Fan heaters: oil, gas, infrared, wall, floor

Fan heaters: oil, gas, infrared, wall, floor

Range of heating equipment, now offers domestic and foreign manufacturers, so broad that it is able to meet the needs of any consumer. At the same time work on the construction of new and improvement of existing housing heating devices are continuing, despite the fact that modern heaters already...

Choosing a water heater: electric, gas

Choosing a water heater: electric, gas

Hot water in the home is needed - no doubt about it, and projects of modern residential houses necessarily laid system of hot water (DHW). Apartment buildings supplied with hot water centrally - connecting the domestic hot water to the backbone heating plant, and the owners of cottages in the ab...

What heater is better: the oil or infrared?

What heater is better: the oil or infrared?

The heating season usually starts on schedule, despite the fact that the street for a long time is worth the cool weather. Many people try to heat your home heaters. But not always it is possible to make high quality. After a great deal in maintaining the desired temperature depends on the type ...

Pros and cons of halogen infrared heaters

Pros and cons of halogen infrared heaters

Increasing the room temperature to maintain a certain level of comfort or technologically required temperature by means of assemblies of various designs, called heaters. Among the many types of heaters there is a group of devices, whose operation is based on infrared (IR) radiation - waves gener...

How to choose a heat gun: electric, infrared, gas

How to choose a heat gun: electric, infrared, gas

For housing heating today uses many types of equipment with different energy source consumed, the principle of action, structure, capacity and a host of other features that allows you to choose the heater for the home, the most appropriate operating conditions and representations about consumer ...

Construction and use of an induction heater for the home

Construction and use of an induction heater for the home

Heating device, whose operation is based on induction heating, induction heaters are called. They are used both in industry and in everyday life, and in the industry of their use value can not be overestimated. Consider these devices in more detail. The apparatus and operation principle of the i...

🔌 Electric convector Model 2019, their characteristics

🔌 Electric convector Model 2019, their characteristics

On Heaters prohibited to hang clothes to dry, as it threatens the ignitionCONTENT1 Most electric convectors 2018-2019 years in a price category: A Review "successful" devices2 Most electric convectors in 2018-2019's price / quality ratio3 Most electric convectors 2018-2019 years on nominationsMos...

Quartz heaters for home energy-saving wall: types and device

Quartz heaters for home energy-saving wall: types and device

The style of the models can be completely different, so you can use these devices not only as heating, but also as decorative elements of the premises where they are installedCONTENT1 Quartz heater - what is it2 Types of heaters of silica sand3 Review of popular models - the price and specificati...

Best Micatermic Heaters: customer reviews, Polaris pros and cons of the device

Best Micatermic Heaters: customer reviews, Polaris pros and cons of the device

Battery on Micanites - modern cost effective device for home and gardenCONTENT1 What is it - Micatermic heater, and how it works2 Pros and cons of Micatermic heater in practical use3 Types Micatermic heaters for installation method4 How to choose the right power devices Micatermic5 How to use Mic...

Heaters infra-red radiation: how to choose?

Heaters infra-red radiation: how to choose?

Doctors say that in the children's room is not the place of infrared heaters.CONTENT1 The pros and cons of heating with infrared radiation2 As infrared heaters are used where3 The principle of operation of the infrared heater: features an internal mechanism4 Types heaters with infrared radiation ...