundations, as well as other dimensions of ordinary man in the street is unlikely to be useful. The fact is that even knowing all the necessary computation formula, a person not connected with design, Calculate all unlikely to be correct. That is why try to describe a topic such as the size of pile foundation grillage, as easy as possible and in general terms.
Let's try to understand how the load will be distributed after the full completion of the building. If we turn to the exact sciences, that when properly erected load must be distributed evenly on the raft foundation, which (in turn) are scattered it on all involved piles. But it should be understood that, if present in the construction of vertical support beams, they should be directly above the pile. In this case, the load is distributed so that it is not the most powerful grillage it easily withstand. Specialists are free to calculate what sizes are needed Pile Foundation in the context of all dimensions.

An important tip! It is quite possible to do without the help of engineers in such work under the condition that made the construction of baths, nice shed or warehouse. If the planned construction of capital at home, it's best to attract professionals.
The different series of piled raft foundations: the most famous of their manufacturers
In principle, it is possible to buy ready-made gratings, but here need to learn quite a lot of documentation. The fact that the series grillages enough, and each is different from each other strength, size, resistance to corrosion and has a plurality of parameters.
"SK PromTehStroy Ltd." The most famous producer of reinforced concrete raft foundations from 35 tons a Russian company. But such large gratings they are carried out only on request. For less overall preliminary agreement is not required, they are always available. As for the production of reinforced concrete raft foundations from 50 tons, can be ordered similar to DSC Ltd. "grillage", and the cost is in quite a tidy sum.
But for private construction in the area requires a lot of smaller dimensions, so it is worth considering a series of grills on the Russian markets, which are available in almost every city.
Series | Size, mm | Weight, t | The average cost, rubles. |
FL 8-24-3 | 2380h 800h300 | 1,15 | 3 000 |
FL 10-24-3 | 2380h1000h300 | 1,38 | 3 800 |
FL 12-24-3 | 2380h1200h300 | 1,63 | 5 005 |
FL 14-24-3 | 2380h1400h300 | 1,90 | 6 080 |
FL 16-24-3 | 2380h1600h300 | 2,15 | 7 120 |
FL 03/12/28 | 2800h1180h500 | 2,82 | 10 200 |
FL 03/12/32 | 3200h1180h500 | 3,23 | 14 050 |
It turns out that to buy such products is not difficult. But it is necessary to understand that without a crane in this case, can not do, and this is another cost item. Standard gratings for pile foundations, which have been presented, are not the full range of companies involved in their manufacture. These series are given to understand in general terms the value of the finished product and compare the costs (for planning autographic manufacturing grillage).

The device of pile raft foundation: the basic rules and regulations
According to the requirements, it can be considered a raft and concrete pillowAnd therefore it can not be ignored. Such a pile-rostverkovy foundation is designed in such a way that the formwork is installed only on the side walls. The lower part of it replaces the ground.
An important tip! If you plan to extract the lateral formwork walls after drying raft foundation, they should miss the mark by special trains. If you can not buy this kind of mixtures, can be used instead of conventional grease.
Roughly calculate the pile foundation with a raft can be independently, but (as already mentioned) to residential buildings this should not be done if there is no such experience. Economic structures under the ban did not fall. Compliance with and enforcement of raft foundation under the scheme is mandatory, even the slightest deviation from the size is not allowed.
Now with regard to the distance between the piles. You can calculate it for a long time or do as little as possible (which is wrong), but there is another option. According to the SNP, the distance between piles in grillage should not be less than a meter. If you plan on building structures without the project, to insure piles can be installed at a distance of 1 m apart or slightly wider, depending on the load-bearing vertical beams.

Tip! Knowing the value of the project walls, the roof, the material to be used in the construction and the volume of raft foundation, calculate the load, which will have to bear the foundation will be easy. To do this, just use the calculator, shown below.
Online calculator for calculating the load on the foundation structures considering grillage

The device of pile foundations with a raft - it is very difficult. But at the same time, if you gradually understand the essence of the work, it is quite interesting to do. All the more so when done with your hands - it's much nicer than if the construction was carried out by the contractor. And at a cost of independent work will much cheaper. Yet we should not forget that not only theoretical knowledge is necessary for the proper preparation of for example drawings, reinforcement of pile foundation grillage or device. The most important in this business experience. That is why one should start small. Small buildings on the site are always needed - that with them, and we should start.
The device of pile-foundation rostverkovogo hands - step by step instructions with photos examples
Illustration | work in Progress |
![]() | To begin by marking territory, it is necessary to drill a hole to the desired depth. This work can be done manually if there is no need too deep drilling. It is recalled that the pile should be kept below the freezing depth |
![]() | These are neat well have turned out. During the extraction of the drill into the borehole can pour a bit of land. It's not scary, and without it you can not do, and therefore have to accept |
![]() | Further, the well is omitted fittings and poured concrete. Driving reinforcement pile foundation grillage not complicated to cope with it even the person completely unfamiliar with this |
![]() | Now on the markup you need to dig a trench and link reinforcement cage for the very raft foundation (it is specified by arrows). Digged in the bottom of the ditch should be sure to lay a roofing material. |
![]() | formwork raft foundation for going too easy. It is filled with concrete and left for two days (minimum) |
![]() | It should be noted that the ends of the reinforcement of the piles have remained stuck above the raft foundation. Subsequently, they will be useful |
![]() | The last step after dismantling of formwork is necessary to lubricate all surfaces grillage or tar cover flashing. Top strip of roofing material should lay |
Approximately in general and occurs apparatus pile foundation raft with a depth of freezing. Pros and cons of such a work, we have already discussed today, but by the time to move to a generalization of all the information received.
The device rostverkovogo pile foundation - it is very difficult and time-consuming. Yet sometimes no other options. It should be noted that it is not worth all the buildings on the site to put on these piles. If you plan to install Baths of logsThen carry out work on the device pile cap is absolutely not necessary. Regardless of its size, it will not be bored enough, and conventional screw piles. They will only need to bring on a level, and then install the first row of logs, which will thus raft. And what if an extra and unnecessary work?

Further, with regard to projects and transactions. If there is no necessary knowledge and experience, it is not necessary to go into the jungle. Even if all the calculations are obtained, not the fact that a huge number of formulas are not error crept. But the wrong calculation of grillage and piles - the straight road to the collapse of the structure. It is therefore better to turn to professional designers for the job.
With regard to implementation of the works themselves, there is already possible to carry out all by yourself. The only thing that it is better to pay - is the delivery of concrete. In fact alone can not get high concreteOr part of the piles will be strong, and some begin to crumble with time under the ground. Say what it may lead, probably not worth it.

And last for today. Accuracy and attention - this is especially important in the production of such works. So, watch out for everything that happens, consult the project and the main thing - do not hesitate to ask for advice from knowledgeable people (of course, if you believe that a person "pros" and not a "layman").
At present, that's all. If you have questions - welcome to the discussion. Well, finally, we offer a short video on the topic: