For housing heating today uses many types of equipment with different energy source consumed, the principle of action, structure, capacity and a host of other features that allows you to choose the heater for the home, the most appropriate operating conditions and representations about consumer aesthetics.
All these devices share a common parameter - field of application, that is designed for home heating, but because of their power is limited to the scope of domestic needs. However, the heating need not only housing, but also the administrative, cultural, industrial and other buildings with rooms large dimensions, not many of which maintain the desired temperature conditions using household heaters possible.
For this purpose, heating equipment is produced more power and intensity of the work, designed for heating and ensuring uniform heat large areas in a short time.

Consider the heat gun device, existing types of these units and their characteristics for use in different rooms of large, including domestic, destination.
What is a heat gun
Enlarge the definition is the following - it is a mobile or stationary unit to heat large premises (shopping halls, warehouses, garages, construction sites) through the directional flow of hot air.
Unit, depending on the type and structure may be disposed in the support housing equipped for convenience of moving wheels (alternatively - support feet), or be mounted on a mobile platform.

The general principle of operation of such heaters is as follows:
flow of cold air generated by a powerful fan is forced to heat through the hot heat exchanger of a heater and gun position manual override is directed in the desired direction.
Gun type Characteristics heaters
So how to choose a heat gun in a variety of heating devices manufacturer offers models do not just need to have at least a general idea of the options and functionality of these heating units, so consider a list of the main technical characteristics.
Depending on the type of heater used for heating the following heat exchanger energy:
- electricity;
- diesel fuel;
- solarium
- kerosene TS-1;
- waste oil;
- gas (natural and / or LPG);
- combination of several kinds of fuel.
Power - it comes unit generates an amount of heat that depends on the energy source consumed and ranging from 2 to 600 kW. The value of this characteristic is due to the area of the room, possible to heating the concrete form of a heat gun.
fan capacity - volume of air forced through the heat exchanger (120 to 5000 cubic meters / hr.), Which depends on the number of revolutions per minute of the motor and the propeller design. Blower motor may be in the 3-200 watt range.
The air flow rate at the outlet of heat exchanger It should correspond gun performance because the low speed would lead to overheating of the unit, and does not give too high time flow on heating while passing through the heat exchanger. This parameter in heat guns average power (up to 30 kW) is from 2.5 to 4 m / s and is an important factor when choosing the location of the heater location.

Low airflow after passing the heat exchanger - the parameter being in the range from 70 to 400 C. Values close to the maximum inherent Teplopushki for direct heating diesel.
Input voltage - characteristics of low power electrical devices and assemblies for diesel fuel and gas (air blower, ignition and automation of these units use current 220). High-gun-type heaters are connected to a network of 380 V.
The number of power modes - the majority of produced heat guns are equipped with two- or three-step system power control.
equipment of automation - modern units are equipped with control units modes of operation, fan speed, automatic temperature control system.
degree of fire safety - staffing system operating in automatic mode, the auto-refrigeration of the combustion chamber, the flame control, emergency cooling heat exchanger.
Mobility - stationary (movable but cumbersome) and portable (compact low and medium power).
The degree of noise - low noise (30-40 dB) and loud (40-70 dB).
The weight - residential units - 5-15 kg, for production purposes - up to 150 kg.
Knowledge of these characteristics help you navigate when searching for devices that are optimally suited to the specific operating conditions.
types teplopushek
Consider the three main groups of heat gun type heaters, united views of its energy by tapping their strengths and weaknesses.
electrical Teplopushki
These infrared heaters are metal casing of cylindrical or rectangular geometry, wherein the heater has a tungsten coil, a fan, and a control system and security.
Infrared heaters gun type on the basis of heaters, though are more inertia, when Selection of the preferred spiral models - tubular heaters are durable open spirals performance. In addition, the heating elements is safer - the consequences of accidental direct contact with them is easier than from touching the coil.
When you turn the unit into the TEN network or spiral start to heat upAnd fan - drive air through the heat exchanger. Electric heating elements are located on the working capacity of less than a minute, the air temperature stream leaving the heat exchanger rises and the effect of warming up this unit is achieved very quickly.
For safety and power-saving operation in an electric heat gun design enabled thermostat tripping heating elements for achieving temperature value or set by the user in case of overheating, the fan continues to work.
schematically, the electric household heat gun can be represented as follows:

1 - handle for moving;
2 - fan-blower;
3 - air before heating;
4 - support columns;
5 - heated air outlet;
6 - protective grating;
7 - a tubular or spiral heater;
8 - the control system (inclusion, thermal management, automatic protection device).
Design execution of electric infrared heaters gun type is diverse in both form the body, and by the color of paint, made of heat-resistant materials with corrosion properties.

The most important advantage of electric teplopushek compared with infrared heaters in other types of fuel is its environmental friendliness - the lack of any kind any combustion products, which makes them versatile device suitable for heating any purpose - residential, public, industrial.
Starting the heat gun on electricity produced by including in the network and therefore does not depend on the ambient temperature, which affects the characteristics of other types of fuel.
Operation of the unit eliminates the need to pre-purchase of fuel at the same because the duration of the electric heat gun is not restricted - no binding to available reserves.
Fuel oil heaters gun type
This group of devices designed for the consumption of the following energy:
- diesel fuel;
- solarium
- TC-1 (jet fuel).
In a separate subgroup highlighted heaters on the fulfilled lubricants having a different structure.
Teplopushki on diesel is placed in a body with it a fuel tank, a combustion chamber, an electric motor driven fan and a fuel pump.

The principle of operation of the diesel heat gun is as follows: pump delivers fuel from the tank to the nozzle to form the fuel-air mixture which, after ignition of the ignition system begins to heat the injected air fan flow.
unit security system consists of a timer, the flame monitoring device and automatic shutdown response when overheated.
Important! Diesel gun can be refilled with all the above types of fuel, except for waste oil. The difference in the heater at their application will be the chemical composition of the combustion products and intensity generation of heat due to the quality of fuel used and different characteristics present in it additives.
By heat gun on electricity these units, by definition, different views of an energy source and, therefore, design. The heating of the discharge air is supplied by burning the liquid fuel to the nozzle and contact with the heat exchanger.

Gun-type heaters on diesel is available in two design variations - direct heating method and indirect action.

In diesel guns direct action flow of heated air is injected into the combustion chamber, after which, together with the products of combustion of fuel fed to the room. Efficacy of these devices is higher than that of indirect action units - heat guns on diesel direct heating made up to 220 KW, but the presence of contaminants in a hot air stream imposes severe restrictions on the use of Equipment of this type - it is used for warming of technological facilities, structures and materials, where the presence of people short term.

The gun-type heaters on diesel fuel with indirect heating of the airflow injected air passes through the fan a heat exchanger heated by burning fuel from the outside, and therefore does not contact with the combustion products exhausted from the room by the sleeve vent.
Important! Heated fuel oil gun room, regardless of the classification of the heat source for heating the mind still should have good ventilation - kerosene or diesel fuel combustion is accompanied by an intense oxygen consumption of air.
Diesel heat indirect heat gun is suitable for use in areas with a long presence of people, but should take into account such an important factor as a significant level of noise it work.

Maximum power devices for household use produced by up to 90 kW, this characteristic tied and fuel consumption, which is measured in liters per hour, but varies depending on the installed on the machine mode. diesel fuel consumption by thermal guns except powerful units for industrial use (200 kW or more), amounts to approximately one liter 10 kW generated power.
Using kerosene accompanied by a more intense heat generation and less soot release, but the combustion of TS-1 products are more toxic than diesel fuel or diesel fuel.
Important! Refills heat guns on diesel fuel, regardless of the heating method is strictly forbidden to use gasoline, alcohol, acetone, dichloroethane, or other volatile organic solvents.

Diesel heat gun sensitive to fuel quality. Mechanical and chemical impurities are harmful to the unit components. But if the mechanical impurities trapped fuel filter, the chemical - leave carbon deposits on the spark plugs, fuel injectors, and fuel heat exchanger walls. Particularly sensitive to fuel grade heat guns foreign manufacturers. Therefore, sellers claims about the effectiveness, reliability and durability of diesel heat guns are based primarily on the quality of fuel used.
Gas heat guns
Like diesel, gas guns are divided into indirect heating device and having the same difference as the heat generators gun type liquid fuel - heating the heat medium (air) may occur in the combustion chamber or to be isolated from the burning gas in the nozzle, which determines the application area unit.
However, the content of the gas combustion products are harmful to human substances minimal, therefore the majority of manufacturers suggested household heat guns are direct gas heating devices, causes less heat loss and thus a higher Efficiency.
Important! Heated gas gun room should also be sufficiently ventilated - process gas combustion as a liquid fuel, is accompanied by the consumption of oxygen from room air.

Furthermore, subdivided into unit consuming liquified gas (propane, butane) and versatile units, having a gas pressure device structure stabilization, which allows to connect the unit to a gas line. Depending on the type of the consumed fuel gas, gas guns are differences in the characteristics of components:
- units are designed for different values of the fuel pressure at the inlet, since the network the gas pressure is 0.015-0.02 MPa, and the output gear cylinder - 0.036 MPa;
- different diameter injector nozzle, which is caused by a difference in calorific value and liquefied natural energy - bottled gas-calorie triple backbone.
Therefore, the use of a heat gun instead of liquid fossil fuels, if it is not provided by the rules of operation of the device is prohibited.

Important! Connecting heat generators designed for natural gas consumption, to the gas pipe should be made a licensed corresponding service. Gas heaters are at increased risk of equipment operation, so experimentation with replacement staff components, including an independent alterations heat gun or other gear nozzles different diameter, fire- and explosive.
Multifuel heat gun
This mobile and compact high power heating equipment for indoor and outdoor Use calculated consumption of several fuels - liquefied natural gas, diesel, kerosene. Translation unit from one fuel to the other is performed independently and presents no difficulty - the equipment is supplied with multiple sets of burners of different characteristics.
Power heat flux multifuel unit allows to distribute it to several duct diameters up to 500 mm, carrying out several simultaneous heating rooms or areas.

Applications of multi-heat guns:
- construction of: maintaining the temperature in the rooms during the production of construction and repair work, Space heating of production, storage, and use of temporary, drying of buildings after flood flooding;
- Industry: means basic, additional and emergency heating industrial premises, including the parking of vehicles, timber drying and structures after painting;
- agriculture: greenhouse heating, greenhouse and awning buildings, drying agricultural products.
Wide list of advantages of these heaters, especially high power, causes their high cost (from several hundred thousand rubles) and waste heat for housing, including due to the significant dimensions.
Heat guns waste oil
These heat generators, which are a kind of multi-guns, commonly referred to as more guns on working out. The main source of energy used by the equipment - the waste oil, so the operation of units for working off effect cheapness consumed fuel efficiency is different. However, the efficiency of heating equipment never evaluated cheap, so the price range for the industrial production of aggregates is between 50 thousand and several hundreds of thousands rubles.
Also produced on working out heating gun, which together with the waste oil can be used diesel fuel, kerosene, lubricants, unfit for its intended purpose and be recycling.

The principle of action guns for working off is to use the combustion energy to heat exchanger outlived oil resource located result of heating to a high temperature close to the state gaseous. Burning oil vapor accompanied by high heat generation in the almost complete combustion with minimal formation of soot and slag.
The design of guns for working out, causes them considerable size, which is justified by the powerful heat these units (up to 200 kW), so they are used for heating large production premises.
In the combustion of waste oil, a large amount of carbon dioxide in need of retraction, and therefore the use of such heat generators is tied to the venting system. Heat gun on working off a stationary, but its design can adjust the direction of a powerful the flow of hot air, which provides heating of premises of several hundred square meters with remote locations location.
All kinds of heat guns have higher compared to conventional heater power that or causes an increased consumption of energy, or, in the economy model, higher price unit. If a heat gun is purchased for home heating, it is necessary to weigh the need for the use of this particular device. Typically, as additional equipment for heating an apartment or house more often choose several heating devices and other types of less power, which makes it possible selectively varying the heating separate rooms.
In other words, the use of heat guns implies a large size rooms or certain economic (production) need.
The main essence of the article
- Heat guns - heaters consuming traditional forms of energy, but differing high power consumption and corresponding fuel.
- High performance heat guns implies the validity of their use in everyday life, so choosing a heater gun type, must be weighed against the degree of need for heating equipment with a capacity to consumption of energy was justified.
- That in the conditions of market saturation heating equipment heat gun to choose correctly, you must have an understanding of all kinds of gun-type units and their characteristics. The lack of information is fraught with the purchase of the unit, which operate in the existing conditions will not be possible.
- Given the increased consumption in most cases a heat gun energy source, it is necessary to assess their ability to provide the unit - the presence in the region of residence required type of fuel and its availability prices.
- If there are doubts about the feasibility of using a gun-type heating units for home heating, it is best stay on the choice of more traditional heaters, which range today will satisfy any need.