Range of heating equipment, now offers domestic and foreign manufacturers, so broad that it is able to meet the needs of any consumer. At the same time work on the construction of new and improvement of existing housing heating devices are continuing, despite the fact that modern heaters already represent complex units, equipped with all sorts of systems to enhance the functionality, efficiency and safety of operation instruments. The exception does not make up and oil radiators, whose number is estimated hundreds of models today, while their first samples were primitive and bears little resemblance to modern units. In addition to the mandatory components - heat exchanger and a heating element, oil-filled heaters are equipped with Today reliable control system and additional options that increase efficiency and ease of use of a heater.
Let us consider oil electric heaterHaving a fan design.

Appointment of the device and operation of oil-filled electric heaters
Oil heaters are designed to heat the premises of buildings of various purposes - residential, public, commercial, industrial, and, in accordance with a number of factors (room area, power unit, equipped walling insulation) may be used both as main and additional means heating.

Electric heater consists of a sealed metal casing, usually made of a conventional steel sheet thickness of 0.8-1.0 mm, 85-90% filled with insulating oil. In the lower part of the tank is mounted a heating element (heater) with the cable connection to a household power, which optionally compactly placed on the winding device. On the side of the housing is a removable metal panel, under which there are the control device and providing security operation unit derived from outside and controls the switches. The device is mounted on adjustable feet or, for ease of movement, equipped with small wheels.

The heater has a protective lacquer coating made of powder technology - to a hot body is sprayed special composition in powder form, after which the product is placed in an oven for final curing inflicted layer. This method of "staining" allows a heater not only durability of the coating, but a high degree of heat resistance and corrosion resistance.
For heating oil heater is turned into a household outlet, and then on the side panel manual power mode is selected and the thermostat set temperature, a wrought scratches.
TAN heating oil lower layer initiates the circulation of the coolant and the gradual complete its warm-up, whereby the surface of the heater is uniformly heated to a certain magnitude across area.
Hot oil cooler housing on-site gives warm room air, thereby causing the formation of convective flow - the movement of heated air upwards from the heat impact surrounding objects and returning down for later heating.
The phenomenon of convection is present during operation of heaters having heater and the heat exchanger design. A disadvantage of such units is the low rate of convective currents, causes a slow warming of the room.
Oil-filled heating units are powered by mains voltage of 220 V, not for operation require the installation of additional equipment, compact enough, simple and safe to use. This is not a complete list of advantages of oil heaters causes their consistently high demand consumer, which continues to grow with the appearance on the market of more and more advanced models of this type of heating units.
One of the varieties of oil-filled heaters is a model with a built-in fan.
Oil elektrootopitel fan
Everything said above about the oil-filled heater, applies to the versions of this unit - a model with a fan. But a fan equipping it possible to accelerate the process of heating the room, tied to the rate of convective streams - is forced into the air propeller quickly spread around the room and accelerates convection. In addition, by sending the air flow in the right direction, it is possible to focus the work of the unit at a certain facility, including in humans, as opposed to gas household heater with a fan, which is directed at the people can not.
device components
The fan comprises an electric motor and a propeller mounted on its axis. The apparatus is mounted on the under side of the heater housing cover having opposite place of its installation through slits decorative performance. The fan is equipped with an individual key inclusions situated outside of the side cover, and is started manually upon reaching the operating temperature of the heater. The propeller creates an air stream, heated by contact with the body when moving and escaping through the slots in the side cover. Oil heater with fan is set so that the slots are directed toward the object, in need of heating first.

When the need for directional heating the room disappeared, the fan is switched off, and further heating is carried out only by convection. room warm method in this case is reminiscent of the work of another heater for the home - IR with elektroizluchatelya fan.
Important! small thickness of wall models prevents the fan installation - Oil heaters only outdoor performance made with a ventilation system.
Parameter List of oil electric heaters with a fan does not differ from the list of characteristics of units without this option. We list the main ones:
- Power - 0.75 - 3 kW; input voltage - 220 V;
- number of sections - 7-11, the more sections - the greater area of heat transfer and the efficiency of the heater;
- the number of power modes - 1-3, a greater number of modes for smooth configuration and operating economy;
- the presence of the timer - reduces the degree of consumer participation in the management unit;
- equipment of humectant - neutralizes the negative side effect of the use of the unit consisting in the reduction of air humidity.
Determination of the required power of oil-filled heater with fan
The quantity of oil required power of the heater is determined based on the condition that heating of 10 m. floor space required 1 kW. To be precise, the 1 kW of power is required to heat 25 cubic meters. space volume, as rooms the ceiling height may vary significantly from 2.5 m to the next higher.
The magnitude of the required power of the oil heater at a choice influenced by a number of factors: the region, the presence of external walls Walling premises and their degree of insulation, orientation of rooms on either side of the horizon, area and method of glazing, heater status (primary or additional heating process), etc. Therefore, a more precise calculation advisable to perform a special calculator via power determination electric heater.
Using multiple units, the total power required is equal to the calculated more effectively than applying a high power heater, i.e., for example, 2 heater of 1.5kW efficient one in 3kW.
Important! The presence of the fan in the construction of the oil heater is not increased its capacity and the speed of warming up the room, and, at times not. The maximum effect of the fan - aimed at, the local heating of the subject or sector.
Criterias of choice
When buying oil heater with a fan is necessary to take into account most of the factors taken into account when purchasing the device without ventilation unit:
- so that the heater is not proved an obstacle, its dimensions must correspond to the dimensions of the room, and the probable location determined in advance;
- small unit weight indicates that the steel from which the shell is thin, and the volume of oil may be insufficient for safe use (danger of overheating);
- heater radiator must not have mechanical damage;
- space heating area of 30 square meters. We need to produce two or more heaters;
- efficient power supply purchased the heater must not exceed 50%, non-compliance with this rule will entail a higher consumption of electricity and dry air in the room;
- the instrument has to be accompanied by only a slight rustling of the fan;
- model with multiple modes of power and temperature control in small steps is preferable, since they maintain accurate temperature (plus or minus 1 degree) approaching the inverter;
- availability of protection in several levels (overheating, excess pressure relief, emergency shutdown) - a prerequisite;
- Wheels rolling preferably made of rubber - do not damage the floor finish;
- heater with fan for as low as below 2000 rubles device implies low quality;
- cord length is less than 2 m will limit the possibility of optimum arrangement of the heater - need extender;
- painted in dark tones heaters intensively emits infrared radiation;
- safe drying things on the oil heater - only with a special towel warmer.

Review of popular models
The probability of buying oil heater uniquely low quality today is very small - most models are above average and high performance. And yet we give examples of reliable products, well-proven in the Russian market.
DELTA D-25F-7 - oil-filled heater mechanically operated, heat capacity of 1.5 kW at a power consumption of 2.1 kW, voltage consumed 220/230 V.
outdoor execution radiator having seven sections, equipped with mechanical thermostat and automatic disconnection when overheated. The heater is equipped with a low noise fan and a system simulating a chimney effect.
Price from 2600 rubles.

Timberk TOR 31.2409 QT - oil 9-sectional radiator outdoor performance, mechanical temperature control, the heat generation capacity of 2.4 kW. The unit is equipped with a low temperature thermostat adjustment step fan systems chimney effect, frost protection and shutdown response when overheated.
Price from 2900 rubles.

Clever OMV-13c-2,9kVt - oil 13-cell version with a floor heater heating capacity of 2.9 kW. The unit is equipped with a thermostat, an automatic shut-off device in case of overheating, a fan and a chimney effect of the system. Selling price of 3900 rubles.

Fan in Oil heaters - detail, compared with the complex security system nodes, unimportant. However, testing the operation of oil-filled unit with a fan, there are two of its advantages - rapid warming space at the expense of compulsory blending of convective flows and the possibility of a certain directional heating subject. These advantages units with ventilation system certainly justify a slightly higher price of heating devices.
The main essence of the article
- Oil heaters - long-known consumer units which have proved convenient, safe and reliable devices.
- Despite the simplicity of the design and operating principle, oil-filled heaters keep improving and do not lose their consumer demand.
- The fan on the oil heater - a low-cost option, but significantly increases the functionality of the unit.
- With heating fan does not change the criteria for the selection of the unit, but it adds to the noise level of the propeller.
- Slightly higher price models of electric heaters with a ventilation system with a stock is justified by the increase in device functionality.