No one will argue that the durability of the entire structure of the house directly depends on the reliability of the base. But few people mean not just the foundation, but the soil under it. Yes, it is from the site of soil that the house begins, and not from the foundation. And if you want to build a house that can be passed on to your grandchildren, you need to start by preparing the site.
Read in the article
- 1 How the condition of the soil affects the building
- 2 Splitting as a reliable method of preparing soil for a foundation
- 3 Advantages of soil splitting under the foundation
How the condition of the soil affects the building
So, as you already understood, the house does not start from the foundation, but from the construction site. Many individual developers rely on their intuitive knowledge when planning the foundation, while neglecting important calculations that would help to avoid many mistakes.

Why is such a miscalculation allowed? Yes, everything is very simple: engineering and geological surveys are not cheap, and many prefer to spend this budget on building materials, rather than on paper. Self-builders rely on chance and on the experience of neighbors, attract cheaper teams to work, order mini-excavator for a trench and just pour concrete, without thinking about the fact that they put a cross at the initial stage on the whole undertaking.
Splitting as a reliable method of preparing soil for a foundation
To properly prepare the place for the foundation, it is not enough to fill in sand and crushed stone.

How is it done in most cases? A layer of sand of 10-15 centimeters is poured, on it - the same layer of rubble, and on top - concrete. Without compaction after pouring, it turns out that air chambers in the rubble remain under the concrete, which, instead of draining water from the base, collect it.
And all this because the folding was not carried out. This term is called soil compaction with rubble.
How to do it correctly:
- an average crushed stone is poured into the bottom of the pit with a layer of 80-100 mm;
- crushed stone backfill is rammed, pressed into the soil in 2-3 passes.

By the way, road builders also use this technology, and on top of the middle fraction of crushed stone, they also fill in small ones, carrying out the splitting of crushed stone with crushed stone, which further increases the efficiency. When preparing the foundation, it is possible to add screenings over the middle fraction of crushed stone. This technique will help create a powerful buffer to support the foundation. It is also recommended to moisten the crushed stone a little during splitting in order to drive it more tightly into the pillow.
Advantages of soil splitting under the foundation
Let's start with the fact that in professional construction, the foundation splitter is used for especially important objects. You yourself understand that your own house will be such an object for you, so it is worth taking this technique into service.
The split base for the foundation is distinguished by its density, resistance to load, freezing and heaving.

On the one hand, such work will require additional costs, because the crushed stone will go about a third more than if you just covered the pillow without tamping. But on the other hand, a miser pays twice, you yourself understand that savings in construction are not always acceptable.
It only remains to add that it is best to use granite crushed stone for splitting, which does not have increased porosity and is strong enough to fulfill the task.
And some more useful information on preparing a site for a foundation:
How did you prepare the foundation for the foundation? If you have experience - share it in the comments!
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